PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk. will begin construction of the Duri-Dumai transmission pipeline in Riau Province in November 2017. The 67 km gas pipeline project is jointly developed by PGN and PT Pertamina Gas, a subsidiary of PT Pertamina. Construction of Duri-Dumai transmission pipeline has been assigned through Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Decree No. 4975 K / 12 / MEM / 2016.
PGN Commercial Director Danny Praditya said that the physical construction of the pipeline takes about 1 year. That is, on October 1, 2018 Surely, the gas pipeline has been built in accordance with the contract of gas distribution from the Block Corridor (ConocoPhillips Grissik Limited) and Block Bentu (Energi Mega Persada).
"In early November PGN commenced construction of a natural gas transmission pipeline project from Duri to Dumai for 67 years. Physical development, can start because there is no more land acquisition problem. The reason is that there is a segment that will use the land of the toll road (right of way) of Pekanbaru-Dumai segment which is done by PT Hutama Karya. Thus, land acquisition becomes more minimal.
According to him, PGN has completed the licensing starting from the principle permit to the environmental permit so that the physical construction can be started.
"We have obtained the principle permit from the regional government and environmental permit," he said.
PGN and Pertaagas will cost US $ 76 million or equivalent to Rp 1.02 trillion (Rp 13,500 per US $). Development fund of pipes is sourced and internal cash of each company.
PGN and Pertagas will form a joint venture. PGN holds 40% ownership, while Pertagas is 60%. The total gas supply that will flow into the transmission pipeline is about 200 million cubic feet per day (MMscfd).
The gas will be channeled to meet the needs of industries in Riau, port requirements, petrochemical industry, and operational needs of Pertamina's Dumai Plant.
"In principle on the PGN side is ready, just waiting for the readiness of the partners," he said.
Not only in Dumai, PGN is currently developing West Natuna Transmissi on System (WNTS) natural gas transmission pipeline infrastructure to Pemping Island, Riau Islands Province which is a government assignment project.
PGN also develops natural gas pipeline in Muara Karang-Muara Bekasi along 42 km. In addition, the company builds a natural gas distribution pipeline network in Pasuruan, Mojokerto, East Java.
Previously, PGN Jobi President Director Triananda Hasjim said that the formation of a joint venture will be conducted simultaneously with the pipeline installation process. The joint venture will be a gas carrier in the pipeline.
"Maybe the JV [joint venture] will be parallel with the installation of the pipe," said Jobi.
Konstruksi Duri-Dumai Dimulai November
PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk. akan mulai pembangunan pipa transmisi ruas Duri-Dumai di Provinsi Riau pada November 2017. Proyek pipa gas sepanjang 67 km itu digarap bersama oleh PGN dan PT Pertamina Gas, anak usaha PT Pertamina. Pembangunan pipa transmisi Duri-Dumai telah ditugaskan melalui Keputusan Menteri ESDM Nomor 4975 K/12/MEM/2016.
Direktur Komersial PGN Danny Praditya mengatakan bahwa pembangunan fisik pipa itu butuh waktu sekitar 1 tahun. Artinya, pada 1 Oktober 2018 Pastinya, pipa gas itu sudah terbangun sesuai dengan kontrak penyaluran gas dari Blok Corridor (ConocoPhillips Grissik Limited) dan Blok Bentu (Energi Mega Persada).
“Awal November PGN memulai pengerjaan proyek pipa transmisi gas bumi dari Duri ke Dumai sepanjang 67 ujarnya. Pembangunan fisik, bisa dimulai karena tidak ada lagi masalah pembebasan lahan. Pasalnya, terdapat ruas yang akan menggunakan lahan jalur tol (right of way) ruas Pekanbaru-Dumai yang dikerjakan oleh PT Hutama Karya. Dengan demikian, pembebasan lahan menjadi lebih minim.
Menurutnya, PGN telah menyelesaikan perizinan mulai dari izin prinsip hingga izin lingkungan sehingga konstruksi fisik bisa dimulai.
“Kami sudah mendapatkan izin prinsip dari pemerintah wilayah dan izin lingkungan,” katanya.
PGN dan Pertaagas akan mengeluarkan biaya sebesar US$ 76 juta atau setara Rp 1,02 triliun (Rp 13.500 per US$). Dana pembangunan pipa bersumber dan kas internal masing-masing perusahaan.
PGN dan Pertagas akan membentuk perusahaan patungan. PGN memegang kepemilikan saham 40%, sedangkan Pertagas 60%. Total pasokan gas yang akan mengalir ke jaringan pipa transmisi tersebut sekitar 200 juta kaki kubik per hari (MMscfd).
Gas tersebut akan dialirkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan industri di Riau, kebutuhan pelabuhan, industri petrokimia, dan kebutuhan operasional Kilang Dumai milik Pertamina.
“Pada prinsipnya di sisi PGN sudah siap, hanya menunggu kesiapan dari mitra,” katanya.
Tidak hanya di Dumai, saat ini PGN sedang mengembangkan infrastruktur pipa transmisi gas bumi West Natuna Transmissi on System (WNTS) ke Pulau Pemping, Provinsi Kepulauan Riau yang merupakan proyek penugasan pemerintah.
PGN juga mengembangkan pipa gas bumi di Muara Karang-Muara Bekasi sepanjang 42 km. Selain itu, perseroan membangun jaringan pipa distribusi gas bumi di Pasuruan, Mojokerto, Jawa Timur.
Sebelumnya, Direktur Utama PGN Jobi Triananda Hasjim mengatakan bahwa pembentukan perusahaan patungan akan dilakukan bersamaan dengan proses pemasangan pipa. Perusahaan patungan tersebut akan menjadi pengangkut gas di ruas pipa tersebut.
“Mungkin JV [perusahaan patungan] nanti paralel dengan pemasangan pipanya,” kata Jobi.
Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Wednesday, October 25, 2017
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