, pub-9591068673925608, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Indonesian Fertilizer Push the Gas Price Contract Formula Scheme - MEDIA MONITORING OIL AND GAS -->

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Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Indonesian Fertilizer Push the Gas Price Contract Formula Scheme

The high price of industrial gas in Indonesia (US $ 6 per mmbtu) plus gas contracts still using Take or Pay (TOP) scheme make Pupuk lndonesia difficult to compete in the fertilizer industry. Therefore, President Director of PT Pupuk Indonesia Aas Asikin Idat claimed to encourage new gas contracts in 10 fertilizer companies under the Pupuk Indonesia Group using Formula Scheme.

"We are negotiating to eliminate the TOP Scheme For new contracts, use Formula Scheme," said Aas at the office of the Ministry of SOEs, Jakarta yesterday. The TOP scheme is claimed to be burdensome to the fertilizer industry because the company has to pay to suppliers even if the gas is not used. The use of Formula Scheme is more favorable to the fertilizer industry because gas prices follow the price of fertilizers and ammonia.


Pupuk Indonesia Dorong Skema Formula Kontrak Harga Gas

Harga gas industri di Indonesia yang dinilai masih tinggi (US$ 6 per mmbtu) ditambah kontrak gas yang masih menggunakan Skema take or pay (TOP) membuat Pupuk lndonesia sulit bersaing di industri pupuk. Karena itu, Direktur Utama PT Pupuk Indonesia Aas Asikin Idat mengaku akan mendorong kontrak-kontrak gas baru di 10 perusahaan pupuk di bawah Pupuk Indonesia Group menggunakan Skema formula.

"Kita negosiasi Untuk menghilangkan Skema TOP-nya. Untuk kontrak-kontrak baru, pakai Skema formula," ujar Aas di Kantor Kementerian BUMN Jakarta, kemarin. Skema TOP diakui memberatkan industri pupuk karena perusanaan harus membayar ke pemasok meski gas tidak digunakan. Penggunaan Skema formula, lebih menguntungkan lndustri pupuk sebab harga gas mengikuti harga pupuk dan amonia.

Media Indonesia,  Page-18, Tuesday, October 17, 2017

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