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Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Margin Restrictions for All Contracts

A maximum restriction of the commercial gas margin policy of 7% will be retroactive, applicable for all ongoing contracts as well as new contracts.

Chairman of the Indonesian Natural Gas Trader Association (INGTA) Sabrun Jamal said that in a meeting with the government related to the gas trading margin has been established there will be no transitional rules.

All contracts will follow the new rules, namely a maximum of 7% margin set by the government. Thus, consumers can calculate the gas price based on the formula so that no longer need to do the process in business.

"The contract is running [as well], there is a revision of all contracts," he said.

In the discussion on the beleid margin of gas nubagas, INGTA proposes five things. First, the adjustment of the upstream gas price component refers to Presidential Regulation No. 40/2016 on Gas Pricing, which is US $ 6 per MMBtu.

Secondly, the decrease of the tariff for gas transportation or toll fee. Third, the private sector's trade margin to be equated with state-owned enterprises (BUMN). Fourth, the depreciation of new infrastructure investment pipeline of 5 years.

Fifth, the commercial cost is calculated based on the upstream price, ie the price at the mouth of the well plus the toll fee of loss, and the volume reduction during delivery. Distribution tariffs are structured with capital plus 12% return on investment (IRR), operating and maintenance costs 10% of capital, taxes and dues. Then, for a 10% commercial cost and upstream price that accommodate marketing costs, risks and margins.

Previously, Sabrun mentioned that it only gets a 7.2% margin from upstream gas price which is used for operational cost, investment and small margin although not explained in detail the division. Meanwhile, 92.8% is a component of upstream gas price cost and gas transportation costs to be paid to gas producers and license holders of gas transponency.

He also said that with a 7% margin restriction, the government proposed to cut costs that are not needed so that the regulation can be run.

Fees such as land rent, volume reduction during delivery are promised will be eliminated. Later, the Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) will conduct an evaluation of the elimination of such costs after the rules are released.

"We ask for some, there are unusual charges in our business," he said.

PR & CSR Manager PT Pertamina Gas Hatim Ilwan said that it supports the rule. The government that conducts IRR for pipeline owners, according to him, has already considered the impact on the pipeline owners as well as the gas utilization industry.


Pembatasan Margin untuk Semua Kontrak

Kebijakan pembatasan margin niaga gas maksimal sebesar 7% akan berlaku surut, yaitu diberlakukan untuk semua kontrak baik yang sedang berjalan maupun kontrak baru.

Ketua Indonesian Natural Gas Trader Association (INGTA) Sabrun Jamal mengatakan bahwa dalam rapat dengan pemerintah terkait dengan margin niaga gas telah ditetapkan tidak akan ada peraturan peralihan.

Semua kontrak akan mengikuti aturan baru tersebut, yaitu margin maksimal 7% yang ditetapkan pemerintah. Dengan demikian, konsumen bisa menghitung harga gas berdasarkan formula tersebut sehingga tidak perlu lagi melakukan proses secara bisnis.

“Kontrak yang berjalan [kena juga], ada revisi kontrak semua,” ujarnya. 

Dalam rapat pembahasan beleid margin niagas gas, INGTA mengusulkan lima hal. Pertama, penyesuaian komponen harga gas bumi di hulu mengacu pada Peraturan Presiden Nomor 40/2016 tentang Penetapan Harga Gas Bumi, yaitu US$ 6 per MMBtu.

Kedua, penurunan tarif pengangkutan gas atau toll fee. Ketiga, margin niaga badan usaha swasta agar disamakan dengan badan usaha milik negara (BUMN). Keempat, depresiasi pipa investasi infrastruktur baru sebesar 5 tahun. 

Kelima, biaya niaga dihitung berdasarkan harga hulu, yakni harga di mulut sumur ditambah toll fee kerugian, dan pengurangan volume selama penghantaran. Tarif penyaluran disusun dengan modal ditambah tingkat pengembalian investasi (IRR) 12%, biaya operasi dan perawatan 10% dari modal, pajak dan iuran. Kemudian, untuk biaya niaga sebesar 10% dan harga hulu yang mengakomodasi biaya pemasaran, risiko dan margin.

Sebelumnya, Sabrun menyebut selama ini hanya memperoleh margin 7,2% dari harga gas hulu yang digunakan untuk biaya operasi, investasi dan margin yang kecil meskipun tidak dijelaskan secara rinci pembagiannya. Sementara itu, 92,8% merupakan komponen biaya harga gas hulu dan biaya transportasi gas yang harus dibayar ke produsen gas serta pemegang izin transponasi gas.

Dia pun menuturkan bahwa dengan pembatasan margin 7 % , pemerintah diusulkan untuk memangkas biaya yang tidak diperlukan agar regulasi itu bisa dijalankan.

Biaya-biaya seperti sewa lahan, pengurangan volume selama penghantaran dijanjikan akan dihilangkan. Nantinya, Badan Pengatur Hilir Minyak dan Gas Bumi (BPH Migas) akan melakukan evaluasi terhadap penghapusan biaya tersebut setelah aturan dirilis.

“Kami minta ada beberapa, ada pungutan yang tidak wajar di bisnis kita," katanya.

PR & CSR Manager PT Pertamina Gas Hatim Ilwan mengatakan bahwa pihaknya mendukung aturan tersebut. Pemerintah yang melakukan IRR bagi pemilik pipa, menurutnya, sudah mempertimbangkan dampaknya terhadap para pemilik pipa juga industri pemanfaat gas.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Tuesday, October 17, 2017

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