Dozens of fishermen from Glodok Village, Palang Subdistrict, Tuban District received a socialization about Floating Storage and Offloading (FSO) Crow Rang from Banyuurip Field Operator, Cepu Block, Exxon Mobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) at the local village hall on Wednesday (6/9). Socialization is given for the sake of maintaining security and safety together. Thus, fishermen are asked not to approach the FSO which is 23 Kilometers from the Tuban coastline more than 500 meters.
In the socialization, EMCL External Field Affairs Manager Dave A. Seta requested that fishermen participate in keeping together the National vital objects in the northern seas of the Cross. Therefore, the FSO produces more than 200 thousand barrels per day (BPH).
This achievement automatically makes Banyuurip production, accounting for 26 percent of national production. Thus, the existence of the oil can be used to build the region of Aceh to Irian Iaya.
"The sustainability of oil production must be maintained together, including fishermen who move around every day around the FSO," he said.
Meanwhile, Head of Glodok Village, Sujianto gave an appreciation to EMCL who reminded the fisherman about security and safety around Crow Rang. He is also grateful for the help of the construction of the sea moor. Separately, Chairman of HSNI Tuban, Faisol Rozi appealed the same thing.
"Fishermen should know that a 500-meter radius of the facility is a forbidden area where all types of ships are not allowed to pass, while a 1,250-meter radius from the forbidden zone is limited.
In restricted zones, ships may still pass but may not lower anchor or anchor. Because the division of this zone is regulated in Government Regulation (PP) No.5 of 2010 on navigation. We ask the fishermen to obey the government regulation is the suggestion, "he said.
It is known that to flow the processed oil from the Central Processing Facility (CPF) to the coast of Palang, Tuban, EMCL constructed a 72 km land pipe. Four valve houses are placed along the 20-inch diameter and insulated pipe line. From Palang Beach, Tuban District-East Java, the ground pipe is connected with underwater pipes along the 23 km to the mooring tower. The 1,200-tonne mooring tower is planted on the seabed at a depth of 33 meters.
Sosialisasi FSO Gagak Rimang untuk Nelayan Glodok
Puluhan nelayan Desa Glodok, Kecamatan Palang, Kabupaten Tuban menerima sosialisasi tentang Floating Storage and Offloading (FSO) Gagak Rimang dari Operator Lapangan Banyuurip, Blok Cepu, Exxon Mobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) di balai desa setempat, Rabu (6/9). Sosialisasi tersebut diberikan demi menjaga keamaman dan keselamatan bersama. Sehingga, nelayan diminta tidak mendekati FSO yang berjarak 23 Kilometer dari bibir pantai Tuban lebih dari 500 meter.
Dalam sosialisasi itu Field Exsternal Affairs Manager EMCL, Dave A. Seta meminta, agar nelayan ikut menjaga bersama objek vital Nasional yang berada di laut utara Palang. Sebab, FSO tersebut menghasilkan jumlah produksi yang sudah lebih dari 200 ribu Barrel Per Hari (BPH).
Capaian ini otomatis membuat produksi Banyuurip, menyumbang 26 persen dari produksi nasional. Sehingga, keberadaan minyak tersebut bisa digunakan untuk membangun wilayah Aceh sampai Irian Iaya.
"Keberlangsungan produksi minyak harus dijaga bersama, termasuk nelayan yang tiap harinya beraktivitas di sekitar FSO," katanya.
Sementara itu, Kepala Desa Glodok, Sujianto memberi apresiasi kepada EMCL yang mengingatkan nelayan soal keamanan dan keselamatan sekitar Gagak Rimang. Ia juga berterimakasih atas bantuan pembangunan tambat laut. Terpisah, Ketua HSNI Tuban, Faisol Rozi mengimbau hal serupa.
"Nelayan harus tahu, radius 500 meter dari fasilitas tersebut merupakan area terlarang. Di zona tersebut semua jenis kapal tidak diperbolehkan melintas. Sedangkan, radius 1.250 meter dari zona terlarang itu menjadi wilayah terbatas.
Pada zona terbatas, kapal masih boleh melintas tapi tidak boleh menurunkan sauh atau jangkar. Karena pembagian zona ini diatur dalam Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) No.5 tahun 2010 tentang kenavigasian. Kami minta nelayan harus mentaati peraturan pemerintah tersebut sarannya," ujarnya.
Diketahui, untuk mengalirkan minyak yang diproses dari Fasilitas Pusat Pengelolan (Central Processing Fasility/CPF) menuju ke pantai Palang, Tuban, EMCL membangun pipa darat yang ditanam sepanjang 72 Km. Empat rumah katup ditempatkan di sepanjang jalur pipa berdiameter 20 inci dan berinsulasi tersebut. Dari Pantai Palang, Kabupaten Tuban-Jawa Timur, pipa darat tersambung dengan pipa bawah laut sepanjang 23 Km menuju menara tambat. Menara tambat sebesar 1.200 ton ditanam di dasar laut pada kedalaman 33 meter.
Harian Bangsa, Page-9, Thursday, Sept 7, 2017
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