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Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Narrow Price Disparity of Industrial Gas

The issue of gas prices is still a homework that the government must address. One of them is related to price imbalances that are considered less profitable to industry players. According to the special staff of industry minister Happy Bone Zulkarnaen, there are several reasons for the disparity of industrial gas prices.

"This is due to differences in the field economy, the distance between users and gas sources, types of gas sources, gas infrastructure, and market competition involving producers and consumers," Happy said.

In 2016, the average gas price is USD 5.62 per million metric British thermal unit (mmbtu) for the industry. Meanwhile, in Indonesia there is a high price disparity in the industrial sector. The lowest price is only USD 0.22 per mmbtu and the highest price reaches USD 8.62 per mmbtu.

"The government is trying to narrow the space of disparity by ensuring supply availability, improving distribution infrastructure, and price regulation," he said.

Happy asserted that the government through Regulation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 40 of 2016 also provides special price adjustment to the fertilizer industry, petrochemical industry, and steel industry. Among the 86 companies submitted by the Ministry of Industry, only eight companies are getting discounted gas prices.

The eight companies are PT Kaltim Parna Industri, PT Kaltim Methanol Industries, PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur, PT Pupuk Kujang Cikampek, PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang, PT Pupuk Iskandar Muda, PT Petrokimia Gresik and PT Krakatau Steel. Meanwhile, 78 companies from the steel industry, petrochemical industry and fertilizer industry are waiting for the decline in industrial gas prices as proposed by the Ministry of Industry.

"We are waiting for the latest EMR Minister Regulation to allow 78 companies to participate in getting the gas price decline," said Director of Upstream Chemical Industry Ministry of Industry Muhammad Khayam.

He added that too expensive gas prices will result in companies likely to hold expansion. In addition, the decline in industrial gas prices may lead to increased industrial revenues. In the end, it also enlarges the state income from taxes.

"Not to mention if the company exports it there will be foreign exchange so cover the decline in the upstream," said Khayam.


Persempit Disparitas Harga Gas Industri

Persoalan harga gas masih menjadi pekerjaan rumah yang harus diatasi pemerintah. Salah satunya berkaitan dengan ketimpangan harga yang dinilai kurang menguntungkan pelaku industri. Menurut staf khusus menteri perindustrian Happy Bone Zulkarnaen, ada beberapa alasan terjadinya disparitas harga gas industri. 

"Hal itu disebabkan perbedaan keekonomian lapangan, jarak antara pengguna dan sumber gas, jenis sumber gas, infrastruktur gas, serta persaingan pasar yang melibatkan produsen dan konsumen,” jelas Happy.

Pada 2016, harga rata-rata gas bumi USD 5,62 per million metric British thermal unit (mmbtu) untuk industri. Sementara itu, di Indonesia terdapat disparitas harga yang tinggi dalam sektor industri. Harga terendahnya hanya USD 0,22 per mmbtu dan harga tertinggi mencapai USD 8,62 per mmbtu. 

"Pemerintah berupaya mempersempit ruang disparitas dengan menjamin ketersediaan pasokan, pembenahan infrastruktur penyaluran, dan pengaturan harga,” katanya.

Happy menegaskan bahwa pemerintah melalui Peraturan Menteri ESDM No 40 Tahun 2016 juga memberikan penyesuaian harga khusus kepada industri pupuk, industri petrokimia, dan industri baja. Di antara 86 perusahaan yang diajukan Kementerian Perindustrian, hanya delapan perusahaan yang mendapatkan potongan harga gas.

Delapan perusahaan tersebut adalah PT Kaltim Parna Industri, PT Kaltim Methanol Industri, PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur, PT Pupuk Kujang Cikampek, PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang, PT Pupuk Iskandar Muda, PT Petrokimia Gresik, dan PT Krakatau Steel. Sementara itu, 78 perusahaan yang berasal dari industri baja, industri petrokimia, dan industri pupuk sedang menunggu penurunan harga gas industri seperti yang diajukan Kementerian Perindustrian. 

"Kami sedang menunggu Peraturan Menteri ESDM terbaru agar 78 perusahaan itu bisa ikut mendapatkan penurunan harga gas," ujar Direktur Industri Kimia Hulu Kementerian Perindustrian Muhammad Khayam.

Dia menambahkan, harga gas yang terlalu mahal akan mengakibatkan perusahaan cenderung menahan ekspansi. Selain itu, penurunan harga gas industri dapat mendorong peningkatan pendapatan industri. Pada akhirnya, itu juga memperbesar pendapatan negara dari pajak. 

”Belum lagi kalau perusahaan itu ekspor nanti ada devisa sehingga tertutupilah penurunan di hulu itu,” kata Khayam.

Jawa Pos, Page-7, Wednesday, October 18,  2017

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