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Friday, October 6, 2017

Oil and Gas Block Will Be Re Auction

The government will re-auction the oil and gas working area that has been offered, but has not received a positive response from investors. Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar said that it will auction off blocks that are not interested investors at auction 2016.

Oil and gas block auction in 2016 no new contracts are signed. That is, there are no blocks of interest to contractors. Last year, the government offered 14 oil and gas working areas. Despite offering a new skill to attract investors through profit-sharing, exploration commitments and signature bonuses, up to now no single auction of oil and gas blocks has attracted investors.

Seven blocks are offered directly, namely Bukit Barat (offshore Riau Islands), Batu Gajah Dua (onshore Jambi), Kasongan Sampit (onshore Central Kalimantan), Ampuh (offshore Java Sea), Ebuny (offshore Southeast Sulawesi), Onin (onshore-offshore West Papua) and West Kaimana (onshore-offshore West Papua).

Meanwhile, seven other blocks are offered through regular auction schemes, namely South CPP (onshore Riau), Suremana I (offshore Makassar Strait), SE Mandar (offshore South Sulawesi-West Sulawesi), North Arguni (onshore West Papua), Kasumi II onshore West Papua), Manakarra Mamuju (offshore Makassar Strait and Oti (offshore East Kalimantan).

"All last year that was not taken any we open the auction," he said, Thursday (5/10).

Meanwhile, for the returned Working Area will also be auctioned. From the data of Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Executor (SKK Migas) semester I / 2017, the working area currently operates 277 with 85 blocks in the production stage and 192 in the exploration stage. 

     In addition, there are 43 oil and gas blocks in termination process with 37 conventional oil and gas blocks and 6 non-conventional oil and gas blocks. The number of oil and gas blocks in operation has continued to decline since 2013 with 321 blocks, 2014 of 318 blocks, 2015 down to 312 blocks, and 2016 by 280 blocks.

"If the block has been officially returned then we will auction. All the returned blocks will be our auction, "he said.

On the other hand, the block that is already operating and will expire its contract will be auctioned off first.

"This auction should be fast for the blocks that are operating now. The transition period is long "he said.


Blok Migas Akan Dilelang Ulang

Pemerintah akan melelang ulang Wilayah kerja minyak dan gas bumi yang telah ditawarkan, tetapi belum mendapat respons positif dari investor. Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar mengatakan bahwa pihaknya akan melelang blok yang tidak diminati investor pada lelang 2016.

Lelang blok migas pada 2016 tidak ada kontrak baru yang ditandatangani. Artinya, tidak ada satu pun blok yang diminati kontraktor. Pada tahun lalu, pemerintah menawarkan 14 Wilayah kerja migas. Kendati telah menawarkan skerna baru untuk menarik minat investor melalui penawaran bagi hasil, komitmen eksplorasi dan bonus tanda tangan, hingga kini belum ada satu pun lelang blok migas yang diminati investor.

Tujuh blok ditawarkan secara langsung, yakni Bukit Barat (offshore Kepulauan Riau), Batu Gajah Dua (onshore Jambi), Kasongan Sampit (onshore Kalimantan Tengah), Ampuh (offshore Laut Jawa), Ebuny (offshore Sulawesi Tenggara), Onin (onshore-offshore Papua Barat) dan West Kaimana (onshore-offshore Papua Barat).

Sementara itu, tujuh blok lainnya ditawarkan melalui skema lelang reguler, yaitu South CPP (onshore Riau) , Suremana I (offshore Makassar Strait), SE Mandar (offshore Sulawesi Selatan-Sulawesi Barat), North Arguni (onshore Papua Barat), Kasumi II (onshore Papua Barat), Manakarra Mamuju (offshore Makassar Strait dan Oti (offshore Kalimantan Timur).

“Semua tahun lalu yang tidak diambil pun kita buka lelangnya,” ujarnya, Kamis (5/10) .

Sementara itu, untuk Wilayah kerja yang dikembalikan juga akan segera dilelang. Dari data Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) semester I/2017, saat ini Wilayah kerja yang beroperasi sebanyak 277 dengan 85 blok di tahap produksi dan 192 di tahap eksplorasi. 

     Selain itu, ada 43 blok migas dalam proses terminasi dengan 37 blok migas konvensional dan 6 blok migas non-konvensional. Jumlah blok migas yang beroperasi terus turun sejak 2013 dengan 321 blok, 2014 sebanyak 318 blok, 2015 turun menjadi 312 blok, dan 2016 sebanyak 280 blok.

“Kalau blok yang sudah resmi dikembalikan maka akan kita lelang. Semua blok yang dikembalikan akan kita lelang, " katanya.

Di sisi lain, blok yang sudah beroperasi dan akan habis masa kontraknya akan dilelang lebih dulu. 

“Lelang ini harus cepat untuk blok-blok yang beroperasi sekarang. Masa transisinya itu lama" katanya.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Friday, October 6, 2017

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