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Monday, September 18, 2017

Exxonmobil Confident, Production Target in Cepu Achieved

ExxonMobil Cepu Limited is optimistic that Banyu Urip Blok Cepu field oil production target in Bojonegoro, East Java will continue to grow until the end of 2017. Currently Banyu Urip Blok Cepu oil production in Gayam District, averages 200,000 barrels per day. Initially the production of this block is only an average of 185,000 barrels per day.

"We are optimistic that the government's production target will rise to an average of 201,600 barrels per day in 2017," said Vice President of Public and Government EXXonMobil Indonesia, Erwin Maryoto, Friday (15/9).

The optimism is that since June 2017, the Cepu Block field production has always been above 200,000 barrels per day. The effort to increase the oil production of Cepu Block field, without having to add equipment.

"The amount of flare gas flares remain the same as before," Erwin said.

Efforts to boost production from Banyu Urip Field is possible because the oil reserves there reach 729 million barrels. Erwin says even though the world oil price is still low, it does not cause EXXonMobil Cepu Limited to withhold or reduce production.

"Its production accounts for 20% of national oil production," he said on Friday (15/9)

US Ambassador Joseph R. Donovan Jr., reviewed the Banyuurip Blok Cepu field in Gayam District. Donovan also visited a learning center built on the initiative of ExxonMobil Cepu Limited.


Exxonmobil Yakin, Target Produksi di Cepu Tercapai

ExxonMobil Cepu Limited optimistis, target produksi minyak lapangan Banyu Urip Blok Cepu di Kabupaten Bojonegoro, Jawa Timur, akan terus bertambah hingga akhir 2017 nanti. Saat ini produksi minyak Banyu Urip Blok Cepu di Keeamatan Gayam, rata-rata 200.000 barel per hari. Awalnya produksi blok ini hanya rata-rata 185.000 barel per hari. 

"Kami optimistis, target produksi yang ditetapkan pemerintah naik menjadi rata-rata 201.600 barel per hari bisa tercapai pada tahun 2017 ," kata Vice President Public and Government EXXonMobil Indonesia Erwin Maryoto, Jumat (15/9).

Optimisme itu karena sejak Juni 2017, produksi lapangan Blok Cepu selalu di atas 200.000 barel per hari. Usaha meningkatkan produksi minyak lapangan Blok Cepu itu, tanpa harus menambah peralatan. 

"Besarnya pembakaran gas flare tetap sama dengan sebelumnya," ucap Erwin.

Upaya menggenjot produksi dari Lapangan Banyu Urip dimungkinkan karena cadangan minyak di sana mencapai 729 juta barel. Erwin bilang meskipun harga minyak dunia masih rendah, tidak menyebabkan EXXonMobil Cepu Limited menahan atau mengurangi produksi. 

“Produksinya menyumbang 20% produksi minyak nasional," ujarnya pada Jumat (15/9) 

Duta Besar Amerika Serikat Joseph R. Donovan Jr, meninjau lapangan Banyuurip Blok Cepu di Kecamatan Gayam. Donovan juga mengunjungi pusat kegiatan belajar yang dibangun atas prakarsa ExxonMobil Cepu Limited.

Kontan, Page-18, Monday, Sept 18, 2017

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