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Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Indonesian Fertilizer Asks for Gas Price Decrease

PT Pupuk Indonesia asks the government to again lower the gas price for the industry, especially the fertilizer industry. Because the current gas price in Indonesia set by the government of USD 6 per MMBTU is still considered too expensive.

President Director of Indonesian Fertilizer Aas Asikin Idat said that currently the world fertilizer production has been oversupply with the production of 240 million tons. Whereas its use is only about 180 million tons. With the excess supply of fertilizers in the world, then that will mendapakan place is low cost fertilizer producers. Unfortunately, high gas prices in Indonesia make the cost of making fertilizer in the country was relatively high.

"We're talking about the world's supply of 240 million tons, while the world's consumption is only 180 million tons, so it's over supply, it's really competing, who can enter the 180 million market is good and low cost companies. , the price of gas for the manufacture of fertilizers is high, and we are the highest, "he said at the Ministry of SOEs, Jakarta.

He mentioned that gas prices obtained by fertilizer producers in other countries average about USD 1 to USD 3 per MMBTU. While in Indonesia gas price reaches USD 6 per MMBTU. Though gas covers 70% of the cost components to be issued by the company. Aas wants the gas price to drop to USD 3 as applicable in some countries in the world.

Deputy of Agro Industry and Pharmaceutical Enterprises Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises Wahyu Kuncoro added that the consumption of fertilizer factory gas owned by Pupuk Indonesia is very wasteful. Though the new plant usually consume about 24 MMBTU per ton.

"Well, the average gas consumption is quite wasteful if not the range of 29-30 MMBTU per tonne, the new plant at an average of 24 MMBTU, so wasteful gas consumption and high gas prices," he said.

In addition, gas distribution is mostly using take or pay patterns. Although the gas is not used, the company still has to pay.

"The gas supply model is mostly take or pay." The desire for CnC, my friends have made a study if the gas price remains USD 6 per MMBTU, whereas the economy is USD 4 per MMBTU. Gas is take or pay, so used or not to be paid "he said.


Pupuk Indonesia Minta Penurunan Harga Gas

PT Pupuk Indonesia meminta pemerintah kembali menurunkan harga gas untuk industri, khususnya industri pupuk. Pasalnya, saat ini harga gas di Indonesia yang ditetapkan pemerintah sebesar USD 6 per MMBTU masih dianggap terlalu mahal.

Direktur Utama Pupuk Indonesia Aas Asikin Idat mengungkapkan, saat ini produksi pupuk dunia sudah oversupply dengan jumIah produksi 240 juta ton. Padahal pemakaiannya hanya sekitar 180 juta ton. Dengan berlebihnya pasokan pupuk didunia, maka yang akan mendapakan tempat adalah produsen-produsen pupuk yang ongkosnya rendah.  Sayangnya, harga gas di Indonesia yang tinggi membuat ongkos pembuatan pupuk di Tanah Air pun relatif tinggi.

"Kita bicara suplai dunia saat ini 240 juta ton, sedangkan pemakaian dunia hanya 180 juta ton. Jadi sudah over supply. Ini betul-betuI sangat bertanding, siapa yang bisa masuk ke pasar 180 juta adalah yang perusahaan baik dan biayanya rendah. PermasaIahan di Indonesia, harga gas untuk pembuatan pupuk itu reIatif tinggi. Bahkan kita tertinggi,” katanya di Kementerian BUMN, Jakarta.

Dia menyebutkan, harga gas yang diperoleh produsen pupuk di negara lain rata-rata sekitar USD 1 hingga USD 3 per MMBTU. Sedangkan di Indonesia harga gas mencapai USD 6 per MMBTU. Padahal gas meliputi 70% dari komponen biaya yang harus dikeluarkan perseroan. Aas menginginkan agar harga gas bisa turun hingga USD 3 seperti yang berlaku di beberapa negara di dunia.

Deputi Bidang Usaha Industri Agro dan Farmasi Kementerian BUMN Wahyu Kuncoro menambahkan, konsumsi gas pabrik pupuk yang dimiliki Pupuk Indonesia sangat boros. Padahal pabrik baru biasanya konsumsinya sekitar 24 MMBTU per ton. 

"Nah, rata-rata konsumsi gas cukup boros kalau tidak salah kisaran 29-30 MMBTU per ton. Pabrik baru itu di rata-rata 24 MMBTU. Jadi konsumsi gas yang boros dan harga gas tinggi," ungkapnya.

Selain itu, poIa penyaluran gas pun sebagian besar menggunakan pola take or pay. Meskipun gas tersebut tidak digunakan perseroan tetap harus membayar.

"Model suplai gas itu sebagian besar take or pay. Keinginan untuk CnC, teman-teman sudah buat kajian kalau harga gas tetap USD 6 per MMBTU, padahal keekonomiannya USD 4 per MMBTU. Gas itu take or pay, jadi dipakai atau tidak harus dibayar" katanya.

Koran Sindo,  Page-20, Tuesday, October 17, 2017

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