The ESDM Ministry will soon issue a Regulation of the Minister of EMR regarding the determination of gas trading margin.
The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) in the near future will issue a regulation to set the trade margin and the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of gas transport. This rule is to respond to the decline in gas prices that have not been done for all specific industries.
Currently the draft of gas transportation margin restriction rules is final and has been submitted to the Coordinating Ministry for Marine Affairs for harmonization.
Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arcandra Tahar stated, the government will prepare a maximum of commercial margins and IRR through this rule.
"The ministerial regulation is over, 11 percent rate of return and general trading business margin of 7 percent," said Arcandra, Friday (10/13).
The gas trading margin determination plan has long been echoed. However, since March 2017, the ESDM Ministry began drafting ministerial regulations on the determination of gas trading margins. At the beginning of the discussion, the government plans to set a 5% commercial gas margin. However, gas traders protest because they consider the 5% margin too small.
The government finally set a 7% commercial gas margin. Issuance of downstream gas margin rules for the government to fulfill pledges to reduce gas prices. The high price of gas to consumers is caused by the high cost of distribution and gas transmission by traders and gas transporters.
From the Notes of the Directorate General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, downstream gas prices with upstream gas prices differ considerably. If the price of gas in the upstream is only US $ 5-6 per mmbtu, the price of gas in the downstream until the final consumer can be US $ 14 per mmbtu. This means that the distribution and transmission costs are US $ 8 per mmbtu.
Industrial gas users also feel the price of distribution and transmission costs are quite high. According to the General Chairman of the Forum for Natural Gas Industry (FIPGB), Achmad Safiun, distribution and transmission costs are one of the causes of expensive gas prices.
"There is inefficiency in transmission," he said.
Public Relations & Corporate Social Responsibility Manager of PT Pertamina Gas Hatim Ilwan said the government had discussed the regulation plan with the business actors of gas distribution and transmission. The ministry actively involves the business world including Pertagas in this rule, Hatim said.
Hatim said that the regulation of the gas trade margin contributes well to the growth of Pertagas's business.
"The rules are quite fair," he said.
Director of Commercial Gas Company of State, Danny Praditya also hope, the rules of gas trading can make the development of gas infrastructure is increasing. That way can create a new market. Danny is optimistic that if transparent and accountable governance rules, the domestic gas industry can flourish.
"From the start of determining the allocation of gas into the entitlement (rights) of the government up to midstream-downstream infrastructure, it is expected that no duplication of infrastructure will potentially harm the state finances and cause inefficiency, firmly danny.
Margin Niaga Gas Akan Dipatok Sebesar 7%
Kementerian ESDM segera menerbitkan Peraturan Menteri ESDM mengenai penetapan margin niaga gas.
Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) dalam waktu dekat akan menerbitkan aturan untuk menata margin niaga dan Internal Rate of Return (IRR) transportasi gas. Aturan ini untuk merespon adanya penurunan harga gas yang belum juga dilakukan untuk semua industri tertentu.
Saat ini draf aturan pembatasan margin transportasi gas sudah final dan telah diserahkan ke Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman untuk dilakukan harmonisasi.
Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar menyatakan, pemerintah akan menyiapkan maksimal margin niaga dan IRR melalui aturan ini.
"Peraturan menterinya sudah selesai. Rate of return 11% dan margin usaha niaga umum 7%," jelas Arcandra, Jumat (13/10).
Rencana penetapan margin niaga gas sudah lama didengungkan. Namun, sejak Maret 2017, Kementerian ESDM mulai menyusun draf peraturan menteri mengenai penetapan margin niaga gas. Pada awal pembahasan, pemerintah berencana menetapkan margin niaga gas hanya 5%. Namun, trader gas memprotes lantaran menganggap margin 5% terlalu kecil.
Pemerintah pun akhirnya menetapkan margin niaga gas sebesar 7%. Penerbitan aturan margin hilir gas agar pemerintah bisa memenuhi janji menurunkan harga gas. Tingginya harga gas ke konsumen salah satunya disebabkan tingginya biaya distribusi dan transmisi gas oleh trader dan transporter gas.
Dari Catatan Direktorat Jenderal Migas Kementerian ESDM, harga gas di hilir dengan harga gas di hulu memiliki perbedaan cukup jauh. Jika harga gas di hulu hanya US$ 5-6 per mmbtu, harga gas di hilir hingga konsumen akhir bisa US$ 14 per mmbtu. Artinya biaya distribusi dan transmisi US$ 8 per mmbtu.
Pemakai gas industri juga merasakan harga biaya distribusi dan transmisi cukup tinggi. Menurut Ketua Umum Forum Industri Pengguna Gas Bumi (FIPGB), Achmad Safiun, biaya distribusi dan transmisi jadi salah satu penyebab harga gas mahal.
"Ada inefisiensi di transmisi," katanya.
Public Relations & Corporate Social Responsibility Manager PT Pertamina Gas Hatim Ilwan menyatakan pemerintah telah mendiskusikan rencana aturan dengan pelaku usaha distribusi dan transmisi gas. Kementerian secara aktif melibatkan dunia usaha termasuk Pertagas di aturan ini," kata Hatim.
Hatim menyebut, pengaturan margin niaga gas ini berkontribusi baik bagi pertumbuhan usaha Pertagas.
"Aturan yang cukup fair," ujarnya.
Direktur Komersial Perusahaan Gas Negara, Danny Praditya juga berharap, aturan tata niaga gas tersebut bisa membuat pengembangan infrastruktur gas semakin meningkat. Dengan begitu bisa menciptakan pasar baru. Danny optimistis, jika aturan tata kelola transparan dan akuntabel, industri gas dalam negeri bisa berkembang.
"Dari mulai penetapan alokasi gas yang menjadi entitlement (hak) pemerintah sampai dengan infrastruktur midstream-downstream, diharapkan tidak lagi terjadi duplikasi infrastruktur yang berpotensi merugikan keuangan negara dan menyebabkan inefisiensi, tegas danny.
Kontan, Page-14, Saturday, October 14, 2017
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