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Wednesday, October 11, 2017

House of Representatives Urges Price Determination

Commission VII of the House of Representatives (DPR) urges the government to immediately realize the decline in gas prices, as regulated in Presidential Regulation No. 40 of 2016 on the Determination of Natural Gas Price. Natural gas that becomes part of the country from the production by the contractor should not be exported, but sold domestically cheaply.

Member of Commission VII, Harry Poernomo, said that natural gas that is part of the country should be directly sold to industries in need, such as fertilizer and power plants owned by PLN. The selling price of gas can be cheaper than the commercial price in the market because the gas is state-owned.

"So far, state gas has been sold out / exported and the government gets foreign exchange. Better to sell to PLN or fertilizer industry that has been complaining about expensive gas prices, "said Harry after a closed meeting with the Directorate General of Oil and Gas of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) on Tuesday (10/10), in Jakarta

The Committee on Gas Working Committee VII recommended to the government to examine the possibility. According to him, if the gas that is part of the country is sold cheaply to PLN and industry, the multiple impacts are gained.

Responding to the proposal, Director General of Oil and Gas Ego Syahrial said the government continues to innovate so that gas prices for the industry can become more competitive. Innovation is a Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 40 of 2016 on Gas Prices for Certain Industries, and Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 45 of 2017 on Natural Gas Utilization for Power Plant.

 "It is only for electricity (PLN), fertilizer industry, and steel industry that has been derived. For other industrial sectors, we are waiting for recommendations from the Ministry of Industry, "said Ego.

According to Commission VII's suggestion, it will review the governance of natural gas in the country. He reiterated that the government is continuing to realize more competitive domestic gas prices for the industry. Previously, the Forum of Natural Gas Users requested the government's commitment to lower the price of industrial gas. The decline in industrial gas prices is needed to increase industrial competitiveness, attract investment into the real sector, absorb large quantities of labor, and increase industrial contribution to the economy.

Chairman of the Forum Gas Industrial Gazette Achmad Safiun said the price of natural gas in each Region varies. In North Sumatra it costs 9.95 US dollars per million metric British thermal units (MMBTU), in West Java 9.2 US dollars per MMBTU and in East Java 8.1-8.2 US dollars per MMBTU.

"Moreover, President Joko Widodo in a limited cabinet meeting on October 4, 2016 has instructed the industrial gas price of US $ 5-US $ 6 per MMBTU to strengthen industrial competitiveness," Achmad said.

Representing ceramic industry, President Director of PT Puri Kemenangan Jaya Jusmery Chandra regretted the price of industrial gas that has not gone down. With the condition of industrial gas prices still high, so far eight ceramic factories in Indonesia are closed. The ceramic factory is about 20 percent of the total ceramics factory in Indonesia.


DPR Desak Penuranan Harga

Komisi VII Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) mendesak pemerintah segera merealisasikan penurunan harga gas, seperti yang diatur dalam Peraturan Presiden Nomor 40 Tahun 2016 tentang Penetapan Harga Gas Bumi. Gas bumi yang menjadi bagian negara dari hasil produksi oleh kontraktor sebaiknya tidak diekspor, tetapi dijual di dalam negeri dengan harga murah.

Anggota Komisi VII, Harry Poernomo, mengatakan, gas bumi yang menjadi bagian negara sebaiknya langsung dijual ke industri yang membutuhkan, seperti pupuk dan pembangkit listrik milik PLN. Harga jual gas bisa lebih murah dari harga komersial di pasaran karena gas itu milik negara.

”Selama ini, gas bumi bagian negara dijual ke luar/ekspor dan pemerintah mendapatkan devisa. Lebih baik dijual ke PLN atau industri pupuk yang selama ini mengeluh harga gas mahal,” ujar Harry seusai pertemuan tertutup dengan jajaran Direktorat Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), Selasa (10/10), di Jakarta

Panitia Kerja Gas Bumi Komisi VII, merekomendasikan kepada pemerintah untuk mengkaji kemungkinan tersebut. Menurut dia, jika gas yang menjadi bagian negara dijual murah untuk PLN dan industri, dampak berganda yang didapat lebih besar.

Menanggapi usulan tersebut, Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Ego Syahrial mengatakan, pemerintah terus melakukan inovasi agar harga gas untuk industri bisa menjadi lebih kompetitif. Inovasi itu berupa Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 40 Tahun 2016 tentang Harga Gas Bumi untuk Industri Tertentu, serta Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 45 Tahun 2017 tentang Pemanfaatan Gas Bumi untuk Pembangkit Listrik.

 ”Memang hanya untuk listrik (PLN), industri pupuk, dan industri baja yang sudah diturunkan. Untuk sektor industri lainnya, kami menunggu rekomendasi dari Kementerian Perindustrian,” ujar Ego.

Sesuai saran Komisi VII, pihaknya akan mengkaji tata kelola gas bumi di dalam negeri. Ia kembali menegaskan bahwa pemerintah terus berusaha merealisasikan harga gas yang lebih kompetitif di dalam negeri untuk industri. Sebelumnya, Forum Industri Pengguna Gas Bumi meminta komitmen pemerintah menurunkan harga gas industri. Penurunan harga gas industri itu diperlukan untuk meningkatkan daya saing industri, menarik investasi ke sektor riil, menyerap tenaga kerja dalam jumlah banyak, dan meningkatkan kontribusi industri terhadap perekonomian.

Ketua Umum Forum Industri Penggtma Gas Bumi Achmad Safiun mengatakan, harga gas bumi di tiap Wilayah bervariasi. Di Sumatera Utara harganya 9,95 dollar AS per juta metrik british thermal unit (MMBTU), di Jawa Barat 9,2 dollar AS per MMBTU dan di Jawa Timur 8,1-8,2 dollar AS per MMBTU.

”Apalagi Presiden Joko Widodo dalam rapat kabinet terbatas pada 4 Oktober 2016 sudah menginstruksikan harga gas industri 5 dollar AS-6 dollar AS per MMBTU untuk memperkuat daya saing industri,” kata Achmad.

Mewakili industri keramik, Presiden Direktur PT Puri Kemenangan Jaya Jusmery Chandra menyayangkan harga gas industri yang belum turun. Dengan kondisi harga gas industri yang masih tetap tinggi, sejauh ini delapan pabrik keramik di Indonesia tutup. Pabrik keramik yang tutup itu sekitar 20 persen dari total pabrik keramik di Indonesia.

Kompas, Page-18, Wednesday, October 11, 2017

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