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Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Government Confident, Gas Production Can Beyond Target

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) noted that up to September 14, the national average annual gas production was 7,606 million standard cubic feet per day (mmscfd). This figure reached 96.61% of target work plan and budget in 2017.

"We are optimistic that we will be able to exceed the target of work plan and budget in 2017," said the Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry ESDM, Ego Syahrial last weekend.

His argument, a number of gas fields in Indonesia showed increased production. Proven gas production in Indonesia could increase in July 2017 ago. Data from the Directorate General of Oil and Gas show that the average gas production in July 2017 was 7,781 mmscfd. ESDM parties synchronize with the Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas)

"According to the data we have synchronized, there is an increase of 212 mmscfd compared to the previous month which amounted to 7,569 mmscfd," said Ego.

The increase from the average production of Pertamina EP which rose by 30.46 mmscfd compared to the previous 1024.26 mmscfd to 1.05452 mmscfd.

"There is an increase in production performance from the Matindok and Subang blocks," explains Ego.

The average gas production of ENI Muara Bakau also jumped from 192.39 mmscfd to 450.9 mmscfd or up 258.51 mmscfd. The gas increase was from ConocoPhillips Grissik Ltd at 153.49 mmscfd. This is due to optimal consumer absorption.


Pemerintah Yakin, Produksi Gas Bisa Melampaui Target

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) mencatat, hingga 14 September kemarin, rata-rata produksi tahunan gas nasional sebesar 7.606 juta standar kaki kubik per hari (mmscfd). Angka ini mencapai 96,61% target work plan and budget tahun 2017. 

"Kami optimistis akan bisa melampaui target work plan and budget tahun 2017," ujar Dirjen Minyak dan Gas (Migas) Kementerian
ESDM, Ego Syahrial akhir pekan lalu.

Argumen dia, sejumlah lapangan gas di Indonesia menunjukkan kenaikan produksi. Terbukti produksi gas bumi Indonesia bisa mengalami peningkatan pada bulan Juli 2017 lalu. Data Ditjen Migas menunjukkan produksi rata-rata gas bumi bulan Juli 2017 sebesar 7.781 mmscfd. Pihak ESDM mensinkronisasikan dengan Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) 

"Sesuai data yang telah kami sinkronisasikan, terdapat kenaikan 212 mmscfd dibandingkan bulan sebelumnya yang sebesar 7.569 mmscfd," ungkap Ego. 

Kenaikan tersebut dari produksi rata-rata Pertamina EP yang naik sebesar 30,46 mmscfd dibandingkan sebelumnya 1.024,26 mmscfd menjadi 1.05452 mmscfd. 

"Ada peningkatan performa produksi dari blok Matindok dan Subang," jelas Ego. 

Produksi rata-rata gas ENI Muara Bakau juga melonjak dari 192,39 mmscfd menjadi 450,9 mmscfd atau naik 258,51 mmscfd. Kenaikan gas Iain berasal dari ConocoPhillips Grissik Ltd sebesar 153,49 mmscfd. Ini disebabkan penyerapan konsumen yang optimal.

Kontan, Page-18, Tuesday, Sept 19, 2017

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