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Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Business Players Demand Promise of Gas Price Decrease

The Natural Gas Users Industry Forum is charging the government's commitment to lower industrial gas prices. The decline in industrial gas prices is needed to increase industrial competitiveness, attract investment into the real sector, absorb large quantities of labor, and increase industrial contribution to the economy.

"Moreover, President Joko Widodo in a limited cabinet meeting on October 4, 2016 has instructed the industrial gas price of US $ 5-US $ 6 per MMBTU (million metric british thermal unit) to strengthen the industry's competitiveness," said Chairman of the Forum of Natural Gas User Industry Achmad Safiun in a press conference in Jakarta, Monday (9/10).

The event was attended by Chairman of Indonesian Pulp and Paper Association Aryan Wargadalam and Chairman of Sheet and Safety Glass Association Yustinus H Gunawan. Also present were Vice Chairman of Indonesian Olefin, Aromatic, and Plastic Industry Association Suhat Miyarso and President Director of PT Puri Kemenangan Jaya Jusmery Chandra. Gas prices, said Achmad, vary in each Region.

"In North Sumatra the price is 9.95 US dollars per MMBTU in West Java 9.2 US dollars per MMBTU and in East Java 8.1-8.2 US dollars per MMBTU" he said.

Achmad added that gas prices could be lowered by streamlining gas distribution systems and reducing state revenues or non-tax state revenues. Meanwhile, according to Suhat, gas sales business chain is very long.

"The number of intermediaries that do not have pipelines and only based on this quota if it can be removed so as not to increase the cost component of gas sales," he said.

Yustinus H Gunawan said that one glass factory in Indonesia has reduced its production capacity from 1.5 million tons per year to 1.25 million tons per year. The reduction in production capacity is due to the industrial gas prices that do not immediately come down. Representing the ceramics industry, Jusmery regretted the price of industrial gas that has not gone down. With the condition of industrial gas prices still high, so far eight ceramic factories in Indonesia are closed.

"That is, about 20 percent of the total ceramics factory in Indonesia," he said.


Pelaku Usaha Tagih Janji Penurunan Harga Gas

Forum Industri Pengguna Gas Bumi menagih komitmen pemerintah menurunkan harga gas industri. Penurunan harga gas industri itu diperlukan untuk meningkatkan daya saing industri, menarik investasi ke sektor riil, menyerap tenaga kerja dalam jumlah banyak, dan meningkatkan kontribusi industri terhadap perekonomian.

”Apalagi Presiden Joko Widodo dalam rapat kabinet terbatas pada 4 Oktober 2016 sudah menginstruksikan harga gas industri 5 dollar AS-6 dollar AS per MMBTU (juta metrik british thermal unit) untuk memperkuat daya saing industri,” kata Ketua Umum Forum Industri Pengguna Gas Bumi Achmad Safiun dalam konferensi pers di Jakarta, Senin (9/10).

Acara itu dihadiri Ketua Umum Asosiasi Pulp dan Kertas Indonesia Aryan Wargadalam serta Ketua Umum Asosiasi Kaca Lembaran dan Pengaman Yustinus H Gunawan. Hadir juga Wakil Ketua Asosiasi Industri Olefin, Aromatik, dan Plastik Indonesia Suhat Miyarso serta Presiden Direktur PT Puri Kemenangan Jaya Jusmery Chandra. Harga gas, kata Achmad, bervariasi di tiap Wilayah. 

”Di Sumatera Utara harganya 9,95 dollar AS per MMBTU di Jawa Barat 9,2 dollar AS per MMBTU dan di Jawa Timur 8,1-8,2 dollar AS per MMBTU” katanya.

Achmad menambahkan, harga gas bisa diturunkan dengan cara mengefisiensikan sistem distribusi gas dan pengurangan penerimaan negara atau penerimaan negara bukan pajak gas. Sementara menurut Suhat, rantai bisnis penjualan gas sangat panjang. 

”Banyaknya perantara yang tidak mempunyai jaringan pipa dan hanya berdasarkan kuota ini kalau bisa dihilangkan sehingga tidak menambah komponen biaya penjualan gas,” katanya.

Yustinus H Gunawan mengatakan, satu pabrik kaca di Indonesia sudah berkurang kapasitas produksinya dari 1,5 juta ton per tahun menjadi 1,25 juta ton per tahun. Pengurangan kapasitas produksi ini akibat harga gas industri yang tidak segera turun. Mewakili industri keramik, Jusmery menyayangkan harga gas industri yang belum turun. Dengan kondisi harga gas industri yang masih tetap tinggi, sejauh ini delapan pabrik keramik di Indonesia tutup. 

”Artinya, sekitar 20 persen dari total pabrik keramik di Indonesia,” katanya.

Kompas, Page-17, Tuesday, October 10, 2017

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