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Friday, September 29, 2017

October, Jambaran-Tiung Biru Official So Pertamina

PT Pertamina will hold the majority ownership of 91%, at the Jambaran-Tiung Biru Project in the next two weeks. Now Pertamina and ExxonMobil are still completing the administration of the transfer of ownership rights.

As reported by letter No. 9/13 / MEM.M / 2017 dated January 3, 2017, the government through the Ministry of ESDM ordered Pertamina c.q. PT Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) to fully develop the JTB Field, and complete the process of transferring the field with a business scheme with ExxonMobil Cepu Limited. It is necessary that the Project Jambaran-Tiung Biru can be done immediately.

President Director of PT Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) Adriansyah said the company and ExxonMobil have reached agreement on the transfer of ownership. However, both still have to finalize the administrative problems of the agreement. Primarily, administrative affairs at ExxonMobil's internal headquarters-in the United States.

"This transfer of ownership is almost over, at most two weeks from now it's done. Hope it can be faster, "he said.

Prior to the transfer of rights, ownership, PEPC became operator and with ExxonMobil in Jambaran-Tiung Biru with 41.4% ownership portion. Regional-owned enterprises (BUMD) have 9.2% and the remaining 8% is controlled by Pertamina EP. When the transition is over, PEPC will control 82.8% ownership rights in the Jambaran-Tiung Biru Field. In addition to Pertamina EP, Pertamina holds 91% ownership interest.

He explained that the transfer of ownership rights is not the acquisition of participating interest (PI), but the application of a permanent sole risk scheme. That is, Pertamina took over the ownership of ExxonMobil in Lapangan Jambaran, as well as its obligations. Instead, ExxonMobil no longer holds any rights to anything in this project.

In fact, it must also bear the obligation to drill a well that had previously been ExxonMobil's quota. Originally, both Pertamina EP Cepu and ExxonMobil each financed the drilling of three wells. After the transfer of ownership rights is completed, these six wells must be funded by Pertamina EP Cepu.

"We are ready to drill two wells next year," he said.

The Jambaran-Tiung Biru project is planned for completion in 36 months. The investment required in the Jambaran-Tiung Biru Project is also the responsibility of Pertamina. The investment of this project has been cut from the beginning of US $ 2.1 billion in the plan of development (POD), to US $ 1.54 billion. Impact, PEPC must make adjustments to the price of procurement contracts such as the cost of information technology to the salary of the workforce.

After the transfer of ownership has been formally completed, after which the gas sale and purchase agreement (PJBG) with PT Perusahaan Lisirik Negara can be signed. Because the transfer of rights to the right to contain aspects of taxation. Thus, PJBG needs to wait for the transfer of rights process.

"If without tax ruling its forming factor (PJBG) is still variable," he said.

It hopes that the agreed gas price of US $ 7.6 per million british thermal unit / MMbtu flat during the contract period at PLN plant gate. It will also try to make the Project Jambaran-Tiung Biru can be completed on time. This is to say, if two things do not happen, the project economy will continue to fall. Although Pertamina has received 5% profit sharing, the contractor gets 45%.

The Jambaran-Tiung Biru project has a high complexity with 34% carbon dioxide and 330 million cubic feet per day / MMscfd gas processing facility. Meanwhile, the selling gas produced is 172 Mmscfd, of which 100 MMscfd will be sold to PLN and the rest is supplied to the surrounding industry.

The ground breaking of the Jambaran-Tiung Biru Project was carried out at the beginning of last week. Prior to that, Pertamina also has been working on the construction of wells and roads in the Field Jambaran-Tiung Biru. Not only that, engineering work (engineering) has also been done. With these advances, Pertamina is optimistic that the Jambaran-Tiung Biru Project will produce 2021.

Not just working on the upstream side, Pertamina is also building a transmission pipeline Gresik-Semarang through another subsidiary, PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas). The pipeline with an investment value of US $ 515.7 million will extend along 267 kilometers (km) with a capacity of 500 MMscfd. 

    The pipeline, equipped with 19 future connections, has the potential to channel gas to industries in seven districts along Central Java and East Java that pass through the pipeline. The project will start operating by 2018.


Oktober, Jambaran-Tiung Biru Resmi Jadi Milik Pertamina

PT Pertamina akan menjadi pemegang hak kepemilikan mayoritas, yakni 91%, di Proyek Jambaran-Tiung Biru dalam dua pekan mendatang. Kini Pertamina dan ExxonMobil masih merampungkan administrasi pengalihan hak kepemilikan ini.

Seperti diketahaui, melalui Surat No 9/ 13/MEM.M/2017 tertanggal 3 Januari 2017, pemerintah melalui Kementerian ESDM memerintahkan Pertamina c.q. PT Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) untuk mengembangkan secara penuh Lapangan JTB,dan menyelesaikan proses pengalihan lapangan dengan skema bisnis bersama ExxonMobil Cepu Limited. Hal ini diperlukan agar Proyek Jambaran-Tiung Biru dapat segera dikerjakan.

Presiden Direktur PT Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) Adriansyah mengatakan, perseroan dan ExxonMobil telah mencapai kesepakatan soal pengalihan kepemilikan tersebut. Namun, keduanya masih harus merampungkan masalah administratif dari kesepakatan tersebut. Utamanya, urusan administrasi di internal ExxonMobil yang berada di kantor pusat-di Amerika Serikat.

“Ini pengalihan hak kepemilikan sudah hampir selesai, paling lama dua minggu dari sekarang sudah beres. Semoga bisa lebih cepat,” kata dia.

Sebelum ada pengalihan hak, kepemilikan, PEPC menjadi operator dan bersama ExxonMobil di Jambaran-Tiung Biru dengan porsi kepemilikan masing-masing 41,4%. Badan usaha milik daerah (BUMD) memiliki 9,2% dan sisanya sebanyak 8% dikuasai Pertamina EP Bila peralihan usai, maka PEPC akan menguasai 82,8% hak kepemilikan atas Lapangan Jambaran-Tiung Biru. Ditambah jatah Pertamina EP, maka Pertamina memegang hak kepemilikan 91%.

Dijelaskannya, pengalihan hak kepemilikan ini bukan akuisisi hak partisipasi (participating interest/PI), melainkan penerapan skema permanent sole risk. Artinya, Pertamina mengambil alih porsi kepemilikan ExxonMobil di Lapangan Jambaran, sekaligus kewajiban-kewajibannya. Sebaliknya, ExxonMobil tidak lagi memegang hak atas apapun di proyek ini.

Secara nyata, pihaknya juga harus menanggung kewajiban pengeboran sumur yang sebelumnya menjadi jatah ExxonMobil. Sedianya, baik Pertamina EP Cepu maupun ExxonMobil masing-masing membiayai pengeboran tiga sumur. Setelah pengalihan hak kepemilikan selesai, ke-enam sumur ini harus didanai Pertamina EP Cepu.

“Kami siap melakukan pengeboran dua sumur tahun depan,” ujar dia.

Proyek Jambaran-Tiung Biru ini direncanakan selesai dalam 36 bulan. Investasi yang dibutuhkan dalam Proyek Jambaran-Tiung Biru juga menjadi tanggungan Pertamina. Investasi proyek ini sudah dipotong habis-habisan dari awalnya US$ 2,1 miliar dalam rencana pengembangan (plan of development/ POD) , menjadi US$ 1,54 miliar. Dampaknya, PEPC harus melakukan penyesuaian harga kontrak pengadaan seperti biaya teknologi informasi hingga gaji tenaga kerja.

Pasca pengalihan hak kepemilikan selesai secara formal, setelah itu perjanjian jual beli gas (PJBG) dengan PT Perusahaan Lisirik Negara bisa diteken. Pasalnya, pengalihan hak kelola tersebut mengandung aspek perpajakan. Dengan demikian, PJBG perlu menanti proses pengalihan hak kelola.

“Kalau tanpa tax ruling-nya faktor pembentuknya (PJBG) masih variabel,” katanya.

Pihaknya berharap harga gas yang telah disepakati US$ 7,6 per million british thermal unit/MMbtu flat sepanjang masa kontrak di plant gate PLN. Pihaknya juga akan berupaya agar Proyek Jambaran-Tiung Biru dapat selesai tepat waktu. Hal ini mengingat, jika dua hal itu tidak terjadi, keekonomian proyek akan terus turun. Walaupun Pertamina telah mendapat tambahan bagi hasil sebesar 5% sehingga kontraktor mendapat bagian 45%.

Proyek Jambaran-Tiung Biru memiliki kompleksitas tinggi dengan kandungan karbondioksida mencapai 34% dan fasilitas pemrosesan gas 330 juta kaki kubik per hari/ MMscfd. Sementara gas jual yang dihasilkan yakni sebesar 172 Mmscfd, di mana sebanyak 100 MMscfd akan dijual ke PLN dan sisanya dipasok ke industri sekitar.

Ground breaking Proyek Jambaran-Tiung Biru ini telah dilakukan pada awal pekan lalu. Sebelum itu, Pertamina juga sudah menggarap pembangunan tapak sumur dan jalan di Lapangan Jambaran-Tiung Biru. Tidak hanya itu, pekerjaan rekayasa (engineering) juga sudah dikerjakan. Dengan berbagai kemajuan ini, Pertamina optimistis Proyek Jambaran-Tiung Biru akan berproduksi 2021.

Tidak sekedar menggarap sisi hulu, Pertamina juga sedang membangun pipa transmisi Gresik-Semarang melalui anak usahanya yang lain, PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas). Pipa dengan nilai investasi sebesar US$ 515,7 juta ini akan membentang sepanjang 267 kilometer (km) dengan kapasitas penyaluran 500 MMscfd. 

     Pipa yang dilengkapi dengan 19 future connection ini berpotensi menyalurkan gas bagi industri di tujuh kabupaten/kota sepanjang Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur yang terlewati pipa. Proyek ini akan mulai beroperasi pada 2018.

Investor Daily, Page-11, Friday, Sept 29, 2017

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