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Saturday, October 7, 2017

November, Oil and Gas Holding is formed

Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) Rini Soernarno said that the priority state-owned holding company was formed this year, namely the holding of oil and gas BUMN and the two holding mines are targeted to be completed in November. The process of harmonization between ministries and internal discussions between companies has been done.

"Now just waiting for the final to the President. This November finished all, "Rini said in a relaxed talk in Jakarta, Thursday night (5/10). Rini explained that the holding formation aims to strengthen SOEs without burdening the state. She mentioned during the period 2015-2016 BUMN get state investment of Rp 81 trillion.

But each year can give dividends to the country. For the period 2015-2017 total dividend reached Rp 113 trillion. While in 2018 there is an additional Rp 42 trillion.
She said the appointment of Budi Gunadi Sadikin as President Director of PT Indonesia Asahan Alumunium (Inalum) is part of the establishment of a mining holding. Inalum will be the holding company of the mine. Rini wants national mining SOEs to become world class players.

"When talking to mines, our mining company is small. Holding coal mines, nickel, bauxite, tin also under private let alone the world. If we make the holding is still tolerable, although several tens of ratings, "said Rini.

Rini further emphasized the importance of efficiency for holding the mine. Efficiency is by way of synergy between companies. He cited the use of heavy equipment together that can suppress the cost of production. With the decrease in production costs, the company is able to compete internationally.

"It's supposed to have a world-caliber company. Now still far away. This is what we expect, "She added.

Purchase of Freeport

Rini disclosed the other purpose of holding a mining holding is to obtain 41.64% of the divestment shares issued by PT Freeport Indonesia. She asserted state-owned mines have the ability to purchase the shares.

"If we can not afford it has been said from the beginning. Instead we see assets and cashflow position mined we are sure able to do so. In context some of our SOEs are quite strong and big, "She said.

But he has not been able to disclose how and or the value of shares that will be acquired. Because the negotiation process with Freeport is still running. The negotiation is related to the method of disposal or stock valuation. She insisted there was no such divestment scheme opportunity through the stock as Freeport wanted.

Broadly speaking, BUMNs will form a special purpose vehicle between BUMN and the Government of Papua Province and possibly BPJS Employment but the majority (shares owned) of SOEs. Not through the stock, "She said.

On Friday (6/10) President and CEO of Freeport McMoRan Inc. Richard C. Adkerson met the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan related to the discussion of the attachment of Special Mining Business License (IUPK). The meeting took place at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources beginning at around 10:45 pm WTB ended before Friday prayers.

Special Staff of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Hadi M. Djuraid said the context of the meeting is Freeport remains in accordance with the frame work or the agreed framework of the agreement. The agreement is related to divestment 51%, smelter development then aggregate state revenue both taxes, levies and others is greater than the Contract of Work regime.

"The principle is that Freeport remains committed to the deal already taken," Hadi said.

Hadi explained there was no agreement whatsoever in today's meeting. He only mentioned that the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources will again assist the negotiation process together with the Minister of Finance and the Minister of SOEs to reach an agreement soon and the results will be included in the Annex of the Special Mining Permit (IUPK). 

     Because the annex of the Special Mining Permit (IUPK) which is now associated with the smelter already. What is still awaited is the attachment related to the first taxation or state revenue, the two divestitures. Well that is still to be negotiated details, "he said.

The talks with Freeport have been in place since February and targeted on October 10. But ahead of the deadline there has been no agreement on divestment. Extension of negotiation time is possible when Freeport submits it. It's just Hadi said in the meeting had not been discussed or no application for renewal of negotiations.


November, Holding Migas dan Tambang Terbentuk  

Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) Rini Soernarno menyatakan holding BUMN yang diprioritaskan terbentuk tahun ini yakni holding BUMN migas dan pertambangan Kedua holding tersebut ditargetkan rampung pada November ini. Proses harmonisasi antar kementerian serta diskusi internal antar perusahaan sudah dilakukan.

“ Sekarang hanya menunggu final ke Presiden. November ini selesai semua,” kata Rini dalam bincang santai di Jakarta, Kamis malam (5/10). Rini menerangkan pembentukkan holding bertujuan untuk memperkuat BUMN tanpa membebani negara. Dia menyebut selama kurun 2015-2016 BUMN mendapatkan penanaman modal negara sebesar Rp 81 triliun. 

Namun tiap tahun mampu memberikan deviden ke negara. Untuk periode 2015-2017 total deviden mencapai Rp 113 triliun. Sedangkan di 2018 ada tambahan Rp 42 triliun.

Dikatakannya penunjukan Budi Gunadi Sadikin sebagai Direktur Utama PT Indonesia Asahan Alumunium (Inalum) merupakan bagian dari pembentukan holding pertambangan. Pasalnya Inalum bakal menjadi induk perusahaan holding tambang tersebut. Rini menginginkan BUMN pertambangan nasional menjadi pemain kelas dunia.

“Kalau bicara tambang, perusahaan tambang kita kecil. Holding tambang batubara, nikel, bauksit, timah juga dibawah swasta apalagi dunia. Kalau kita bikin holding masih lumayan, meski beberapa puluh peringkatnya,” Kata Rini.

Lebih lanjut Rini menekankan pentingnya efisiensi bagi holding tambang tersebut. Efisiensi itu dengan cara sinergitas antar perusahaan. Dia mencontohkan penggunaan alat berat secara bersama yang mampu menekan ongkos produksi. Dengan penurunan biaya produksi maka perusahaan mampu berkompetisi secara internasional. 

“Sudah seharusnya punya perusahaan berkaliber dunia. Sekarang masih jauh. Ini yang kita harapkan,” tambahnya.

Pembelian Freeport 

Rini mengungkapkan tujuan lain pembentukan holding pertambangan ialah untuk mendapatkan 41,64% saham divestasi yang dilepas PT Freeport Indonesia. Dia menegaskan BUMN tambang memiliki kemampuan untuk membeli saham tersebut.

“ Kalau kita tidak mampu sudah dikatakan sejak awal. Justru kita melihat aset dan cashflow position ditambang kita yakin mampu melakukannya. Secara konteks sebagian BUMN kita cukup kuat dan besar,” ungkapnya.

Namun dia belum bisa mengungkapkan berapa dan maupun nilai saham yang bakal diakuisisi tersebut. Pasalnya proses negosiasi dengan Freeport masih berjalan. Negosiasi itu terkait dengan metode pelepasan maupun valuasi saham. Dia menegaskan tidak ada peluang skema divestasi itu melalui bursa sebagaimana yang diinginkan oleh Freeport.

Secara garis besar bahwa BUMN akan bentuk special purpose vehicle adalah antara BUMN dengan Pemerintah Provinsi Papua dan kemungkinan BPJS Ketenagakerjaan tapi mayoritas (saham dimiliki) BUMN. Tidak lewat bursa,” ujarnya.

Pada Jumat (6/10) Presiden and CEO Freeport McMoRan Inc Richard C. Adkerson menemui Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan terkait pembahasan lampiran Izin Usaha Pertambangan Khusus (IUPK). Pertemuan itu bertempat di Kementerian ESDM dimulai sekitar pukul 10.45 WTB berakhir menjelang shalat Jumat.

Staf Khusus Menteri ESDM Hadi M. Djuraid mengatakan konteks pertemuan itu adalah Freeport tetap sesuai dengan frame work atau kerangka dasar kesepakatan yang sudah disepakati bersama. Kesepakatan itu terkait dengan divestasi 51%, pembangunan smelter kemudian penerimaan negara secara agregat baik pajak, retribusi dan yang lain lainnya itu lebih besar daripada rezim Kontrak Karya.

“Prinsipnya adalah Freeport tetap komitmen dengan kesepakatan yang sudah diambil,” kata Hadi.

Hadi menerangkan tidak ada kesepakatan apapun dalam pertemuan hari ini. Dia hanya menyebut Menteri ESDM akan kembali membantu proses perundingan bersama-sama dengan Menteri Keuangan dan Menteri BUMN supaya segera dicapai kesepakatan dan hasilnya nanti akan dimasukkan di dalam lampiran Ijin Usaha Pertambangan Khusus (IUPK) . 

      Karena lampiran Ijin Usaha Pertambangan Khusus (IUPK) yang sekarang itu terkait dengan smelter sudah. Yang masih ditunggu itu adalah lampiran terkait dengan pertama perpajakan atau penerimaan negara, kedua divestasi. Nah itu yang masih akan segera dirundingkan detailnya,” ujarnya.

Perundingan dengan Freeport sudah berjalan sejak Februari kemarin dan ditargetkan seleasai pada 10 Oktober nanti. Namun jelang batas waktu itu belum ada kesepakatan terkait divestasi. Perpanjangan waktu negosiasi dimungkinkan bila Freeport mengajukan hal tersebut. Hanya saja Hadi bilang dalam pertemuan tadi tidak dibahas atau tidak ada permohonan perpanjangan negosiasi.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Saturday, October 2017

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