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Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Gross Split Revision Opens Incentive Opportunities

Contractor of cooperation contract (KKKS) welcomed the positive revision of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 8 of 2017 on Gross Split Distribution Contract. The revision contained in Ministerial Regulation 52/2017 is considered quite good for the upstream oil and gas industry.

Director of Medco Energi Hilmi Panigoro stated that the revision was good enough, especially about the flexibility of contract for KKKS.

"I think the new Ministerial Regulation is quite promising, especially the points concerning the flexibility of contracts associated with the economy of oil and gas fields," said Hilmi.

Upstream Director of PT Pertamina Syamsu Alam, who mentioned the addition of a split in the revised gross split will help the contractor to reach the oil and gas field's economy.

"The revision of the Ministerial Regulation I think is helping to improve the field economy and become the spirit of the investors to conduct exploration activities, because there is an incentive in the new Ministerial Regulation in the form of adding split," said Syamsu Alam.

Furthermore, Syamsu Alam also did not mention its objection to article 25A, in Ministerial Regulation 52/2017 which specifically mention that Pertamina must use gross split.

"Regarding the gross split, indeed all new contracts after termination will all use gross split," he added.

Executive Director of Indonesia Petroleum Association (IPA), Marjolijn Wajong said, there are some positive changes in the rules:

First, the increase in the number of split variables that will help the field economy.

Secondly, the addition of progressive split (gas prices) and the adjustment and increase in the magnitude of the existing progressive split to assist the field economy, especially in the early days of production.

Thirdly, there is no longer any limit to the incremental split incentives that the Minister may provide.

Fourth, giving incentives to the development of further fields after POD I.

"We also see that the optionality of the contract form in the extension is still maintained," her said.


Revisi Gross Split Buka Peluang Insentif

Kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) menyambut positif revisi Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 8 Tahun 2017 tentang Kontrak Bagi Hasil Gross Split. Revisi yang tertuang dalam Peraturan Menteri 52/2017 ini dianggap cukup baik bagi pelaku industri hulu migas.

Direktur Utama Medco Energi Hilmi Panigoro menyatakan, revisi itu cukup baik terutama soal fleksibilitas kontrak bagi KKKS. 

"Saya pikir Peraturan Menteri baru ini cukup menjanjikan terutama poin-poin yang menyangkut fieksibilitas kontrak dikaitkan dengan keekonomian lapangan migas," kata Hilmi.

Direktur Hulu PT Pertamina Syamsu Alam, yang menyebut adanya penambahan split (bagi hasil) dalam revisi gross split akan membantu kontraktor untuk mencapai keekonomian lapangan migas.

"Revisi Peraturan Menteri tersebut saya kira membantu memperbaiki keekonomian lapangan dan menjadi semangat para investor untuk melakukan kegiatan eksplorasi, karena memang ada insentif dalam Peraturan Menteri yang baru berupa penambahan split," kata Syamsu Alam.

Lebih lanjut Syamsu Alam juga tidak menyebutkan keberatannya terhadap pasal 25A, dalam Peraturan Menteri 52/2017 yang khusus menyebut agar Pertamina wajib menggunakan gross split.

"Mengenai gross split, memang seluruh kontrak yang baru pasca terminasi semuanya akan menggunakan gross split,"imbuhnya.

Direktur Eksekutif Indonesia Petroleum Association (IPA), Marjolijn Wajong bilang, ada beberapa perubahan positif dalam aturan itu :

Pertama, kenaikan besaran beberapa variable split yang akan membantu keekonomian lapangan. 

Kedua, penambahan progressive split (harga gas) dan penyesuaian serta kenaikan besaran terhadap progressive split yang ada sebelumnya untuk membantu keekonomian lapangan, terutama pada masa awal produksi. 

Ketiga, tidak adanya batasan lagi terhadap insentif penambahan split yang dapat diberikan oleh Menteri.

Keempat, diberikannya insentif pada pengembangan lapangan-lapangan lanjutan setelah POD I. 

"Kami juga melihat bahwa adanya optionality bentuk kontrak pada perpanjangan yang masih dipertahankan," ujarnya.

Kontan, Page-18, Tuesday, Sept 5, 2017

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