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Thursday, October 26, 2017

2018, Pertamina EP Prepare Capex US $ 700 Million

PT Pertamina EP is preparing a capital expenditure (capex) of US $ 700 million or approximately Rp 9.45 trillion (exchange rate of Rp 13,500 per US dollar) next year. The amount of this capex increased compared to the year 2017 which amounted to US $ 636 million.

Next year we will be more aggressive. Our seismic survey is improving, "said Pertamina EP president Nanang Abdul Manaf at Kualasimpang, Aceh Tamiang, Wednesday (25/10).

According to him, the decline in world oil prices does not make Pertamina EP retain exploration and production activities. Next year, the subsidiary of PT Pertamina will increase the number of development wells to 70 wells from only 52 wells in 2017. While oil production is targeted 83 thousand barrels from 14 production wells.

"The 2018 production target will increase slightly compared to the 2017 target of 78 thousand barrels," he said.

Nanang hopes that next year's production increase can be accompanied by rising oil prices in global markets.

"We hope that the minimum price of oil could reach US $ 50 per barrel," he said.

According to him, direct production costs currently reach US $ 16 per barrel.

"In addition to other costs, the cost of production could reach US $ 22-23 per barrel," he said.

Overseas Production

In the meantime, Pertamina EP Asset I Field Rantau, operational unit of PT Pertamina EP, cooperating contract contractor (KKKS) under the coordination and supervision of SKK Migas, recorded oil and gas production that exceeded the target in the company's budget work plan (RKAP) 2017.

Richard Muthalib, Field Manager of Rantau Pertamina EP Asset I, said that up to October 18, 2017, Pertamina Field Rantau oil production reached 2,495 barrels per day, or 107.6 percent of the target of 2,319 barrels per day. While the realization of gas production reached 3.91 mmscfd or 142.7% of the target in RKAP of 2.74 mmscfd.

"Oil from Overseas is delivered to the Balikpapan refinery and the Cilacp refinery," Richard said.

Meanwhile, the status of the active well up to October 18 is 144 wells, consisting of 105 production wells, namely five natural well spray wells, 1 well well well, eight well gas lift gas, and 17 electricity wells submercible pump.

In addition, there are beam pump / pump jack 59 wells, and hydraulic pumping unit 15 wells.

"The remaining 38 injection wells, five injection pressure maintenance wells from 33 EOR injection wells," said Richard.


2018, Pertamina EP Siapkan Capex US$ 700 Juta

PT Pertamina EP menyiapkan belanja modal atau capital expencfture (capex) sebesar US$ 700 juta atau sekitar Rp 9,45 triliun (kurs Rp 13.500 per dolar AS) pada tahun depan. Jumlah capex ini meningkat dibandingkan tahun 2017 yang sebesar US$ 636 juta.

Tahun depan kami akan lebih agresif. Survei seismik kita tingkatkan,” ujar Dirut Pertamina EP Nanang Abdul Manaf di Kualasimpang, Aceh Tamiang, Rabu (25/10).

Menurut dia, turunnya harga minyak dunia tidak membuat Pertamina EP menahan kegiatan eksplorasi dan produksi. Pada tahun depan, anak usaha PT Pertamina ini akan meningkatkan jumlah sumur pengembangan menjadi 70 sumur dari sebelumnya hanya 52 sumur pada 2017. Sedangkan produksi minyak ditargetkan 83 ribu barel dari 14 sumur produksi. 

“Target produksi 2018 ini meningkat sedikit dibandingkan target 2017 sebesar 78 ribu barel,” ujar dia.

Nanang berharap peningkatan produksi tahun depan bisa di iringi dengan kenaikan harga minyak di pasar global. 

“Harapan kita harga minyak minimal bisa mencapai US$ 50 per barel,” ujarnya.

Menurut dia, ongkos produksi langsung saat ini mencapai US$ 16 per barel. 

“Ditambah biaya-biaya lainnya, ongkos produksinya bisa mencapai US$ 22-23 per barel,” ucapnya.

Produksi Rantau

Sementara itu, Pertamina EP Asset I Field Rantau, unit operasional PT Pertamina EP kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) dibawah koordinasi dan supervisi SKK Migas mencatatkan produksi minyak dan gas yang melewati target dalam rencana kerja anggaran perusahaan (RKAP) 2017.

Richard Muthalib, Field Manager Rantau Pertamina EP Asset I, mengatakan, hingga 18 Oktober 2017, produksi minyak Pertamina Field Rantau mencapai 2.495 barel per hari, atau 107,6% dari sasaran sebesar 2.319 barel per hari. Sedangkan realisasi produksi gas mencapai 3,91 mmscfd atau 142,7% dari target dalam RKAP sebesar 2,74 mmscfd.

“Minyak dari Rantau dikirim ke kilang Balikpapan dan kilang Cilacp,” ujar Richard.

Sementara itu, status sumur aktif sampai dengan 18 Oktober adalah 144 sumur, terdiri atas 105 sumur produksi, yaitu sumur sembur alam lima sumur, sumur gas 1 sumur, gas lift delapan sumur, dan electric submercible pump 17 sumur.

Selain itu, terdapat beam pump/pump jack 59 sumur, dan hydraulic pumping unit 15 sumur. 

“Sisanya 38 sumur injeksi, yaitu lima sumur injeksi pressure maintenance dari 33 sumur injeksi EOR,” ujar Richard.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Thursday, October 26, 2017

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