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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

PGN Insists Uninvolved Gas Pickup Practices in Medan

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) ensures that it works in accordance with the regulations issued by the government. Meanwhile, related to gas prices in Medan, all set by the Ministry of ESDM through Ministerial decree.

"We are not involved in the practice of monopoly or gas brokering in Medan, and the KPPU has not found strong evidence," said Head of Marketing PGN Adi Munandir in the Workshop of Industry Journalists (Forwin) in Cisarua-Buitenzorg recently.

Adi said it also continues to provide explanations to the Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU) related to the alleged PGN monopoly in determining the price of gas in the Territory of Medan, North Sumatra.

As is known, KPPU is in the process of examining the practice of brokering the high selling price of industrial gas in Medan and PGN including one of the examined institutions. The price of gas in North Sumatra has reached US $ 12 / Mmbtu and many industry players in Medan complained.

PGN only requested a US $ 1.35 / Mmbtu tariff for pipeline management of 600 km, the remaining US $ 11 is a cost component from upstream such as distribution. Adi confirmed, it has followed the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources decree No. 19 of 2009 and the component price is very transparent.

"The gas price from PGN is very transparent and it is not possible to engage in fraudulent practices," he said.

Based on the latest information obtained by PGN, KPPU has started checking gas traders without infrastructure. KPPU continues to seek information and reports about traders.


PGN Tegaskan Tidak Terlibat Praktik Percaloan Gas di Medan

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) memastikan bahwa pihaknya bekerja sudah sesuai dengan peraturan yang dikeluarkan pemerintah. Sementara itu terkait harga gas di Medan, semuanya ditetapkan Kementerian ESDM melalui keputusan Menteri.

“Kami tidak terlibat praktik monopoli atau percaloan gas di Medan, dan KPPU juga belum menemukan bukti yang kuat,” kata Head of Marketing PGN Adi Munandir dalam acara Workshop Wartawan Perindustrian (Forwin) di Cisarua-Buitenzorg, belum lama ini.

Adi mengatakan, pihaknya juga terus memberikan penjelasan kepada Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha (KPPU) terkait dugaan monopoli PGN dalam penetapan harga gas di Wilayah Medan, Sumatera Utara tersebut.

Seperti diketahui, KPPU sedang dalam proses pemeriksaan praktik percaloan tingginya harga jual gas industri di Wilayah Medan dan PGN termasuk salah satu lembaga yang diperiksa. Harga gas di Sumatera Utara pernah mencapai US$ 12/Mmbtu dan pelaku industri di Medan banyak yang mengeluh.

PGN hanya meminta tarif US$ 1,35/Mmbtu untuk pengelolaan pipa sepanjang 600 Km, sisanya US$ 11 merupakan komponen biaya dari hulu seperti distribusi. Adi menegaskan, pihaknya sudah mengikuti keputusan Menteri ESDM Nomor 19 tahun 2009 dan komponen harganya sangat transparan. 

“Harga gas dari PGN sangat transparan dan tidak mungkin terlibat praktik curang,” ujar dia.

Berdasarkan informasi terbaru yang didapat PGN, KPPU sudah mulai memeriksa trader gas tanpa infrastruktur. KPPU terus mencari keterangan dan laporan tentang trader.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Saturday, Sept 9, 2017

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