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Friday, September 22, 2017

Industrial Engineering Form Consortium of Gas Pipes

Downstream Regulatory Agency (BPH) Migas decided PT Rekayasa Industri still working on the Cirebon-Semarang gas pipeline project. In the construction of the gas pipeline, Fanshurullah Asa, Head of the Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas), said that Industrial Engineering will cooperate with PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas), West Java BUMD and Central Java BUMD.

The four business entities will form a consortium of Cirebon-Semarang gas pipeline construction. Until now the consortium has just entered the process of feasibility study and design.

"As per commitment, early July they are groundbreaking," Fanshurullah said

Members of the BPH Migas Committee, Jugi Prajogio previously also mentioned Rekind will also hold LNG infrastructure investor, Itochu in the construction of the Cirebon-Semarang gas pipeline project. Meanwhile, gas supply will come from Eni Jangkrik LNG.

The Cirebon-Semarang gas pipeline project has been neglected for almost 11 years because there is no gas allocation and gas buyers. The construction of the gas pipeline is planned to be built along 255 km. The total investment value reaches approximately US $ 400 million.

Fanshurullah stated, BPH Migas will appoint a project management consultant who will oversee day to day progress of PT Rekayasa Industri.

"Begin the feasibility study and investment stage until EPC," he said.

The cost of this consultant will be included in the investment cost. The consultant fund will be charged to the investment cost.


Rekayasa Industri Bentuk Konsorsium Pipa Gas

Badan Pengatur Hilir (BPH) Migas memutuskan PT Rekayasa Industri tetap mengerjakan proyek pipa gas Cirebon-Semarang. Dalam pembangunan pipa gas tersebut, Fanshurullah Asa, Kepala Badan Pengatur Hilir Minyak dan Gas Bumi (BPH Migas) mengatakan, Rekayasa Industri akan bekerja sama dengan PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas), BUMD Jawa Barat dan BUMD Jawa Tengah.

Keempat badan usaha tersebut akan membentuk konsorsium pembangunan pipa gas Cirebon-Semarang. Hingga saat ini konsorsium baru saja masuk dalam proses feasibility study dan desain. 

"Sesuai komitmen, awal Juli mereka groundbreaking," kata Fanshurullah

Anggota Komite BPH Migas, Jugi Prajogio sebelumnya juga menyebut Rekind juga akan menggandeng investor infrastruktur LNG, yaitu Itochu dalam pembangunan proyek pipa gas Cirebon-Semarang. Sementara pasokan gas akan berasal dari LNG Eni Jangkrik.

Proyek pembangunan pipa gas Cirebon-Semarang sudah terbengkalai selama hampir 11 tahun karena tidak ada alokasi gas dan pembeli gas. Padahal pembangunan ruas pipa gas ini menurut rencana dibangun sepanjang 255 km. Total nilai investasi mencapai sekitar US$ 400 juta. 

Fanshurullah menyatakan, BPH Migas akan menunjuk project management consultan yang akan mengawasi day to day progres PT Rekayasa Industri. 

"Mulai tahap feasibility study dan investasi sampai EPC," ujarnya. 
Biaya konsultan ini akan masuk dalam biaya investasi. Dana konsultan nantinya akan dibebankan ke biaya investasi.

Kontan, Page-18, Friday, Sept 22, 2017

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