, pub-9591068673925608, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 February 2018, Petronas Adds Production from Two Additional Wells - MEDIA MONITORING OIL AND GAS -->

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Tuesday, October 3, 2017

February 2018, Petronas Adds Production from Two Additional Wells

Next year, Petroliam Nasional Berhad (Petronas) targets production to increase with the operation of two additional wells in the Ketapang oil and gas field in Ketapang block, Gresik. Malaysian companies playing in the upstream oil and gas sector in Indonesia are expecting the two wells to boost Petronas production in Ketapang Field to 50 Million Standard Cubic Feet Per Day (MMsFD). This was revealed by Senior Manager of Corporate Affairs and Administrative PC Muriah, Andiono Setiawan.

"We hope with the addition of two wells in February 2018 the production can be boosted to an optimum yield of 20,000 barrels per day (bpd), and gas production up to 50 mmsfd," said Andiono.

He said that at present from the oil and gas field on the north coast of Madura Island, Petronas's operations are capable of producing 37 mmsfd, and oil production is at 15,000 bph with five wells. He explained, two new wells which is prepared is the result of 2012 exploration, out of a total of nine existing well structures.

"Our target in February 2018 is that it maximizes gas production up to 50 mmsfd and oil production up to 20,000 bph, "he said.

Petronas Block

Meanwhile, the production of Petronas Bukit Tua field is flowed to PT PLN to support electricity supply in East Java through PT Petrogas Jatim Utama (PJU), BUMD owned by East Java Provincial Government. Petronas previously, in cooperation contract with PT PJU maximize gas supply up to 50 mmsfd, but now still about 37 mmsfd.

The oil and gas field of Bukit Tua Working Area (Ketapang) is located on the North Coast of Madura Island, East Java, and the cultivation of the field is evidence of Petronas to support upstream oil and gas investment in Indonesia.

Previously, WK Ketapang was officially signed as a "Production Sharing Contract (PSC)" contract between Petronas and the Government of Indonesia through the Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) on June 11, 1998.


Februari 2018, Petronas Tambah Produksi dari Dua Sumur Tambahan

Tahun depan, Petroliam Nasional Berhad (Petronas) menargetkan produksi akan bertambah dengan dioperasikannya dua sumur tambahan di lapangan minyak dan gas Bukit Tua blok Ketapang, Gresik. Perusahaan asal Malaysia yang bermain di sektor hulu minyak dan gas bumi (migas) di Indonesia itu mengharapkan dua sumur itu bisa mendorong produksi Petronas di Lapangan Ketapang mencapai 50 Million Standard Cubic Feet Per Day (MMsFD). Hal itu diungkapkan Senior Manager Corporate Affairs and Administrative PC Muriah, Andiono Setiawan. 

“Kami harap dengan tambahan dua sumur pada Februari 2018 produksi dapat digenjot hingga hasil optimum 20.000 barel per hari (bph), dan produksi gas hingga 50 mmsfd,” kata Andiono.

Ia mengatakan, saat ini dari lapangan migas di pantai utara Pulau Madura itu kegiatan operasi Petronas mampu memproduksi 37 mmsfd, dan produksi minyak berkisar di angka 15.000 bph dengan ekpslorasi sebanyak lima sumur. Ia menjelaskan, dua sumur baru yang disiapkan merupakan hasil eksplorasi tahun 2012, dari total sembilan struktur sumur yang ada. 

“Target kami Februari 2018 memang itu yakni memaksimalkan produksi gas sampai 50 mmsfd dan produksi minyak hingga 20.000 bph,” katanya.

Sementara itu, hasil produksi lapangan Bukit Tua Petronas dialirkan ke PT PLN untuk mendukung penyediaan listrik di Jawa Timur melalui PT Petrogas Jatim Utama (PJU), BUMD milik Pemerintah Provinsi Jatim. Petronas sebelumnya, dalam kontrak kerja sama dengan PT PJU memaksimalkan suplai gas hingga 50 mmsfd, namun kini masih sekitar 37 mmsfd.

Lapangan migas Bukit Tua Wilayah Kerja (WK) ,Ketapang berada di Pantai Utara Pulau Madura, Jawa Timur, dan penggarapan lapangan itu menjadi bukti Petronas untuk mendukung investasi sektor hulu migas di Indonesia.

Sebelumnya, WK Ketapang resmi ditandatangani sebagai kontrak “Production Sharing Contract (PSC) antara Petronas dengan Pemerintah Indonesia melalui Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) pada 11 Juni 1998. 

Duta Masyarakat, Page-16, Saturday, Sept 30, 2017

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