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Friday, October 6, 2017

Gresik Migas Asks Participating Interest to PGN Saka

PT Gresik Migas is eyeing Participating Interest (PI) rights in gas management to PT PGN Saka. The wish is based on Ministerial Regulation 37/2016 of Participating Interest (PI). President Director of PT Gresik Migas, Bukhori, said the Regent of Sambari has issued a letter of application for the right of Participating Interest (PI) to the Governor of East Java some time ago. But until now the letter is still under discussion.

Explained, during the period of plan of development, his side has been offered the right Participating Interest (PI) by PGN Saka. However, the current rules mention, if you want to get PI rights, the region must build the installation first.

"At that time we did not take because the value of large investments," he said.

However, Bukhori said, since the regulation changed through Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation 37/2016, that KKKS can wake up the installation of Participating Interest (PI) for BUMD. Thus, the Government of Gresik Regency through BUMD Gresik Migas again requested this Participating Interest (PI) to the Governor.

"For the Participating Interest (PI) scheme of cooperation, the Governor coordinates, prepares and appoints BUMD beneficiaries Participating Interest (PI) 10 percent. Then, the contractor finances the size of the BUMD's obligations first. This means that the construction of the installation is done by KKKS first, "he explained.

Furthermore, the return of financing to the contractor will be done by Gresik Migas annually without interest from the production by ensuring revenue sharing for the BUMD. Confirmed this, Public Relations SKK Migas Jabanusa, Prihandono Hemanto admitted, to get the right Participating Interest (PI) can be through two options. Each at the beginning of the POD and at the time of the contract renewal or renewal period.

"PGN Saka contract will expire until 2028. So it can not be in the middle of contract of Gresik Migas requesting Participating Interest (PI). Of course this is against the rules, "he said.

Nevertheless, it will be coded with the Provincial Government of East Java regarding this matter. Given the Participating Interest (PI) application letter from Gresik Regency has been sent.

"However, the involvement of the regions should be a priority, with the record not rammed rules that have been made," he said.


Gresik Migas Minta Pl ke PGN Saka

PT Gresik Migas mengincar hak Participating Interest (PI) dalam pengelolaan gas ke PT PGN Saka. Keinginan itu didasarkan pada Peraturan Menteri ESDM 37/ 2016 tentang Hak Participating Interest (PI). Direktur Utama PT Gresik Migas, Bukhori mengatakan, Bupati Sambari telah mengeluarkan surat permohonan bagian Participating Interest (PI) ke Gubernur Jawa Timur beberapa waktu lalu. Namun sampai saat ini surat tersebut masih dalam pembahasan.

Dijelaskan, pada periode plan of development, pihaknya sudah ditawari hak Participating Interest (PI) oleh PGN Saka. Namun, aturan saat itu menyebutkan, jika ingin mendapatkan hak Participating Interest (PI), daerah harus membangun instalasi dulu. 

”Saat itu kami tidak ambil karena nilai investasinya besar,” ujarnya. 

Namun, kata Bukhori, sejak aturan berubah melalui Peraturan Menteri ESDM 37/2016, bahwa KKKS dapat membangunkan instalasi Participating Interest (PI) untuk BUMD. Sehingga, Pemerintah Kabupaten Gresik melalui BUMD Gresik Migas kembali meminta jatah Participating Interest (PI) ini kepada Gubernur.

“Untuk Participating Interest (PI) skema kerja sama, Gubernur mengkoordinir, menyiapkan dan menunjuk BUMD penerima penawaran Participating Interest (PI) 10 persen. Kemudian, kontraktor membiayai lebih dulu besaran kewajiban BUMD. Artinya pembangunan instalasi dilakukan oleh KKKS terlebih dahulu,” paparnya.

Selanjutnya, pengembalian pembiayaan kepada kontraktor akan dilakukan oleh Gresik Migas setiap tahun tanpa bunga dari hasil produksi dengan tetap menjamin penerimaan bagi hasil untuk BUMD. Dikonfirmasi hal ini, Humas SKK Migas Jabanusa, Prihandono Hemanto mengaku, untuk mendapatkan hak Participating Interest (PI) dapat melalui dua opsi. Masing-masing saat awal POD dan pada saat periode perpanjang kontrak atau pembaruan kontrak.

“PGN Saka kontraknya akan berakhir hingga 2028. Jadi tidak bisa ditengah-tengah kontrak Gresik Migas meminta jatah Participating Interest (PI). Tentu ini menyalahi aturan,” ujarnya. 

Kendati demikian, pihaknya akan berkodinasi dengan Pemerintah Provinsi Jatim perihal hal ini. Mengingat Surat permohonan Participating Interest (PI) dari Pemkab Gresik sudah dikirimkan.

“Bagaimanapun juga keterlibatan daerah harus menjadi prioritas, dengan catatan tidak menabrak aturan yang sudah dibuat,” katanya.

Radar Gresik, Page-4, Friday, October 6, 2017

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