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Thursday, September 7, 2017

Stop Oil Supply

Russia and China Supply Fuel to North Korea Every Year

Closing crude oil supply access to North Korea became a South Korean proposal for Korea's missile and nuclear program North stalled. However, Russia does not agree with the proposal. This sanction is considered not going to make North Korea deterred and obedient to world pressure. Russia is worried that people will become victims.

South Korean President Moon Jae-in presented this proposal to Russian President Vladimir Putin when they met on the sidelines of the East Economic Forum on Wednesday (6/9) in Vladivostok, Russia.

South Korea's presidential spokesman, Yoon Young-chan, was quoted by Yonhap news agency as saying, Putin objected fearing civilians and public services such as hospitals were affected by the sanctions. According to Yoon, Putin said Russia has been exporting at least 40,000 tons of oil per year to North Korea. The amount is not worth the supply of oil from China which reaches 520,000 tons of crude oil per year.

Last year, China also sent 96,000 tons of gasoline and at least 45,000 tons of diesel oil to North Korea. Seeing the size of China's oil supply to North Korea, British Defense Minister Michael Fallon considers Beijing to play an important role in the resolution of the crisis on the Korean Peninsula.

"China has a lot of things, not just influence, that can change North Korea's behavior," he said.

Prioritize dialogue

Putin also reminded Moon to prioritize political solutions due to heavier sanctions or pressure big over North Korea will not solve the problem.

"It is difficult to improve the situation without political and diplomatic instruments. There is no point in following the emotions alone, let alone suppressing and cornering North Korea, "Yoon quoted Putin as saying.

In addition to cutting oil access to North Korea, the UN Security Council is considering banning North Korea's textile exports, flight routes or halting oil supplies to governments and the military. Another alternative sanction is forbidding North Koreans from working abroad.

In addition, there are considerations to include high-ranking North Korean officials into the blacklist and freeze assets and impose travel ban sanctions. Putin doubts that any sanctions will be effective. Whatever the sanctions, North Korea will not willingly stop the missile and nuclear program

"We also condemn the North's actions, rejecting sanctions does not mean we agree," he said.

The world's concerns are groundless because, according to Japanese analysis, the North Korean-tested hydrogen bombs a few days ago weighed up to 160 kilotons. Previously weighed 120 kilotons. Japanese Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera showed the satellite imagery of the impact of the explosion that caused the landslide at the Punggyeri test site. From South Korea's observation, there is a radioactive outpour of the test.


Stop Suplai Minyak

Rusia dan China Memasok Bahan Baker ke Korea Utara Setiap Tahun

Menutup akses suplai minyak mentah ke Korea Utara menjadi usulan Korea Selatan agar program rudal dan nuklir Korea Utara terhenti. Namun, Rusia tidak setuju dengan usulan itu. Sanksi ini dinilai tidak akan membuat Korea Utara jera dan patuh terhadap desakan dunia. Rusia khawatir justru rakyat akan menjadi korban.

Presiden Korsel Moon Jae-in mengajukan usulan ini kepada Presiden Rusia Vladimir Putin ketika mereka bertemu di sela-sela acara Forum Ekonomi Timur, Rabu (6/9), di Vladivostok, Rusia. 

Juru bicara kepresidenan Korsel, Yoon Young-chan, seperti dikutip kantor berita Yonhap, menyebutkan, Putin keberatan karena khawatir warga sipil dan layanan publik seperti rumah sakit terdampak oleh sanksi itu. Menurut Yoon, Putin menyampaikan, selama ini Rusia mengekspor minimal 40.000 ton minyak per tahun ke Korea Utara. Jumlah itu tidak sebanding dengan suplai minyak dari China yang mencapai 520.000 ton minyak mentah per tahun. 

Tahun lalu, China juga mengirim 96.000 ton bensin dan sedikitnya 45.000 ton minyak diesel ke Korut. Melihat besarnya suplai minyak China ke Korut, Menteri Pertahanan Inggris Michael Fallon menilai Beijing berperan penting dalam penyelesaian krisis di Semenanjung Korea. 

”China memiliki banyak hal, bukan hanya pengaruh, yang bisa mengubah perilaku Korea Utara,” ujarnya.

Utamakan dialog

Putin juga mengingatkan Moon untuk mendahulukan solusi politik karena sanksi-sanksi yang lebih berat atau tekanan besar atas Korut tak akan menyelesaikan masalah. 

”Sulit untuk memperbaiki situasi tanpa instrumen politik dan diplomatik. Tidak ada gunanya mengikuti emosi semata, apalagi menekan dan menyudutkan Korea Utara,” ucap Yoon mengutip pernyataan Putin.

Selain memutus akses minyak ke Korut, Dewan Keamanan PBB mempertimbangkan untuk melarang ekspor tekstil Korea Utara, rute penerbangan atau menghentikan suplai minyak ke pemerintah dan militer. Alternatif sanksi lain adalah melarang warga Korea Utara untuk bekerja di luar negeri. 

Selain itu, ada pertimbangan untuk memasukkan para pejabat tinggi Korea Utara ke dalam daftar hitam dan membekukan aset serta memberi sanksi larangan bepergian. Putin meragukan segala sanksi akan efektif. Apa pun sanksinya, Korea Utara tidak akan rela menghentikan program rudal dan nuklir 

" Kami juga mengecam tindakan Korut itu. Menolak sanksi bukan berarti kami setuju,” ujarnya.

Kekhawatiran dunia beralasan karena, menurut analisis Jepang, bom hidrogen yang diuji Korea Utara beberapa hari lalu memiliki berat hingga 160 kiloton. Sebelumnya diperkirakan beratnya 120 kiloton. Menteri Pertahanan Jepang Itsunori Onodera menunjukkan hasil citra satelit dampak ledakan yang menyebabkan tanah longsor di lokasi uji Punggyeri. Dari pengamatan Korea Selatan, terlihat ada curahan radioaktif dari uji itu.

Kompas, Page-10, Thursday, Sept 7, 2017

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