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Saturday, September 9, 2017

Optimize Utilization of Domestic Gas

Domestic gas reserves are still considered sufficient for some time to come, so it is not necessary to import gas in 2019 as planned.

"When viewed from the realization today is actually our gas is oversupply." In 2019 it could be before imports can even be backed down to 2023, "said Head of Marketing and Product Development Division of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) Adi Munandir in a discussion entitled Efficiency Gas Industry Without Must Import in Bogor, West Java.

According to Adi, in addition to the adequacy of production, the dynamics of demand (demand) gas is also somewhat slowed so that there is no need for imports.

"Domestic gas consumption is slowing due to slowing industrial movement activity," he explained.

Adi said gas imports need to be viewed as a whole, not seen from cheap gas prices alone. He cited Singapore's price offer of US $ 4 per million metric British thermal unit (MMBTU),

"The price of US $ 4 per MMBTU in the form of LNG does not include liquidfaction process, then there are the shipping charges and others, so the calculation is still more expensive than domestic gas price," he explained.

According to him, what needs to be done is to optimize the utilization of domestic gas by building gas network infrastructure so that everything is integrated.

"Indonesia has no master plan about gas. It functions to integrate planning related to gas utilization, especially industrial development, industrial roadmap, natural gas production and infrastructure development. Development in the masterplan is integrated and synchronized, "he said.


Optimalkan Pemanfaatan Gas dalam Negeri

Cadangan gas bumi  dalam negeri dinilai masih mencukupi untuk beberapa waktu ke depan sehingga belum perlu untuk mengimpor gas pada 2019 seperti yang pernah direncanakan.  

"Kalau dilihat dari realisasi hari ini sebenarnya gas kita itu oversupply." Pada 2019 bisa saja sebelum diperlukan impor bahkan mundur bisa ke 2023,” ujar Head of Marketing and Product Development Division PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) Adi Munandir dalam diskusi yang bertajuk Efisiensi Gas Industri Tanpa Harus Impor di Bogor, Jawa Barat.

Menurut Adi, selain kecukupan produksi, dinamika demand (permintaan) gas juga agak melambat sehingga belum ada kebutuhan untuk impor. 

“Konsumsi gas domestik ada perlambatan yang disebabkan aktivitas pergerakan industri yang juga melambat,” jelasnya.

Adi mengatakan impor gas perlu dilihat secara utuh, bukan dilihat dari harga gas yang murah saja. Dia mencontohkan penawaran harga dari Singapura yang mencapai US$ 4 per million metric British thermal unit (MMBTU), 

“Harga US$4 per MMBTU itu dalam bentuk LNG belum termasuk proses liquidfaction, kemudian ada bea pengiriman dan lain-Iain, jadi hitungannya masih lebih mahal daripada harga gas domestik,” jelasnya.

Menurut dia, yang perlu dilakukan adalah mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan gas dalam negeri dengam membangun infrastruktur jaringan gas agar semuanya terintegrasi. 

“Indonesia belum punya rencana induk soal gas. Itu fungsinya untuk mengintegrasikan perencanaan terkait pemanfatan gas, terutama pengembangan industri, roadmap industri, produksi gas bumi dan pengembangan infrastruktur. Pengembangan dalam masterplan diintegrasikan dan disinkronisasi waktunya,” ungkapnya.

Media Indonesia, Page-18, Friday, Sept 8, 2017

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