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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Until August, Oil and Gas Revenue US $ 8.2 Billion

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Ignasius Jonan asked the House of Representatives Commission VII to appreciate the government's performance and the Oil and Gas Regulation on oil and gas revenues which reached US $ 18.23 billion until August 2017. 

     In the Hearing Meeting at Commission VII in Jakarta on Thursday (7/9) night, Jonan explained that of the total revenue of US $ 18.23, by 45 percent or US $ 8.14 billion into state property. Meanwhile, oil and gas production revenues in 2016 amounted to US $ 24.89 billion and state portion of US $ 9.67 billion.

"For 2017, the figure is temporary until August total revenue of US $ 18.23 billion. This is what I ask for my appreciation to me because compared to US $ 24 billion in total '2016 full year' revenue, this is much higher, "he said.

Previously, one member of the commission VII Harry Poernomo, questioned the state revenue from oil and gas production 2016 only amounted to US $ 9.67 billion or 38 percent, while the cost of "cost recovery" of US $ 11.94 billion. According to him, the state is small in terms of total oil and gas revenues in 2016 of US $ 24.89 billion.

"We see this volume is very small. How can we work with 'cost' higher like this, "he said.

Jonan also explained from the absolute number, the cost returned to the contractor for oil and gas production activities (cost recovery) is greater than the state (government take). However, it does not signify the country's loss on oil and gas production 2016.

"This is not a loss because the total revenue of US $ 24.89 billion. 'Cost recovery' US $ 11.94 billion so netto approximately US $ 12.95 billion and then divided by two. 'Government take' US $ 9.67 billion, 'contractor take' US $ 3.28 billion, "he said.

He added that until August 2017, the state's share of oil and gas production ranged 45 percent or US $ 8.14 billion of total revenues of US $ 18.23 billion. The cost of "cost recovery" reached US $ 7.22 billion and the contractor portion was US $ 2.87 billion.


Hingga Agustus, Pendapatan Migas US$ 8,2 Miliar

Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan meminta Komisi VII DPR RI untuk mengapresiasi kinerja pemerintah dan SKK Migas terhadap pendapatan produksi migas yang mencapai US$ 18,23 miliar hingga Agustus 2017. Dalam Rapat 

   Dengar Pendapat di Komisi VII di Jakarta, Kamis (7/9) malam, Jonan menjelaskan bahwa dari keseluruhan pendapatan sebesar US$ 18,23 tersebut, sebesar 45 persen atau US$ 8,14 miliar menjadi milik negara. Sementara itu, pendapatan produksi migas sepanjang 2016 sebesar US$ 24,89 miliar dan bagian negara US$ 9,67 miliar.

“Untuk 2017, angkanya ini sementara sampai Agustus total revenue US$ 18,23 miliar . Ini saya minta bapak apresiasi ke saya karena dibanding US$ 24 miliar total pendapatan ‘full year' 2016, ini sudah jauh lebih tinggi," katanya.

Sebelumnya, salah satu anggota komisi VII Harry Poernomo, mempertanyakan pendapatan negara dari produksi minyak dan gas bumi (migas) 2016 hanya sebesar US$ 9,67 miliar atau 38 persen, sedangkan biaya “cost recovery’ sebesar US$ 11,94 miliar. Menurut dia, bagian negara terbilang kecil jika dilihat dari total keseluruhan pendapatan migas 2016 sebesar US$ 24,89 miliar. 

“Kita lihat ini volumenya kecil sekali. Bagaimana bisa kita bekerja dengan ‘cost’ lebih tinggi seperti ini,” katanya.

Jonan pun menjelaskan dari angka absolut, biaya yang dikembalikan ke kontraktor atas kegiatan produksi migas (cost recovery) memang lebih besar daripada bagian negara (government take). Namun, hal tersebut tidak menandakan negara rugi terhadap hasil produksi migas 2016.

“Ini bukan rugi karena total revenue US$ 24,89 miliar. ‘Cost recovery’ US$ 11,94 miliar sehingga netto-nya kurang lebih US$ 12,95 miliar kemudian dibagi dua. ‘Government take’ US$ 9,67 miliar , ‘contractor take’ US$ 3,28 miliar,” katanya.

Ia menambahkan, hingga Agustus 2017, bagian negara dari produksi migas berkisar 45 persen atau US$ 8,14 miliar dari total pendapatan US$ 18,23 miliar.  Biaya “cost recovery” mencapai US$ 7.22 miliar dan bagian kontraktor US$ 2,87 miliar.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Saturday, Sept 9, 2017

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