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Thursday, September 7, 2017

Oil and Gas Industry Needs License Pruning

The reluctant attitude shown by the government has led to a decline in oil and gas exports in the last 20 years. The condition is accompanied by high needs that are not accompanied by adequate productivity. This is what causes Indonesia to be an importer of oil to cover domestic needs, "said Arif Gunawan, Secretary General of the Indonesian Geophysics Association (HAGI), in Media Gathering with Joint Operation Body Pertamina Petrochina East Java (JOB P-PEJ) in Banyuwangi on Wednesday (6/9).

According to him, the oil and gas sector can still be saved to become a strategic industry, one of them by providing stimulus by simplifying and cutting permit lines that reach hundreds of times.

"Exploration must be improved. That way, foreign exchange will rise. Therefore, this foreign exchange is driven by enhanced oil recovery (EOR) that can boost oil and gas production, "said Arif.

He added that currently many explorations are running alone. The problem is, exploration must be through permits that reach 373 scattered in 19 ministries and agencies. Clearly these complicated licensing matters make investors less likely to be lazy to explore the field.

In fact, to achieve ideal production must be increased 300 percent of existing production. While domestic oil production until 2016 ranges from 825-850 thousand barrels per day. The need reaches 1.5 to 1.6 million barrels per day.

"Our proposal should be increased by 500 percent. It is a safe number for imports to be suppressed, and optimize production of not less than 567,7 thousand barrels per day until 2025, "explained the former member of National Exploration Committee (KEN).

He said that the higher the dependence on oil imports, causing the weakening of the rupiah, eroding foreign exchange reserves, and burdening the trade balance.

Moreover, oil and gas production and demand in Indonesia is not comparable. Currently oil reserves in Indonesia until 2015 only 0.22 percent of the world's total oil reserves. The world's oil reserves are still controlled by Venezuela with a total of 17.54 percent, with production reaching 298 million barrels.


Industri Migas Perlu Pemangkasan Perijinan

Sikap ogah-ogahan yang ditunjukkan pemerintah menyebabkan merosotnya ekspor migas dalam 20 tahun terakhir. Kondisi tersebut dibarengi dengan tingginya kebutuhan yang tidak diiringi produktivitas memadai. Hal ini yang menyebabkan Indonesia menjadi pengimpor minyak untuk menutupi kebutuhan dalam negeri," kata Arif Gunawan, Sekretaris Jenderal Himpunan Ahli Geofisika Indonesia (HAGI), dalam Media Gathering dengan Joint Operation Body Pertamina Petrochina East Java (JOB P-PEJ) di Banyuwangi, Rabu (6/9). 

Menurut dia, sektor migas masih bisa diselamatkan untuk menjadi industri strategis, salah satunya dengan memberi stimulus dengan mempermudah dan memangkas jalur perizinan yang mencapai ratusan kali.

“Eksplorasi harus ditingkatkan. Dengan begitu, devisa akan naik. Sebab, devisa ini digerakkan oleh enhanced oil recovery (EOR) yang bisa mendorong produksi migas,” ucap Arif.

Dia menambahkan, saat ini banyak eksplorasi yang berjalan sendiri. Masalahnya, eksplorasi harus melalui perizinan yang mencapai 373 yang tersebar di 19 kementerian dan lembaga. Jelas lika-liku perizinan yang rumit ini membuat investor cenderung malas melakukan eksplorasi lapangan.

Padahal, untuk mencapai produksi ideal harus ditingkatkan 300 persen dari produksi eksisting. Sementara produksi minyak dalam negeri hingga tahun 2016 berkisar 825-850 ribu barel per hari. Adapun kebutuhannya mencapai 1,5 hingga 1,6 juta barel per hari.

“Usulan kami harus dinaikkan hingga 500 persen. Itu angka aman agar impor bisa ditekan, dan mengoptimalkan produksi tidak kurang dari 567,7 ribu barel per hari hingga 2025 nanti,” jelas mantan anggota Komite Eksplorasi Nasional (KEN) itu.

Pihaknya menilai semakin tinggi ketergantungan terhadap impor minyak, menyebabkan meIemahnya nilai tukar rupiah, menggerus cadangan devisa, dan membebani neraca perdagangan.

Terlebih kebutuhan dan produksi migas di Indonesia tidak sebanding. Saat ini cadangan minyak di Indonesia hingga tahun 2015 hanya 0,22 persen dari total cadangan minyak dunia. Adapun cadangan minyak dunia masih dikuasai Venezuela dengan total 17,54 persen, dengan produksinya yang mencapai 298 juta barel. 

Radar Surabaya, Page-5, Thursday, Sept 7, 2017

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