Oil fuel business in the country will be more competitive because the new players who will set up oil refueling stations are projected to grow.
When there is PT Pertamina, Shell Indonesia, Total, and PT AKR Corporindo Tbk. who had already done business in the downstream sector of oil and gas. It is now PT Vivo Energy Indonesia, the owner of a Vivo gas station (SPBU), which goes into downstream oil and gas business.
Vivo fuels sells a new type of octane number (RON) 89 because it is prohibited from selling Premium which has octane content of 88. Vivo sells three types of fuel oil, namely Revvo RON 89, Revvo 90, and Revvo 92.
Corporate Communication of PT Vivo Energy Indonesia Maldi Al Jufrie said that the company's decision to sell fuel oil with RON 89 content to avoid downstream polemic of oil and gas market in Indonesia. So far only PT Pertamina that sells fuel with RON 88 or Premium.
Vivo products in the form of Revvo RON 89 are sold at Rp 6,100 per liter lower than Premium Rp 6,550 per liter. Revvo RON 90 is equivalent to Pertalite sold at Rp 7,500 per liter equal to Pertalite.
In addition, Revvo RON 92 (equivalent to Pertamax) is sold at Rp 8,250 per liter. Currently, the government still regulates Premium and diesel prices for areas outside Java, Madura, and Bali. Meanwhile, fuel oil (BBM) into the category of assignment when sold in areas other than Java, Madura, and Bali.
Based on Presidential Regulation No.191 / 2014 on Provision, Distribution and Retail Price of BBM, the ownership of processing facilities, storage, and distribution of BBM so that business entity can get assignment, that is selling Premium type of fuel.
Until now, the new government commissioned the provision and distribution to Pertamina. On the other hand, Vivo builds gas stations not only in Java, but also in Maluku which is planned to be built three units. According to Maldi, with the approval of the government, it can create new products with RON 89 or higher dPremium levels.
"We really do not want to be involved in a polemic of 88 why there has not been an appointment of 88. Therefore we thank God for the approval of the government can make new products Revvo 89," he said after the inauguration of Vivo operational test in Cilangkap, East Jakarta, Thursday (26/10).
To modify the levels of RON, Maldi admitted that his side to mix fuel in Tanjung Priok. Later, the products are ready to sell with RON 89. Besides Cilangkap, East Jakarta, other new gas stations will be built around seven units in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok and Tangerang. Related to the pricing mechanism, Maldi said that his party sells fuel in accordance with the price of the economy that can change at any time.
"Now in storage will be able to send directly. The storage is in Priok, "he said.
Vivo Energy has three fuel storage Lunts in Tanjung Priok Jakarta to temporarily accommodate imported fuel. ESDM Minister Ignasius Jonan reiterated the Vivo fuel station operational test for setting a cheaper fuel price.
According to him, the government provides an opportunity for the private sector to do business in downstream oil business line. Provided, stick to the rules.
"Vivo is why I came, this is because it sells its RON 92, 90, and 89. That 89, today sold at Rp 6,100 per liter" he said after reviewing Vivo gas stations.
Quoted and Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 48/2005 on Standard and Quality (Specification) and Supervision of Fuel, Gas, Materials Other Fuel, LPG, LNG and Processed Products Marketed in the Interior, the Director General of Oil and Gas establishes the quality standards of oil and gas processed products.
The Director General shall stipulate product specifications which may be circulated domestically through a Decree of the Director General. Quoted from the page of Directorate General of Oil and Gas, the specified fuel specifications RON 48, RON 88, RON 90, Avtur, kerosin and fuel oil.
In the Decree of the Director General of Oil and Gas (Director General of Oil and Gas) on RON 88, the RON content is at least 88, but not set the maximum standard for RON 88 type.
Contacted separately, the Director General of Oil and Gas Ministry of ESDM Ego Syahrial did not respond to the RON 89 specification test result. Head of Communication, Information and Cooperation Bureau Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Dadan Kusdiana said that in the Director General Decree only regulated minimum RON level. That is, fuel with levels exceeding 88 allowed in the market. However, Dadan did not elaborate on the specification test.
In the Decree of the Director General of Oil and Gas Number 933.K / 10 / DJM.S / 2013, the minimum level of RON at level 88 with no maximum levels. In addition, also set the standard content of sulfur, lead, metals, olefin olefins to benzene from RON 88 type fuel that may be marketed.
In the Decree of the Director General of Oil and Gas No. 933.K / 10 / DJM.S / 2013, the minimum level of RON at level 88 with no maximum levels.
In addition, also set the standard content of sulfur, lead, metals, olefin olefins to benzene from RON 88 type fuel that may be marketed.
"Must be tested RONnya content. This means because the RON at least 88, so 89 is allowed, "he said.
Previously, BBM BPH Migas Committee Ibnu Fajar said in the general trading business permit granted by the Directorate General of Oil and Gas, listed what kind of fuel is allowed to sell business entities. Thus, although the Presidential Regulation stipulates that the business entity selling the Premium (RON 88) must have a storage and processing facility, Vivo can still sell Premium (RON 88) even though it does not yet have a refinery.
"What I hear is listed indeed they can sell RON 88," he said.
Bisnis SPBU Makin Semarak
Bisnis bahan bakar minyak di Tanah Air akan semakin kompetitif karena pemain baru yang akan mendirikan stasiun pengisian bahan bakar minyak diproyeksikan kian bertambah.
Saat sudah ada PT Pertamina, Shell Indonesia, Total, dan PT AKR Corporindo Tbk. yang sudah lebih dulu berbisnis di Sektor hilir migas. Kini giliran PT Vivo Energy Indonesia, pemilik stasiun pengisian bahan bakar umum (SPBU) Vivo, yang masuk ke bisnis hilir migas.
SPBU Vivo menjual bahan bakar jenis baru dengan kandungan oktan (research octane number/RON) 89 karena dilarang menjual Premium yang memiliki kandungan oktan 88. Vivo menjual tiga jenis bahan bakar minyak, yaitu Revvo RON 89, Revvo 90, dan Revvo 92.
Corporate Communication PT Vivo Energy Indonesia Maldi Al Jufrie mengatakan bahwa keputusan perusahaan untuk menjual bahan bakar minyak dengan kandungan RON 89 unruk menghindari polemik pasar hilir migas di Indonesia. Selama ini hanya PT Pertamina yang menjual bahan bakar dengan RON 88 atau Premium.
Produk Vivo berupa Revvo RON 89 dijual dengan harga Rp 6.100 per liter lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan Premium Rp 6.550 per liter. Revvo RON 90 yang setara dengan Pertalite dijual dengan harga Rp7.500 per liter sama dengan Pertalite.
Selain itu, Revvo RON 92 (setara dengan Pertamax) dijual dengan harga Rp 8.250 per liter. Saat ini, pemerintah masih mengatur harga Premium dan solar untuk kawasan di luar Jawa, Madura, dan Bali. Sementara itu, bahan bakar minyak (BBM) masuk kategori penugasan bila dijual di wilayah selain Jawa, Madura, dan Bali.
Berdasarkan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 191/2014 tentang Penyediaan, Pendistribusian, dan Harga Jual Eceran BBM, syarat kepemilikan fasilitas pengolahan, penyimpanan, dan pendistribusian BBM agar badan usaha bisa mendapat penugasan, yaitu menjual BBM jenis Premium.
Hingga saat ini, pemerintah baru menugaskan penyediaan dan penyaluran kepada Pertamina. Di sisi lain, Vivo membangun SPBU tidak hanya di Jawa, tetapi juga di Maluku yang rencananya akan dibangun tiga unit. Menurut Maldi, atas persetujuan pemerintah, pihaknya bisa membuat produk baru dengan kadar RON 89 atau lebih tinggi Premium.
"Kami sebenamya tidak ingin terlibat polemik 88 kenapa belum ada penunjukan 88. Oleh karena itu kami Alhamdulillah atas persetujuan pemerintah bisa membuat produk baru Revvo 89,” ujarnya seusai peresmian uji operasional Vivo di Cilangkap, Jakarta Timur, Kamis (26/10).
Untuk memodifikasi kadar RON, Maldi mengaku bahwa pihaknya melakukan pencampuran BBM di Tanjung Priok. Nantinya, produk yang dibawa sudah berupa produk siap jual dengan kadar RON 89. Selain di Cilangkap, Jakarta Timur, SPBU baru lainnya akan dibangun sekitar tujuh unit di Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, dan Tangerang.
Terkait dengan mekanisme penetapan harga, Maldi menyebut bahwa pihaknya menjual BBM sesuai dengan harga keekonomian yang bisa berubah sewaktu-waktu.
“Sekarang di storage nantinya bisa kirim langsung. Storage-nya di Priok,” katanya.
Vivo Energy memiliki tiga Lunt penyimpanan BBM di Tanjung Priok Jakarta untuk menampung sementara bahan bakar yang diimpor. Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan mereamikan uji operasional SPBU Vivo karena menetapkan harga bahan bakar minyak yang lebih murah.
Menurutnya, pemerintah memberikan kesempatan kepada pihak swasta untuk berbisnis di lini usaha hilir minyak. Asalkan, tetap mengikuti peraturan yang berlaku.
“Vivo ini kenapa saya sampai datang, ini karena jualnya itu RON-nya 92, 90, dan 89. Yang 89 itu, hari ini dijual diharga Rp 6.100 per liter” ujarnya usai meninjau SPBU Vivo.
Dikutip dan Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 48/2005 tentang Standar dan Mutu (Spesifikasi) Serta Pengawasan BBM, Gas, Bahan Bakar Lain, LPG, LNG, dan Hasil Olahan yang Dipasarkan di Dalam Negeri, Dirjen Migas menetapkan standar mutu produk olahan minyak dan gas.
Direktur Jenderal menetapkan spesifikasi produk yang boleh beredar di dalam negeri melalui Keputusan Direktur Jenderal. Dikutip dari laman Direktorat Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi, spesifikasi BBM yang telah ditetapkan RON 48, RON 88, RON 90, Avtur, kerosin dan minyak bakar.
Dalam Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi (Dirjen Migas) tentang RON 88, kadar RON minimal 88, tetapi tidak ditetapkan standar maksimum untuk jenis RON 88.
Dihubungi terpisah, Dirjen Migas Kementerian ESDM Ego Syahrial tidak merespons tentang hasil uji spesifikasi RON 89. Kepala Biro Komunikasi, Iayanan lnfomiasi dan Kerja Sama Kementerian ESDM Dadan Kusdiana mengatakan bahwa dalam Surat Keputusan Dirjen hanya diatur kadar minimum RON saja. Artinya, BBM dengan kadar melebihi 88 diperbolehkan beredar dipasar. Namun, Dadan tidak menjelaskan lebih detail mengenai uji spesifikasinya.
Dalam Keputusan Dirjen Migas Nomor 933.K/10/DJM.S/2013, kadar minimal RON di level 88 dengan tanpa kadar maksimum. Selain itu, diatur pula standar kandungan Sulfur, timbal, logam, oksigen olefin hingga benzena dari BBM jenis RON 88 yang boleh dipasarkan.
“Pasti diuji kandungan RONnya. Artinya karena RON minimal 88, jadi 89 itu boleh,” katanya.
Sebelumnya, Komite BBM BPH Migas Ibnu Fajar mengatakan dalam izin usaha niaga umum yang diberikan Direktorat Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi, tercantum jenis BBM apa saja yang diperbolehkan dijual badan usaha. Dengan demikian, kendati pada Peraturan Presiden diatur bahwa badan usaha yang menjual Premium (RON 88) harus memiliki fasilitas penyimpanan dan pengolahan,Vivo tetap bisa menjual Premium (RON 88) meskipun belum memiliki kilang.
“Yang saya dengar memang tercantum memang mereka boleh jual RON 88,” katanya.
Bisnis Indonesia, Page-31, Friday, October 27, 2017
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