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Saturday, September 9, 2017

PGN Suffers Out of Business Pressure

PGN still relies on its subsidiaries to create new products and efficiency programs

The business of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) in the first half of 2017 is still not enthusiastic. In the first half of 2017, PGN revenues amounted to US $ 1.41 billion. The value is down 4% compared to the same period last year. Meanwhile, PGN's net profit was US $ 50.29 million, down 67% compared to the same period last year which reached US $ 152.45 million.

Pressure to pressure is being experienced by issuers coded PGAS shares in the Indonesia Stock Exchange. One of the pressures came from Government Regulation No. 44/2017 on Gas Price Determination. The regulation requires industrial gas prices to be lowered, with the highest price setting at US $ 6 per million metric british, thermal unit (mmbtu).

In fact, PGN sold the gas price to the industry with the highest US $ 14 per mmbtu. In addition, BPH Migas is currently intensively incessantly lowering toll fees in all gas pipelines. So far that has been derived is the toll fee of Arun-Belawan pipeline, previously US $ 2.53 per mscf to US $ 1.54 per mscf.

Anticipate the decline in company performance until the end of the year. Head of Marketing and Product Development Division of PGN Adi Munandir stated that his company is trying to increase sales and efficiency. For example, creating products that support customers, such as providing incentives to selected industries.

"We optimize our efficiency and operations, so we hope that performance will be maintained, increase sales, improve efficiency," Adi said, Thursday (7/9).

PGN is evaluating several business development opportunities, including through subsidiaries. Such as PT Gagas Energi Indonesia with initiative development of compressed natural gas (CNG) distribution, Liquefied natural gas (LNG) retail, to supply gas for power generation.

There is also PT Pegaskom, a subsidiary of PGN in the field of fiber optics. This business was built by PGN when building the infrastructure of South Sumatra West Java (SSWJ).

Initially these optical fibers were only used for PGN purposes in optimizing the network. But there is a remaining capacity that can be used for other business activities. Adi admitted fiber optic business has contributed positively to this company.

"Its contribution when compared with existing existing exists. But the contribution started positive, has started to increase, there have been improvements, all subsidiaries can contribute positively to support the PGN group business, "explained Adi.

While in the new business, the red plate gas company is still doing an evaluation. until now PGN is focusing on optimizing subsidiaries, such as power generation, Saka Energy, and fiber optics earlier.

"The declare we are still optimizing, the new is still in the evaluation," he said.

Beyond the subsidiary business development, PGN also develops a major business in gas infrastructure. Adi said that PGN is currently developing a gas distribution network in Dumai, developing Duri-Dumai, Central Java and East Java transmission.

In the near future, Adi is sure that the Dumai distribution pipeline can be completed soon. PGN also targets the distribution of this distribution pipeline to be completed next year. If Dumai's distribution pipeline is complete, Adi believes there will be growth of the gas user industry.

"In the early stages we can see that Dumai's allocation has been 37 bbtud." We tried to monetize it all and optimize the distribution at Dumai-Riau Island, "he explained.

PGN is also depressed in Kepodang Field

Nasib Petronas Carigali and PT Saka Energi Indonesia, a subsidiary of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) will be determined the results Lemigas research related to the production of Kepodang Field production in Muriah Block, Central Java. Just to remind Petronas to buy 80% stake in Blok Muriah from BP in 2013, while Saka bought 20% stake from Sunny Ridge Offshore in 2015.

However, the fact that 2015 new field production is expected to be exhausted or empty by 2018. Senior Manager of Corporate A ffair & Administration Petronas Carigali Indonesia Andiono Seuawan stated that with Kepodang problem, it will discuss and coordinate with PLN and PT Kalimantan Jawa Gas (KJG).

"Surely, whatever the outcome of Lemigas, what kind of results, we wait," he said.

Until now Kepodang Field is still flowing gas. It's just that the gas production does not reach the target. Previously Petronas project, Kepodang Field production can reach 116 mmscfd. Currently only 70 mmscfd-80 mmscfd.

Muriah Block-Petronas


PGN Berjibaku Keluar dari Tekanan Bisnis

PGN masih mengandalkan anak usaha untuk membuat produk baru dan program efisiensi

Bisnis PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) pada semester I-2017 masih tidak bergairah. Semester I-2017, pendapatan PGN sebesar US$ 1,41 miliar. Nilai tersebut turun 4% dibandingkan dengan periode yang sama tahun lalu. Sementara laba bersih PGN tercatat US$ 50,29 juta, merosot 67% dibandingkan dengan periode sama tahun lalu yang mencapai US$ 152,45 juta.

Tekanan demi tekanan sedang dialami oleh emiten berkode saham PGAS di Bursa Efek Indonesia itu. Salah satu tekanan itu bersumber dari Peraturan Pemerintah No 44/2017 tentang Penetapan Harga Gas Bumi. Peraturan tersebut meminta harga gas industri diturunkan, dengan ketetapan harga paling tinggi US$ 6 per million metric british, thermal unit (mmbtu).

Padahal, PGN menjual harga gas ke industri paling tinggi US$ 14 per mmbtu. Selain itu, saat ini BPH Migas sedang gencar-gencarnya menurunkan toll fee di semua ruas pipa gas. Sejauh ini yang sudah diturunkan adalah toll fee pipa Arun-Belawan, sebelumnya US$ 2,53 per mscf menjadi US$ 1,54 per mscf.

Mengantisipasi turunnya kinerja perusahaan sampai akhir tahun. Head of Marketing and Product Development Division PGN Adi Munandir menyatakan, pihaknya sedang berusaha meningkatkan penjualan dan efisiensi. Misalnya, menciptakan produk yang mendukung pelanggan, seperti memberi insentif ke industri-industri terpilih.

"Kami mengoptimalkan efisiensi dan operasi. Dengan cara begitu kami berharap kinerja bisa terjaga. Meningkatkan penjualan, meningkatkan efisiensi," kata Adi, Kamis (7/9).

PGN sedang mengevaluasi beberapa peluang-peluang pengembangan usaha ,termasuk melalui anak usaha. Semisal PT Gagas Energi Indonesia dengan inisiatif pengembangan distribusi compressed natural gas (CNG), Liquefied natural gas (LNG) ritel, hingga memasok gas untuk pembangkitan tenaga listrik.

Ada juga PT Pegaskom, anak usaha PGN di bidang serat optik. Usaha ini dibangun oleh PGN saat membangun infrastruktur South Sumatra West Java (SSWJ).

Awalnya serat optik ini hanya digunakan untuk keperluan PGN dalam mengoptimalisasi jaringan. Namun ada sisa kapasitas yang bisa digunakan untuk kegiatan usaha lain. Adi mengaku usaha serat optik sudah berkontribusi positif bagi perseroan ini.

“Kontribusinya kalau dibanding dengan eksisting masih besar eksisting. Tapi kontribusi mulai positif, sudah mulai meningkat, sudah ada perbaikan, semua anak perusahaan bisa berkontribusi positif untuk mendukung bisnis grup PGN," terang Adi.

Sementara di bisnis baru, perusahaan gas plat merah ini masih melakukan evaluasi. hingga saat ini PGN sedang fokus pada optimalisasi anak usaha, seperti pembangkitan tenaga listrik, Saka Energy, dan serat optik tadi. 

"Yang sudah declare kami masih optimalkan. Yang baru masih dalam evaluasi," ujarnya.

Di luar pengembangan bisnis anak usaha, PGN juga mengembangkan bisnis utama di bidang infrastruktur gas. Adi menuturkan, saat ini PGN sedang mengembangkan jaringan distribusi gas di Dumai, pengembangan transmisi Duri-Dumai, Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur.

Dalam waktu dekat, Adi yakin pengerjaan pipa distribusi Dumai bisa segera rampung. PGN pun menargetkan ruas pipa distribsui ini bisa rampung tahun depan. Jika pipa distribusi Dumai selesai, Adi yakin akan ada pertumbuhan industri pengguna gas. 

"Tahap awal kami bisa lihat alokasi Dumai sudah dapat 37 bbtud. Kami mencoba monetisasi itu semua dan mengoptimalkan distribusi di Dumai-Kepualaun Riau," jelasnya.

PGN Juga Tertekan di Lapangan Kepodang

Nasib Petronas Carigali dan PT Saka Energi Indonesia, anak usaha PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) akan ditentukan hasil
penelitian Lemigas terkait ponurunan produksi Lapangan Kepodang di Blok Muriah Jawa Tengah. Sekedar mengingatkan Petronas membeli 80% saham Blok Muriah dari BP pada tahun 2013, sedangkan Saka membeli 20% saham dari Sunny Ridge Offshore pada tahun 2015. 

Namun kenyataanya lapangan yang baru produksi 2015 diperkirakan akan habis atau kosong tahun 2018. Senior Manager Corporate A ffair & Administration Petronas Carigali Indonesia Andiono Seuawan menyatakan dengan adanya masalah Kepodang, pihaknya akan berdiskusi dan berkoordinasi dengan pihak PLN dan PT Kalimantan Jawa Gas (KJG).

"Pasti, apapun hasil dari Lemigas, hasilnya seperti apa, kami tunggu," kata dia.

Hingga saat ini Lapangan Kepodang masih mengalirkan gas. Hanya saja produksi gasnya tidak mencapai target. Sebelumnya Petronas memproyeksi, produksi Lapangan Kepodang bisa mencapai 116 mmscfd. Saat ini hanya 70 mmscfd-80 mmscfd.

Kontan, Page-18, Friday, Sept 8, 2017

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