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Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Auction Rules Working Area Slack

A number of points of auction rules of oil and gas working areas slack. The Government plans to amend the current regulation based on Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 35/2008 on the Procedures for the Determination and Supply of Working Areas of Oil and Gas.

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources dismisses the allegations, changes in the rules of the auction of oil and gas working area is the effect of the quiet of the auction Work area. Given, in the last two years the auction of oil and gas working area is not much interested. Although, the government recognizes there are weaknesses during its implementation. 

     Well, that's the result of evaluation from the Directorate General of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources to the auction of oil and gas WK. In addition, the government also wants to adjust the auction rules of oil and gas working area with the gross split rule.

"There is a gross split, at least all the nicknames must be changed," he said, Secretary of the Directorate General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources on Monday (2/10).

In changing the rules, the government claims, has accommodated the proposals of business actors. One of them, allowing business entities to conduct Self Study. Then the results are reported to the government for auction. For the government, the implementation of Self Study also has the potential to add data of oil and gas working area. Therefore, the government claimed to have limitations to seek and collect data on oil and gas working areas.

Independent study is different from the rules that exist today. In determining the working area of ​​oil and gas, business entities must conduct joint study with the government. In addition to self-study, changes to the auction rules of oil and gas working areas will also include an extension of the deadline in the auction process. Since the Auction deadline is too narrow, many business entities can not evaluate the oil and gas working areas offered by the government. In the end they did not follow the auction of oil and gas working area.

Another proposed change, namely the assessment of financial ability. Single, Director of Upstream Oil and Gas Development of the Directorate General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, said there are also proposals to change the determination of owner estimate.

"Procedures to compile it how, yesterday there are Standart, Operation and Procedures, but this is still in the discourse whether to change or not," said Tunggal.


Aturan Lelang Wilayah Kerja Mengendur

Sejumlah poin aturan lelang wilayah kerja minyak dan gas mengendur. Pemerintah berencana mengubah aturan yang saat ini berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral nomor 35/2008 tentang Tata Cara Penetapan dan Penawaran Wilayah Kerja Minyak dan Gas Bumi.

Kementerian ESDM menampik dugaan, perubahan aturan lelang wilayah kerja migas adalah efek dari sepinya lelang Wilayah kerja. Mengingat, dalam dua tahun terakhir lelang wilayah kerja migas tidak banyak peminat. Meskipun, pemerintah mengakui ada kelemahan selama implementasinya. Nah, hal itulah yang menjadi hasil evaluasi dari Direktorat Jenderal Migas Kementerian ESDM terhadap lelang WK migas. Selain itu, pemerintah juga ingin menyesuaikan aturan lelang wilayah kerja migas dengan aturan gross split.

"Ada gross split, paling tidak semua julukannya harus diubah, istilahnya nomenklaturnya," jelas Susyanto, Sekretatis Direktorat Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM, Senin (2/10).

Dalam mengubah aturan, pemerintah mengklaim, sudah menampung usulan pelaku usaha. Salah satunya, mengizinkan badan usaha melakukan Studi mandiri. Lantas hasilnya dilaporkan kepada pemerintah untuk dilelang. Bagi pemerintah, penerapan Studi mandiri juga berpotensi menambah data-data Wilayah Kerja migas. Sebab, pemerintah mengaku memiliki keterbatasan untuk mencari dan mengumpulkan data-data wilayah kerja migas.

Studi mandiri berbeda dengan aturan yang ada saat ini. Dalam menetapkan wilayah kerja migas, badan usaha harus melakukan joint study bersama pemerintah. Selain studi mandiri, perubahan aturan lelang wilayah kerja migas juga akan memuat perpanjangan batas waktu dalam proses lelang. Karena batas Waktu lelang terlalu sempit, banyak badan usaha yang tidak bisa mengevaluasi wilayah kerja migas yang ditawarkan pemerintah. Pada akhirnya mereka tidak jadi mengikuti lelang wilayah kerja migas.

Usulan perubahan lain, yakni soal penilaian kemampuan finansial. Tunggal, Direktur Pembinaan Hulu Migas Direktorat Jenderal Migas Kementerian ESDM, bilang, ada juga usulan mengubah penentuan owner estimate (nilai Sendiri).

"Tata Cara menyusun itu bagaimana, kemarin ada SOP, tapi ini masih dalam wacana apakah perlu diubah atau tidak," kata Tunggal.

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, October 3, 2017

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