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Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Fertilizers hit by gas prices

The high price of industrial gas in Indonesia had an impact on the loss of several fertilizer factories owned by PT Pupuk Indonesia. Among 14 fertilizer factories owned by the company, five fertilizer factories are estimated to be losers due to gas prices and aging of old plants. Main Director of PT Pupuk Indonesia Aas Asikin Idat revealed that the ideal gas price for the fertilizer industry is USD 3 per mmbtu.

"Because, our competitor factories in the international world already enjoy the gas price of USD 1.5 to USD 3 per mmbtu. Meanwhile, fertilizer factory in the country must pay USD 6 per mmbtu, "he said yesterday (16/10).

According to him, it is further exacerbated by the excess supply of global fertilizers and the decline of world oil prices that have an impact on the decline in world fertilizer prices. The world supply of fertilizers currently reaches 240 million tons, while the world fertilizer demand is only 180 million tons per year.

World fertilizer prices fell and USD 350 to USD 400 per ton to USD 210 to USD 220 per ton. Meanwhile, the cost of production of fertilizer in Indonesia can reach USD 240 to USD 260 per ton.


Pupuk Terpukul Harga Gas

Tingginya harga gas industri di Indonesia berdampak terhadap meruginya beberapa pabrik pupuk milik PT Pupuk Indonesia. Di antara 14 pabrik pupuk milik perseroan, lima pabrik pupuk diperkirakan merugi lantaran harga gas dan usia pabrik yang sudah tua. Direktur Utama PT Pupuk Indonesia Aas Asikin Idat mengungkapkan, harga gas ideal untuk industri pupuk adalah USD 3 per mmbtu. 

”Sebab, pabrik pesaing kita di dunia internasional sudah menikmati harga gas sebesar USD 1,5 hingga USD 3 per mmbtu. Sedangkan saat ini pabrik pupuk di tanah air harus membayar USD 6 per mmbtu," paparnya kemarin (16/10).

Menurut dia, hal itu semakin diperparah dengan adanya kelebihan pasokan pupuk global dan turunnya harga minyak dunia sehingga berdampak terhadap penurunan harga pupuk dunia. Pasokan pupuk dunia saat ini mencapai 240 juta ton, sedangkan kebutuhan pupuk dunia hanya 180 juta ton per tahun.

Harga pupuk dunia turun dan USD 350 hingga USD 400 per ton menjadi USD 210 hingga USD 220 per ton. Sementara itu, biaya pokok produksi pupuk di Indonesia bisa mencapai USD 240 hingga USD 260 per ton.

Jawa Pos, Page-5, Tuesday, October 17, 2017

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