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Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Gas Price Rules Not Effective

Implementation of Presidential Regulation No. 40 of 2016 which sets a certain price of natural gas for seven industrial sectors of 6 US dollars per million metric british thermal unit has not been effective. Therefore, there is no regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources that can be implemented to execute the regulation.

Thus, among others the results of focus group discussions on the needs of gas for industry attended by stakeholders at the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin), Jakarta, Tuesday (17/10). At the forum, General Chairman of the Forum, Industrial Gas Gas (FIPGB) Achmad Safiun for the umpteenth time conveyed the hope that industrial gas prices could be lowered.

Moreover, President Joko Widodo in Limited Cabinet Meeting, October 4, 2016, has instructed the gas price for the industry 5-6 US dollars per MMBTU to strengthen industrial competitiveness.

In the discussion forum was revealed, a meeting was held with the Ombudsman at the Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs in August 2017. The meeting was to respond to complaints from FIPGB about the implementation of Presidential Regulation No. 40/2016 which has not been effective. The explanation of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources on the Presidential Regulation that has not yet been implemented is still awaited.

Although implemented, Regulation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 40/2016 on natural gas price for three industrial sectors is also not in line with Presidential Regulation No. 40 / 2016. The gas price for the three industrial sectors is at least 6 US dollars per MMBTU. In fact, the mandate of Presidential Regulation No. 40/2016 mentions, certain natural gas prices for seven industrial sectors up to 6 US dollars per MMBTU in plant gate.

Happy Bone Zulkarnaen, Special Staff of the Minister of Industry, while giving a speech at the focused discussion forum, said that natural gas is the third primary energy after oil and coal is the most widely used in the country.

"This can not be separated from Indonesia's natural gas reserves reaching 144.06 TSCF (trillions of standard cubic feet),"


Aturan Harga Gas Belum Efektif

lmplementasi Peraturan Presiden Nomor 40 Tahun 2016 yang menetapkan harga gas bumi tertentu untuk tujuh sektor industri sebesar 6 dollar AS per juta metrik british thermal unit belum efektif. Sebab, belum ada peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral yang dapat diimplementasikan untuk mengeksekusi peraturan tersebut.

Demikian, antara lain hasil diskusi kelompok terfokus mengenai kebutuhan gas untuk industri yang dihadiri pemangku kepentingan di Kementerian Perindustrian (Kemenperin), Jakarta, Selasa (17/10). Pada forum itu, Ketua Umum Forum Industri Pengguna Gas Bumi (FIPGB) Achmad Safiun untuk kesekian kali menyampaikan harapan agar harga gas industri bisa segera diturunkan.

Apalagi, Presiden Joko Widodo dalam Rapat Kabinet Terbatas, 4 Oktober 2016, sudah menginstruksikan harga gas untuk industri 5-6 dollar AS per MMBTU untuk memperkuat daya saing industri.

Dalam forum diskusi terungkap, sudah dilaksanakan rapat dengan Ombudsman di Kementerian Koordinator Perekonomian pada Agustus 2017. Rapat itu untuk menanggapi pengaduan dari FIPGB tentang implementasi Peraturan Presiden Nomor 40/2016 yang belum efektif. Penjelasan Kementerian ESDM mengenai Peraturan Presiden yang belum diimplementasikan itu masih ditunggu.

Kendati sudah diimplementasikan, Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 40/2016 tentang harga gas bumi untuk tiga sektor industri juga belum selaras dengan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 40/ 2016. Sebab, harga gas untuk tiga sektor industri tersebut minimal 6 dollar AS per MMBTU. Padahal, amanat Peraturan Presiden Nomor 40/2016 menyebutkan, harga gas bumi tertentu untuk tujuh sektor industri maksimal 6 dollar AS per MMBTU di plant gate.

Happy Bone Zulkarnaen, Staf Khusus Menteri Perindustrian, saat memberikan sambutan pada forum diskusi terfokus tersebut mengatakan, gas bumi merupakan energi primer ketiga setelah minyak bumi dan batubara yang paling banyak digunakan di dalam negeri.

”Ini tidak lepas dari cadangan gas bumi Indonesia yang mencapai 144,06 TSCF (trillions of standard cubic feet),”

Kompas, Page-18, Wednesday, October 18, 2017

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