, pub-9591068673925608, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Fishermen from Six Villages Demonstration at Offshore Oil and Gas Drilling Sites - MEDIA MONITORING OIL AND GAS -->

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Friday, October 20, 2017

Fishermen from Six Villages Demonstration at Offshore Oil and Gas Drilling Sites

Hundreds of fishermen representatives of 6 Villages Camplong Village, Sampang District conducted a demonstration on the high seas near the location of drilling activities of Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML). They are demanding the status of 6 villages, which until now have not been determined affected areas, Thursday (19/10).

According to Taufik, Camplong District Head-Sampang when met at his office, he justified the demonstration in the middle of the sea where HCML activity. The demonstration was conducted by the representatives of 6 villages, namely Dharma Camplong Village, Taddan Village, Banjar Talela Village, Tambaan Village, Tanjung Village and Sejati Village, Canplong District. Based on the notification letter that goes to Sampang Police, mass action amounted to 6000 people.

"Indeed before the demonstration, we as Head of Camplong Subdistrict once asked for signature only limited to know, related protest letter from fishermen representatives in the name of 6 villages, they demanded to the HCML for their Village entered as the affected area, the letter is sent directly to the HCML and a copy of the letter to the Regent of Sampang, in principle conveying that aspiration may be okay, which is important not anarchic, Taufik said.

While in a separate place, Ali One of the HCML staff at Sampang when confirmed, he said the demands of the 6 villages were for their village to be put in the affected area. Whereas the provisions are regulated in the Environmental Impact Assessment (AMDAL) document, Document compiled by the Consultant Team, not by the SKK Migas, let alone HCML.

Based on data collected, HCML activity is offshore Sampang District. The peak production of BD field is 100 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) and 7,000 barrels of condensate per day.

Gas distribution to PT PGN began on July 26, 2017. The gas by PGN is utilized to support industrial activities in East Java. Currently gas absorption ranges from 80-40 MMSCFD and condensate at 3,000 barrels per day.


Nelayan Enam Desa Demo Lokasi Pengeboran Migas Lepas Pantai

Ratusan nelayan perwakilan 6 Desa Kecamatan Camplong, Kabupaten Sampang melakukan aksi demo di laut lepas dekat lokasi aktifitas pengeboran Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML). Mereka menuntut status 6 Desa yang hingga saat ini belum ditetapkan daerah terdampak, Kamis (19/10). 

Menurut Taufik, Camat Camplong-Kabupaten Sampang saat ditemui di kantornya, ia membenarkan adanya aksi demo di tengah laut tempat aktifitas HCML. Demo dilakukan oleh perwakilan nelayan 6 desa yakni Desa Dharma Camplong, Desa Taddan, Desa Banjar Talela, Desa Tambaan, Desa Tanjung dan Desa Sejati, Kecamatan Canplong. Berdasarkan Surat pemberitahuan yang masuk ke Polres Sampang , massa aksi berjumlah 6000 orang.

"Memang sebelum melakukan aksi demo, kami selaku Camat Camplong pernah dimintai tanda tangan hanya sebatas mengetahui, terkait Surat protes dari perwakilan nelayan yang mengatasnamakan 6 desa, mereka menuntut pada pihak HCML agar Desa mereka dimasukkan sebagai daerah terdampak, Surat tersebut dikirimkan langsung pada pihak HCML dan salinan surat ke Bupati Sampang, pada prinsipnya menyampaikan aspirasi itu boleh boleh saja, yang penting tidak anarkis, kata Taufik.

Sementara di tempat terpisah, Ali Salah satu staf HCML di Sampang saat dikonfirmasi, ia mengatakan tuntutan 6 desa tersebut agar desa mereka dimasukkan ke dalam area terdampak. Padahal ketentuan itu diatur dalam dokumen Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan (AMDAL), Dokumen yang disusun oleh Tim Konsultan, bukan oleh SKK Migas apalagi HCML.

Berdasarkan data yang dikumpulkan, aktifitas HCML berada dilepas pantai Kabupaten Sampang. Produksi puncak lapangan BD sebesar 100 juta standar kaki kubik per hari (MMSCFD) dan 7.000 barel kondensat per hari.

Penyaluran gas ke PT PGN dimulai pada tanggal 26 Juli 2017. Gas tersebut oleh PGN dimanfaatkan untuk mendukung kegiatan industri di Jawa Timur. Saat ini penyerapan gas berkisar 80-40 MMSCFD dan kondensat sebesar 3.000 barel per hari.

Bhirawa, Page-8, Friday, October 20, 2017

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