Gas prices at consumer level It is difficult to fall below US $ 4 per MMBtu because gas field conditions in Indonesia are now mostly located in eastern Indonesia which has difficult challenges.
Some of the gas field challenges are remote and isolated locations and are located in the deep sea. The upstream gas price for the industrial sector is admittedly difficult to fall below US $ 6 per million British thermal unit (MMBtU) in the hands of the end consumer.
Director of Oil and Gas Program Development of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Budiyantono said that it has made efforts to reduce gas prices for the industry.
After the government issued Government Regulation No. 40/2016 on Gas Price Determination for Certain Industries, the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources issued a regulation on three industries that enjoyed cheaper gas prices.
In addition, the ESDM Ministry has reduced the price of gas in North Sumatra by replacing the supply and liquefied natural gas (LNG) to gas from nearby fields. The industrial sector expects the gas price to be around US $ 4 per MMBtu.
He considered that the government is difficult to realize gas price in consumer US $ 3-US $ 4 per MMBtu. Therefore, the price of gas depends on the conditions in the field, such as the factor of exploration to production.
"Colleagues from the industry are asking for a price drop that is unlikely," he said in Techtalk : discussion of the National Oil and Gas Industry, Fuel or Raw Materials on Monday (23/10).
According to him, the development of oil and gas field is relatively in a difficult area. For example, the eastern region of Indonesia, in deep and remote seas, is costly because it is more risky than existing projects.
He explained that several gas field projects such as Kasuri Block in Bintuni Bay, Papua, are also Masela Block in Arafuru Sea, Maluku It is difficult to give gas price of US $ 4 per MMBtu.
"So the cost of looking for that gas, already in the deep sea, is remote, high risk, where is it possible [gas price US $ 4 per MMBtu in consumer]?"
Harga Gas Sulit Turun di Bawah US$ 4
Harga gas di tingkat konsumen Sulit turun hingga di bawah US$ 4 per MMBtu karena kondisi lapangan gas di Indonesia saat ini sebagian besar berada di Wilayah timur Indonesia yang memiliki tantangan sulit.
Beberapa tantangan lapangan gas itu antara lain lokasi yang jauh dan terpencil serta berada di laut dalam. Harga gas hulu bagi sektor industri diakui memang sulit turun di bawah US$ 6 per juta British thermal unit (MMBtU) di tangan konsumen akhir.
Direkrur Pembinaan Program Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM Budiyantono mengatakan bahwa pihaknya telah melakukan upaya untuk menurunkan harga gas bagi industri.
Setelah pemerintah menerbitkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 40/2016 tentang Penetapan Harga Gas bagi Industri Tertentu, kemudian terbit Peraturan Menteri ESDM yang mengatur tentang tiga industri yang menikmati harga gas lebih murah.
Selain itu, Kementerian ESDM telah menurunkan harga gas di Sumatra Utara dengan cara mengganti pasokan dan gas alam cair (liquefied natural gas/LNG) menjadi gas dari lapangan terdekat. Sektor industri berharap agar harga gas sekitar US$ 4 per MMBtu.
Dia menilai bahwa pemerintah sulit untuk merealisasikan harga gas di konsumen US$ 3-US$ 4 per MMBtu. Sebab, harga gas sangat tergantung dengan kondisi di lapangan, seperti faktor masa eksplorasi hingga produksi.
“Rekan-rekan dari industri minta turun harga yang kondisinya tidak mungkin,” ujarnya dalam diskusi Techtalk : Industri Migas Nasional, Bahan Bakar atau Bahan Baku, Senin (23/10).
Menurutnya, pengembangan Iapangan migas saat ini relatif berada di wilayah yang sulit. Misalnya, wilayah timur Indonesia, di laut dalam dan daerah terpencil sehingga membutuhkan biaya besar karena lebih beresiko daripada proyek-proyek yang sudah ada.
Dia menjelaskan, beberapa proyek lapangan gas seperti Blok Kasuri yang berada di Teluk Bintuni, Papua, juga Blok Masela di Laut Arafuru, Maluku Sulit untuk memberikan harga gas US$ 4 per MMBtu.
“Jadi cost untuk mencari gas itu, sudah di laut dalam, sudah remote, high risk, mana mungkin [harga gas US$ 4 per MMBtu di konsumen]?”
Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Tuesday, October 24, 2017
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