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Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Cheap Gas Policy Constrained Market Mechanism

The decline in industrial gas prices from US $ 8-9 per mmbtu to US $ 6 per mmbtu is constrained by the domestic gas market mechanism. Currently, the price of gas in each field is different, so the price of industrial gas can not be equated in all regions. Therefore, the government must establish a certain mechanism to obtain affordable gas prices for the industry.

One way to take over domestic gas trade from the private sector. After that, the government sets the average price of industrial gas, then distributes it to the company.

Executive Director of ReforMiner Institute Komaidi Notonegoro said, so far, the government only looks from a macro perspective and from a user's industry perspective. In fact, it should be seen again the price in the upstream industry, because each gas field has a different price.

Komaidi said that in gas fields that have prices below US $ 6 per mmbtu, gas prices can be in accordance with the wishes of the government. However, in reality the price is more than that, it is difficult to get the price the government wants. To that end, Komaidi said that the government can not force the upstream industry to lower the gas price to the level of US $ 6 per mmbtu.

"Unless the government wants to create mechanisms such as the Bulog Logistics Agency, so the government takes over all gas, then the price is averaged and just sold to consumers. This scheme can be done, because the government is selling. But, if still submitted to the market mechanism, it can not be done like that, because the price of gas in each field is different, "said Komaidi.

In addition, production costs in each region vary. In principle, gas prices will be more expensive in areas where infrastructure is minimal. Meanwhile, which is required to build infrastructure is upstream industry, which is then charged at the selling price.

"The government should be deeper to see it. So, if using market mechanism, can not be equated with industrial gas price. There is supervision allowed, but each field can not be equated, "said Komaidi.

He considered, Presidential Regulation No. 40/2016 on the Pricing of Natural Gas is made based on information that is not intact. As a result, the regulation is difficult to implement. In fact, even in Java Island, it is difficult to realize the maximum industrial gas price of US $ 6 per mmbtu. Moreover, in the eastern part of Indonesia. In fact, most of the gas reserves are in the region.

Industrial Collapsing

Previously, as many as 45 manufacturing factories closed due to high gas prices. Of that total, 36 are rubber glove factories, eight ceramics factories, and one sheet glass factory. The high price of gas has resulted in the competitiveness of national industry down. As a result, local industries are unable to compete with imported goods in the domestic market. This incident continues, so the industry cuts production or even closes the factory, for those who can not bear the burden anymore.

Therefore, the gas user industry asked the government to immediately lower the price of industrial gas from an average of US $ 8-9 per mmbtu to US $ 6 per mmbtu. Especially for the petrochemical industry, the price of gas for raw materials should ideally reach US $ 3 per mmbtu. This decline is not negotiable, given that many companies are closing the factory.

Moreover, this is regulated in Economic Package II released in October 2015. Currently, the decline in gas prices is only enjoyed by three industrial sectors, namely petrochemical, steel, and fertilizer.

This incentive also can only be obtained by state-owned companies. The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) pushed two other industrial sub-sectors to get this incentive, namely ceramics and glass. Chairman of the Association of Glass Glasses and Safety (AKLP) Yustinus Gunawan said, national glass industry can not compete if the price of gas is still high. Glass industry players buy gas at a price of US $ 8-9 per mmbtu, while gas prices in other Asean countries reach US $ 5 per mmbtu.


Kebijakan Gas Murah Terkendala Mekanisme Pasar

Penurunan harga gas industri dari level US$ 8-9 per mmbtu menjadi US$ 6 per mmbtu terkendala mekanisme pasar gas domestik. Saat ini, harga gas di setiap lapangan berbeda-beda, sehingga harga gas industri tidak dapat disamakan di semua daerah. Oleh sebab itu, pemerintah harus menetapkan mekanisme tertentu untuk mendapatkan harga gas yang terjangkau bagi industri. 

Salah satu caranya dengan mengambil alih perdagangan gas dalam negeri dari swasta. Setelah itu, pemerintah menetapkan harga rata-rata gas industri, lalu mendistribusikan ke perusahaan.

Direktur Eksekutif ReforMiner Institute Komaidi Notonegoro mengatakan, selama ini, pemerintah hanya melihat dari perspektif makro dan dari pandangan industri pengguna. Padahal, harus dilihat kembali harga di industri hulu, karena setiap lapangan gas memiliki harga yang berbeda.

Komaidi mengatakan, di lapangan gas yang memiliki harga di bawah US$ 6 per mmbtu, harga gas bisa sesuai keinginan pemerintah. Tetapi, kenyataannya harganya lebih dari itu, sulit mendapatkan harga yang diinginkan pemerintah. Untuk itu, Komaidi menilai pemerintah tidak dapat memaksakan industri hulu menurunkan harga gas hingga level US$ 6 per mmbtu.

“Kecuali, kalau pemerintah mau membuat mekanisme seperti Badan Urusan Logistik Bulog, sehingga pemerintah sebagai take over seluruh gas, kemudian harganya dirata-rata dan baru dijual ke konsumen. Skema ini bisa dilakukan, karena pemerintah yang jual. Tapi, kalau masih diserahkan ke mekanisme pasar, tidak bisa dilakukan seperti itu, karena harga gas di tiap lapangan berbeda-beda,” kata Komaidi. 

Selain itu, biaya produksi di setiap daerah berbeda-beda. Prinsipnya, harga gas akan lebih mahal di daerah yang infrastrukturnya minim. Sementara itu, yang diharuskan membangun infrastruktur adalah industri hulu, yang kemudian dibebankan di harga jual.

“Pemerintah harus lebih dalam untuk melihatnya. Jadi, jika menggunakan mekanisme pasar, tidak bisa disamakan harga gas industri. Ada pengawasan boleh, tapi tiap lapangan tidak bisa disamakan,” ujar Komaidi.

Dia menilai, Peraturan Presiden Nomor 40/2016 tentang Penetapan Harga Gas Bumi dibuat berdasarkan informasi yang tidak utuh. Alhasil, regulasi itu sulit untuk diimplementasikan. Bahkan, di Pulau Jawa sekalipun, sulit mewujudkan harga gas industri maksimal US$ 6 per mmbtu. Apalagi, di wilayah Indonesia bagian timur. Padahal, sebagian besar cadangan gas berada di wilayah tersebut.

Industri Kolaps

Sebelumnya, sebanyak 45 pabrik industri manufaktur tutup akibat mahalnya harga gas. Dari jumlah itu, sebanyak 36 merupakan pabrik sarung tangan karet, delapan pabrik keramik, dan satu pabrik kaca lembaran. Tingginya harga gas telah mengakibatkan daya saing industri nasional turun. Akibatnya, industri lokal kalah bersaing dengan barang impor di pasar domestik. Kejadian ini terus berlangsung, sehingga industri memangkas produksi atau bahkan menutup pabrik, bagi yang tidak sanggup lagi memikul beban.

Oleh sebab itu, industri pengguna gas meminta pemerintah segera menurunkan harga gas industri dari rata-rata US$ 8-9 per mmbtu menjadi US$ 6 per mmbtu. Khusus industri petrokimia, harga gas untuk bahan baku idealnya mencapai US$ 3 per mmbtu. Penurunan ini sudah tidak dapat ditawar lagi, mengingat sudah banyak perusahaan yang menutup pabrik.

Apalagi, hal ini diatur dalam Paket Ekonomi II yang dirilis Oktober 2015. Saat ini, penurunan harga gas hanya dinikmati oleh tiga sektor industri, yakni petrokimia, baja, dan pupuk.

Insentif ini juga hanya bisa diperoleh perusahaan BUMN. Kementerian Perindustrian (Kemenperin) mendorong dua subsektor industri lain mendapatkan insentif ini, yakni keramik dan kaca. Chairman III Asosiasi Kaca Lembaran dan Pengaman (AKLP) Yustinus Gunawan mengatakan, industri kaca nasional tidak bisa bersaing jika harga gas masih tinggi. Para pelaku industri kaca membeli gas dengan harga mencapai US$ 8-9 per mmbtu, sedangkan harga gas di negara Asean lainnya mencapai US$ 5 per mmbtu.

Investor Daily,  Page-10, Tuesday, October 17, 2017

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