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Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Oil and Gas Exploration Activity in Indonesia Continues to Drop

Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Upstream Activities (SKK Migas) continues to oversee the commitment of Oil and Gas Contractors Contractors (KKKS) to keep exploring. Because, without exploration, Indonesia will not find new oil reserves. Sukandar Deputy Head of SKK Migas stated that the step of SKK Migas is done so that in the future Indonesia has new reserves.

Because, upstream oil and gas business is determined from exploration activities. Indeed oil and gas exploration activities such as stalled since the price of crude oil fell in 2014 ago. SKK Migas notes since 2011, investment in exploration activities in the Working Areas (WK) exploitation and exploration continues to decline. In 2014, the total exploration cost reached Rp 31.01 trillion. But in the second semester-2017 new Rp 11.6 trillion.

Sukandar suspect, the downward trend in oil and gas exploration investment is also due to the world's crude oil prices are not enthusiastic. In addition, SKK Migas notes the failure of deep sea exploration in eastern Indonesia in the period 2006-2012. Other causes still have rules that are considered to inhibit investment, and non technical constraints such as licensing, social conditions, as well as financial problems contractors.

Deputy of SKK Migas Planning, Jaffee Arizon Suardin added that oil and gas investment also continues to decline. For example, in 2012, 2D seismic realization was recorded along 11,739 km. By 2016, the number decreased to 5,421 km. The realization of 3D survey in 2012 covering an area of ​​2683 km2. In 2016, it rose to 7,386 km2. 

    While exploration drilling, in 2012 as many as 96 wells. This amount is down to 34 wells by 2016. The government has been working to improve the rules in order to improve exploration. As regulation of Government Regulation (PP) No.27 of 2017, gross split incentive. Duty free exemption and tax incentives.


Aktivitas Eksplorasi Migas di Indonesia Terus Melorot

Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) terus berupaya mengawasi komitmen Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS) migas agar tetap melakukan eksplorasi. Sebab, tanpa eksplorasi, Indonesia tidak akan menemukan cadangan minyak baru. Sukandar Wakil Kepala SKK Migas menyatakan, Iangkah SKK Migas dilakukan agar di masa Indonesia memiliki cadangan baru. 

Karena, bisnis hulu migas ditentukan dari kegiatan eksplorasi. Memang kegiatan eksplorasi migas seperti terhenti semenjak harga minyak mentah turun tahun 2014 lalu.  SKK Migas mencatat sejak tahun 2011, investasi kegiatan eksplorasi di Wilayah kerja (WK) eksploitasi maupun eksplorasi terus menurun. Pada 2014, total biaya eksplorasi mencapai Rp 31,01 triliun. Tapi masuk semester II-2017 baru Rp 11,6 triliun. 

Sukandar menduga, tren penurunan investasi eksplorasi migas juga akibat harga minyak mentah dunia tidak bergairah. Selain itu, SKK Migas mencatat gagalnya eksplorasi di laut dalam di wilayah Timur Indonesia pada periode 2006-2012. Penyebab lain masih ada aturan yang dianggap menghambat investasi, dan kendala non teknis seperti perizinan, kondisi sosial kemasyarakatan, maupun masalah keuangan kontraktor. 

Deputi Perencanaan SKK Migas, Jaffee Arizon Suardin menambahkan, investasi migas juga terus menurun. Misalnya, pada 2012, realisasi seismik 2D tercatat sepanjang 11.739 km. Pada tahun 2016, jumlahnya turun menjadi 5.421 km. Adapun realisasi survei 3D pada 2012 seluas 2.683 km2. Pada 2016, naik menjadi 7.386 km2.  

     Sedangkan pengeboran eksplorasi, pada 2012 sebanyak 96 sumur. Jumlah ini turun menjadi 34 sumur pada 2016. Pemerintah sudah berupaya memperbaiki aturan agar bisa meningkatkan eksplorasi.  Seperti penertiban Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) No.27 Tahun 2017, insentif gross split. Pembebasan bebas bea masuk dan insentif pajak.  

Kontan, Page-11, Saturday, Sept 30, 2017

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