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Friday, September 29, 2017

Pertamina Ep Socialization to Citizens

Pertamina EP Asset 4 Cepu re-disseminates the planned drilling activities of Tapen Field well field located in Sidoharjo Village, Senori Sub-district, Tuban Regency. The socialization presented representatives of Sidoharjo villagers who were accompanied by the local Sub District Leadership Communication Forum (Forkopimca).

In the socialization, in addition to submitting drilling plans, also discussed about perioritas skil and non skil labor which amounted to 41 people. Camat Senori, Tuban district government, Sugeng Purnomo said, there are several points submitted by the company. The meeting emphasized the agreement on skill and non-skill labor. 

    While the workforce to be recruited in the drilling process required as many as 41 people. Meanwhile, for another PT (sub cooperation cooperation) with Pertamina EP will soon informated soon to the village, so that the needs of local labor can be ascertained.

"In addition to the labor agreement, Pertamina EP promised that in the future it will conduct intensive communication, especially the cooperation of the company with the areas of the villages entering the ring zone have an impact on the activities of the company, especially in improving the welfare the level of the economy, "said Sugeng so familiar greeting.

He added, for the implementation of drill mobilization done for 14 days ahead. "Mobilization plans today are up to 14 days ahead," he said.

Confirmed separately, Public Relations or Government & Public Relation Assistant Manager of PT Pertamina EP, Pandjie Galih Anoraga, has not provided answers related to the results of meeting with a number of villagers Sidoharjo, District Senori-Tuban.


Pertamina Ep Sosialisasi pada Warga

Pertamina EP Asset 4 Cepu kembali melakukan sosialisasi rencana kegiatan pengeboran sumur minyak Lapangan Tapen yang berlokasi di Desa Sidoharjo, Kecamatan Senori, Kabupaten Tuban. Sosialisasi tersebut menghadirkan sejumlah perwakilan warga Desa Sidoharjo yang didampingi Forum Komunikasi Pimpinan Kecamatan (Forkopimca) setempat.

Dalam sosialisasi tersebut, selain menyampaikan rencana pengeboran, juga dibahas tentang perioritas tenaga kerja skil dan non skil yang berjumlah 41 orang. Camat Senori, Pemerintah kabupaten Tuban, Sugeng Purnomo mengatakan, ada beberapa poin yang disampaikan oleh perusahaan. Pertemuan itu menekankan pada kesepakatan tentang tenaga kerja skill dan non skill. 

      Sementara tenaga kerja yang akan direkrut dalam proses pengeboran dibutuhkan sebanyak 41 orang. Sedangkan, bagi PT yang lain (sub kerjasama operasi) dengan Pertamina EP akan segera diinfokan secepatnya kepada desa, agar kebutuhan tenaga kerja lokal bisa dipastikan.

"Selain kesepakatan tenaga kerja, Pertamina EP berjanji kedepannya akan lakukan komunikasi intensif. Terutama kerjasama perusahan dengan wilayah desa - desa yang masuk zona ring berdampak aktifitas kegiatan perusahaan. Terlebih, dalam peningkatan kesejahteraan taraf perekonomian," kata Sugeng begitu sapaan akrabnya.

Ia menambahkan, untuk pelaksanaan mobilisasi pengeboran dilakukan selama 14 hari kedepan. "Rencana Mobilisasi hari ini sampai 14 hari kedepan," katanya.

Dikonfirmasi terpisah, Humas atau Government & Public Relation Assistant Manager PT Pertamina EP, Pandjie Galih Anoraga, belum memberikan jawaban terkait hasil pertemuan dengan sejumlah warga Desa Sidoharjo, Kecamatan Senori-Kabupaten Tuban.

Harian Bangsa, Page-9, Friday, Sept 29, 2017

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