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Thursday, October 19, 2017

Intermediaries in the Gas Industry Still Exist

The natural gas user industry forum supports the eradication of gas intermediary / trader practices in the commodities downstream sector. Support eradication, following the high price of natural gas to the industry. Chairman of the Forum of Industrial Gas Users Achmad Safiun states, the practice of brokering in the downstream gas through gas traders has been reported to the Ombudsman.

"Hopefully, the presidential decree (on gas prices) should be implemented, so please renters are removed, as more and more pressure us," he said.

     Currently the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has also made a regulation on the limitation of gas trade margin of 7%. This rule is the continuation of Regulation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 06 Year 2017 which targeting the final limit of gas allocation for gas traders in February 2018. Unfortunately, the regulation aimed at eradicating the intermediary practice was stifled on the table of the minister of maritime coordinator who became the nomenclature of the Ministry of ESDM.

"In the near future we want to meet the President and tell the President where it stalled," he said.

    Currently, there is a gas trader who has a contract of sale and purchase with the industry. The supply comes from the Pertagas gas quota. The trader who partnered with Pertagas referring to the financial statements of companies, PT Bayu Buana Gemilang, PT Java Gas Indonesia, PT Sadikung Niagamas Raya, PT Surya Cipta Internusa, PT Walinusa Energy, PT Alamigas Mega Energy, PT Dharma Pratama Sejati and PT Ananta Vilya


Perantara di Industri Gas Masih Exist

Forum industri pengguna gas bumi mendukung pemberantasan praktik perantara/trader gas di sektor niaga hilir komoditas
tersebut. Dukungan pemberantasan itu, menyusul masih tingginya harga jual gas bumi ke industri. Ketua Forum Industri Pengguna Gas Bumi Achmad Safiun menyatakan, praktik percaloan di hilir gas melalui trader gas itu sudah dilaporkan ke Ombudsman. 
"Harapannya, keputusan presiden (tentang harga gas) harus dilaksanakan. Jadi, tolong pemburu rente itu dihilangkan, karena semakin banyak dan menekan kami," ujarnya.

Saat ini Kementerian ESDM juga sudah membuat aturan soal pembatasan margin niaga gas 7%. Aturan ini adalah
kelanjutan Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 06 Tahun 2017 yang menargetkan batas akhir pemberian alokasi gas bagi trader gas pada Februari 2018. Sayang, regulasi yang bertujuan memberantas praktik perantara itu tertahan di meja Menteri koordinator Kemaritiman yang menjadi nomenklatur Kementerian ESDM.

"Dalam waktu dekat kita mau bertemu Presiden dan memberi tahu Presiden macetnya di mana," katanya.

Saat ini, terdapat trader gas yang memiliki kontrak jual beli dengan industri. Pasokannya berasal dari kuota gas milik Pertagas. Adapun trader yang bermitra dengan Pertagas mengacu pada laporan keuangan perusahaan itu adalah PT Bayu Buana Gemilang, PT Java Gas Indonesia, PT Sadikung Niagamas Raya, PT Surya Cipta Internusa, PT Walinusa Energi, PT Alamigas Mega Energy, PT Dharma Pratama Sejati dan PT Ananta Vilya.

Kontan, Page-2, Thursday, October 19, 2017

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