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Wednesday, October 18, 2017

After Margin, Gas Market Turns Regulated

The government will divide the cluster in gas trading system, which is to apply one gas trading company to control one particular area in marketing gas to consumers.

Currently, all gas traders can work on the same area so that there is often overlap in the construction of gas pipeline infrastructure. Section Head of Implementation of Oil and Gas Infrastructure Development, Directorate General of Oil and Gas, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Agung Kuswardono said that the government will issue a new regulation to divide gas traders who do business based on certain network areas.

In every gas distribution area there will be only one gas trader in the location. Agung explains, there will only be one gas business entity that does business in a region. Thus, he mentioned there would be no overlapping facilities in the designated areas.

"So the area of ​​gas distribution network and the area of ​​tetentu network there is only one business entity that beriaga in that region," he said in the Gas Discussion for Industry at the Ministry of Industry, Tuesday (17/10).

In addition, the government will release four new regulations on natural gas. First, the Presidential Regulation on the Natural Gas Network for Households. Second, revision of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation no. 19/2009 on Natural Gas Business Activities through Pipes which shall regulate the distribution of commercial territories of gas commercial entities.

Thirdly, the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources on Downstream Gas Sales Price, which limits the commercial trade margin to a maximum of 7%. Fourth, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation on Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Procedures.

Meanwhile, industrial users of gas users are waiting for the issuance of Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources which regulates the margin of gas trading system. The regulation is currently being discussed in the Coordinating Ministry for Kemantiman Affairs.

Director of Upstream Chemical Industry Ministry of Industry Muhammad Khayam said that the beleid will regulate the cost of delivering gas or toll fee. Through the beleid, the profits of the gas management company will be limited so that the price charged to the industrial users is not too high.

"Now it is still a draft of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation. Hopefully, this rule can be faster so there is no delay the decline in gas prices, "he said.


Khayam said, with the regulation, the price of gas for industry is estimated to drop about US $ 0.5-US $ 1 per MMBtu. Although the decline in gas prices has not been as big as industry expectations, Khayam says it is the first step towards further decline.

Previously, the Ministry of Industry recommended five industrial sectors consisting of 86 companies to get priority for the reduction of gas prices, namely fertilizer, petrochemical, steel, glass and ceramics industries. Based on Regulation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 40/2016 on Natural Gas Prices for Certain Industries, of the 86 companies, only eight companies from three sectors have enjoyed the decline in gas prices, from the fertilizer, petrochemical and steel sectors.

The companies are PT Kaltim Parna Industri, PT Kaltim Methanol Industri, PT Pupuk Kalimaman Timur, PT Pupuk Kujang Cikampek, PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang, PT Pupuk lskandar Muda, PT Petrokimia Gresik and PT Krakatau Steel Tbk.

"The rest, of which 78 companies are waiting for the ESDM Ministerial Regulation," he said.

Furthermore, Khayam said the decline in gas prices for the industry is highly anticipated in order to increase competitiveness and interest in domestic companies' expansion. In fact, the contribution and investment side should be encouraged to offset the consumption in contributing gross domestic product (GDP) and to achieve the investment growth target in the manufacturing sector which has been set in the National Industrial Development Master Plan (RIPIN) of 7% -8%.

In addition, the decline in industrial gas prices can lead to an increase in industrial revenues that ultimately also increase state revenues from taxes.

"Not to mention if the company exports it later there is foreign exchange, so it is covered in the upstream decline," said Khayam.

Chairman of the Forum for Industrial Gas Users (FIPGB) Achmad Safiun said that the competitiveness of local industries decreased compared with other Southeast Asian countries due to uncompetitive gas prices so that national product prices are higher.

According to him, the national product has a strong potential to dominate the Southeast Asian market if the price is more competitive. This potential can be seen from the ability of local producers in producing quality products with more volume.


Setelah Margin, Giliran Pasar Gas Diatur

Pemerintah akan membagi klaster dalam tata niaga gas, yaitu menerapkan satu badan usaha niaga gas untuk menguasai satu wilayah tertentu dalam memasarkan gas ke konsumen.

Saat ini, semua pelaku usaha (trader) gas bisa menggarap wilayah yang sama sehingga sering terjadi tumpang tindih dalam pembangunan infrastruktur pipa gas. Kepala Seksi Pelaksanaan Pembangunan Infrastruktur Minyak dan Gas Bumi, Ditjen Migas, Kementerian ESDM Agung Kuswardono mengatakan bahwa pemerintah akan mengeluarkan regulasi baru untuk membagi trader gas yang berbisnis berdasarkan wilayah jaringan tertentu.

Dalam setiap wilayah distribusi gas hanya akan ada satu trader gas di Iokasi tersebut. Agung menjelaskan, hanya akan ada satu badan usaha niaga gas yang berbisnis di suatu wilayah. Dengan demikian, dia menyebut tidak akan ada tumpang tindih fasilitas di wilayah yang telah ditentukan.

“Jadi wilayah jaringan distribusi gas dan wilayah jaringan tetentu hanya ada satu badan usaha yang berniaga di wilayah itu,” ujarnya dalam Diskusi Gas untuk Industri di Kementerian Perindustrian, Selasa (17/10).

Selain itu, pemerintah bakal merilis empat regulasi baru soal gas bumi. Pertama, Peraturan Presiden tentang Jaringan Gas Bumi untuk Rumah Tangga. Kedua, revisi Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 19/2009 tentang Kegiatan Usaha Gas Bumi melalui Pipa yang akan mengatur tentang pembagian wilayah niaga para badan usaha niaga gas.

Ketiga, Peraturan Menteri ESDM tentang Harga Jual Gas Bumi Hilir, yang membatasi margin niaga gas maksimal 7%. Keempat, Peraturan Menteri ESDM tentang Tata Cara Impor Gas Alam Cair (liquefied natural gas/LNG).

Sementara itu, pelaku industri pengguna gas sedang menanti penerbitan Peraturan Menteri ESDM yang mengatur margin tata niaga gas. Regulasi tersebut saat ini masih dibahas di Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Kemantiman.

Direktur Industri Kimia Hulu Kementerian Perindustrian Muhammad Khayam mengatakan bahwa beleid tersebut nantinya akan mengatur biaya penghantaran gas atau toll fee. Melalui beleid itu, keuntungan perusahaan pengelola gas akan dibatasi sehingga harga yang dikenakan kepada pengguna industri tidak terlalu tinggi.

“Sekarang masih berupa draf Peraturan Menteri ESDM. Harapannya, peraturan ini bisa lebih cepat supaya tidak ada penundaan penurunan harga gas,” ujarnya. 


Khayam menuturkan, dengan adanya peraturan tersebut, harga gas untuk industri diperkirakan bisa turun sekitar US$ 0,5-US$ 1 per MMBtu. Walaupun penurunan harga gas belum sebesar harapan industri, Khayam menyatakan bahwa hal ini merupakan langkah awal untuk menuju penurunan selanjutnya.

Sebelumnya, Kementerian Perindustrian telah merekomendasikan sebanyak lima sektor industri yang terdiri dari 86 perusahaan untuk mendapat prioritas penurunan harga gas, yaitu industri pupuk, petrokimia, baja, kaca, dan keramik. Berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 40/2016 tentang Harga Gas Bumi untuk Industri Tertentu, dari 86 perusahaan tersebut, hanya delapan perusahaan dari tiga sektor yang telah menikmati penurunan harga gas, yaitu dari sektor pupuk, petrokimia, dan baja.

Perusahaan-perusahaan tersebut adalah PT Kaltim Parna Industri, PT Kaltim Methanol Industri, PT Pupuk Kalimaman Timur, PT Pupuk Kujang Cikampek, PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang, PT Pupuk lskandar Muda, PT Petrokimia Gresik, dan PT Krakatau Steel Tbk.

“Sisanya, yang 78 perusahaan menunggu Peraturan Menteri ESDM itu,” katanya. 

Lebih lanjut, Khayam mengatakan penurunan harga gas untuk industri sangat dinanti supaya daya saing dan minat ekspansi perusahaan dalam negeri tumbuh. Padahal, kontribusi dan sisi investasi perlu didorong untuk mengimbangi konsumsi dalam menyumbang produk domestik bruto (PDB) dan untuk mencapai target pertumbuhan investasi di sektor industri pengolahan yang telah ditetapkan dalam Rencana Induk Pembangunan Industri Nasional (RIPIN) sebesar 7%-8%.

Selain itu, penurunan harga gas industri dapat mendorong peningkatan pendapatan industri yang pada akhirnya juga memperbesar pendapatan negara dari pajak.

“Belum lagi kalau perusahaan itu ekspor nanti ada devisa, sehingga tertutupi penurunan di hulu itu,” ujar Khayam.

Ketua Forum Industri Pengguna Gas Bumi (FIPGB) Achmad Safiun mengatakan bahwa daya saing industri lokal menurun dibandingkan dengan negara Asia Tenggara lain karena harga gas yang tidak kompetitif sehingga harga produk nasional lebih tinggi. 

Menurutnya, produk nasional memiliki potensi yang kuat untuk merajai pasar Asia Tenggara apabila harganya lebih kompetitif. Potensi ini dapat dilihat dari kemampuan produsen lokal dalam menghasilkan produk berkualitas dengan volume lebih banyak. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Wednesday, October 18,  2017

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