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Monday, September 18, 2017

Oil and Gas Block Auction Is Restarted

The government again extended the deadline for retrieving the auction documents of oil and gas blocks until November 20, 2017 due to adjustments to the Fiscal provisions in the gross split share contract. The offer of oil and gas blocks includes regular and direct auctions. Previously, the government has extended the bidding deadline for auction documents until July 2017.

The government imposed a gross profit-sharing contract since the beginning of this year. Then, the government revised the beleid gross split by purchasing the revenue sharing space to the contractor of the cooperation contract (KKKS). In addition, additional results were obtained in the early phases of development when the contractor has not been able to enjoy production. Then, the additional space for the contractor's share of the minister's discretion is no longer limited to 5%.

Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ego Syahrial said that it is now extending the limit on the collection of conventional and non-conventional oil and gas block auction documents until November 20, 2017. Meanwhile, the document return limit is extended to 27 November 2017 .

The government revised the document access limit to 9 August and extended again to September 11, 2017. Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 8/2017 on the Gross Split Revenue Contracts issued on January 13, 2017 was revised into Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 52/2017 effective from July 2017.

Considering the revision of the gross split, the government gives the contractor time to calculate the economy development of oil and gas blocks through new fiscal provisions.

"Must be given sufficient time to deepen the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation no. 52/2017 new, "he said.

This year, the government offers 15 working areas and 10 conventional oil and gas blocks and five non-conventional oil and gas blocks. Non-conventional oil and gas blocks of gas and shale oil 81 gas)

Meanwhile, seven conventional oil and gas blocks are auctioned through direct offerings, namely the Andaman L Block (offshore Aceh), Andaman II (offshore Aceh), South Tuna (offshore Natuna), Merak Lampung (offshore and Banten-Lampung mainland) Pekawai (offshore East Kalimantan), West Yamdena (offshore and mainland Maluku), and Kasuri III (mainland West Papua).

Three conventional oil and gas blocks are offered through regular auctions, namely Tongkol (offshore Natuna), East Tanimbar (offshore Maluku), and Mamberamo (mainland and offshore Papua).

Three non-conventional oil and gas blocks are offered through direct offer, MNK Jambi l, Jambi shale hydrocarbon, MNK Jambi II, onshore Jambi & South Sumatra (shale hydrocarbon), GMB West Air Komering, onshore South Sumatra (coal bed methane / CBM).

Subsequently, non-conventional oil and gas blocks offered through regular auctions include GMB Raja, onshore South Sumatra (CBM) and CMB Bungamas, onshore South Sumatra (CBM).


Ego explains, currently there are 19 documents that are accessed from 10 conventional oil and gas blocks offered. However, he did not mention in detail the 19 documents referring to any block.

Since the time of the auction documents was opened end of May 2017, recorded from the data of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, five documents in the Andaman Block II and two documents in the East Tanimbar Block. The remainder, each one document and the Mamberamo Block, Tongkol, West Yamdena, Pekawai, and Andaman I.

The oil and gas block auction is important as the number of oil and gas blocks operating continues to decline. Based on data from the Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) in the first half of 2017, there are currently 277 oil and gas blocks. When compared, this number is less than in 2012 as many as 308 oil and gas blocks in operation. On the other hand, during 2017-2025 there are about 30 blocks that will expire the contract.

"The latest status for the auction of 10 blocks of conventional oil and gas, has 19 bid [offer] documents are accessed," he said.

Previously, President of the Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Christina Verchere hoped that the changes made by the government in the contract for the gross split share can bring fresh air to the investment in upstream oil and gas sector. Nevertheless, the government's work has not ended because the final share obtained by the contractor does not include tax. The reason, beleid governing the gross split taxation has not been completed discussed.


Lelang Blok Migas Kembali Diperpanjang

Pemerintah kembai memperpanjang batas waktu pengambilan dokumen lelang blok minyak dan gas bumi hingga 20 November 2017 karena ada penyesuaian ketentuan Fiskal dalam kontrak bagi hasil kotor atau gross split. Penawaran blok migas itu meliputi lelang reguler dan langsung. Sebelumnya, pemerintah telah memperpanjang batas pengambilan dokumen lelang hingga Juli 2017.

Pemerintah memberlakukan kontrak bagi hasil kotor sejak awal tahun ini. Kemudian, pemerintah merevisi beleid gross split dengan membelikan ruang penambahan bagi hasil kepada kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS). Selain itu, tambahan bagai hasil pun didapatkan di fase-fase awal pengembangan ketika kontraktor belum bisa menikmati hasil produksi. Kemudian, ruang tambahan bagi hasil kontraktor dari diskresi menteri pun tidak lagi dibatasi sebesar 5%.

Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Ego Syahrial mengatakan bahwa pihaknya kini kembali memperpanjang batas pengambilan dokumen lelang blok migas konvensional dan non-konvensional hingga 20 November 2017. Sementara itu, batas pengembalian dokumen diperpanjang hingga 27 November 2017.

Pemerintah merevisi batas akses dokumen menjadi 9 Agustus dan diperpanjang lagi menjadi 11 September 2017. Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 8/2017 tentang Kontrak Bagi Hasil Gross Split yang terbit pada 13 Januari 2017 direvisi menjadi Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 52/2017 yang berlaku mulai Juli 2017.

Atas pertimbangan revisi gross split, pemerintah memberikan waktu kepada kontraktor untuk menghitung keekonomian pengembangan blok migas melalui ketentuan fiskal yang baru.

“Harus diberi waktu yang cukup untuk mendalami Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 52/2017 yang baru," ujarnya.

Pada tahun ini, pemerintah menawarkan 15 Wilayah kerja yang terdin dan 10 blok migas konvensional dan lima blok migas non-konvensional. Blok migas non-konvensional berupa gas dan minyak serpih (shale oil 81 gas)

Sementara itu, tujuh blok migas konvensional dilelang melalui penawaran langsung, yakni Blok Andaman l (lepas pantai Aceh), Andaman II (lepas pantai Aceh), South Tuna (lepas pantai Natuna), Merak Lampung (lepas pantai dan daratan Banten-Lampung), Pekawai (lepas pantai Kalimantan Timur), West Yamdena (lepas pantai dan daratan Maluku), dan Kasuri III ( daratan Papua Barat).

Tiga blok migas konvensional ditawarkan melalui lelang reguler, yaitu Tongkol (lepas pantai Natuna), East Tanimbar (lepas pantai Maluku), dan Mamberamo (daratan dan lepas pantai Papua).

Tiga blok migas non-konvensional ditawarkan melalui penawaran langsung, yaitu MNK Jambi l, onshore Jambi (shale hydrocarbon), MNK Jambi II, onshore Jambi & Sumatra Selatan (shale hydrocarbon), GMB West Air Komering, onshore Sumatra Selatan (coal bed methane/CBM).

Kemudian, blok migas non-konvensional yang ditawarkan melalui lelang reguler antara lain GMB Raja, onshore Sumatra Selatan (CBM) dan CMB Bungamas, onshore Sumatra Selatan (CBM).


Ego menjelaskan, saat ini terdapat 19 dokumen yang diakses dari 10 blok migas konvensional yang ditawarkan tersebut. Namun, dia tidak menyebut secara detail 19 dokumen itu merujuk pada blok mana saja.

Sejak masa pengambilan dokumen lelang dibuka akhir Mei 2017, tercatat dari data Kementerian ESDM, lima dokumen di Blok Andaman II dan dua dokumen di Blok East Tanimbar. Sisanya, masing-masing satu dokumen dan Blok Mamberamo, Tongkol, West Yamdena, Pekawai, dan Andaman I.

Lelang blok migas menjadi penting karena jumlah blok migas  yang beroperasi terus menurun. Dari data Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) semester I/2017, saat ini ada 277 blok migas. Bila dibandingkan, jumlah ini lebih sedikit dari 2012 sebanyak 308 blok migas yang beroperasi. Di sisi lain, selama 2017-2025 terdapat sekitar 30 blok yang akan habis masa kontraknya.

"Status terakhir untuk lelang 10 blok migas konvensional, sudah 19 bid [penawaran] dokumen yang diakses," katanya. 

Sebelumnya, Presiden Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Christina Verchere berharap agar perubahan yang dilakukan pemerintah dalam kontrak bagi hasil gross split dapat membawa angin segar terhadap investasi di sektor hulu migas. Kendati demikian, kerja pemerintah belum usai karena bagi hasil akhir yang didapatkan kontraktor belum termasuk pajak. Pasalnya, beleid yang mengatur perpajakan gross split belum rampung dibahas. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-28, Monday, Sept 18, 2017

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