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Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Oil and Gas Production of Medco Energy Rises

Oil and gas production of PT Medco Energi International Tbk in the first half of 2017 rose 40 percent compared to the same period last year, to 89,800 barrels of oil equivalent per day. The company also managed to keep production costs below 10 dollars per barrel of oil equivalent and booked a net profit of around Rp 1 trillion.

In a press release published on Tuesday (3/10), Medco Energi's oil production reached 35,500 barrels per day and natural gas production was 290.6 million standard cubic feet per day. In the first half of 2016, oil production was 30,200 barrels per day and natural gas production was 1928 million standard cubic feet per day.

"The Company has also successfully added and certified 30 million barrels of oil equivalent as a proven reserve in Block A, Aceh. Scheduled for an inaugural gas will flow in the I-2018 quarter of the block, "said Medco Energi International CEO Roberto Lorato.

Medco Energi managed to realize the cost of production below 10 US dollars per barrel oil equivalent. Throughout the first half of 2012 the cost of production of 8.97 US dollars per barrel. All these achievements generate net income of 80.7 million US dollars or about Rp 1 trillion. This amount increased compared to the first half of 2016 which amounted to 11.3 million US dollars or approximately Rp 150 billion.

In terms of power generation, Medco Energi has operated an installed capacity of 520 megawatts (MW) consisting of geothermal, microhydro and gas power plants. The 110 MW Sarulla Unit II Geothermal Power Plant (PLTP) is scheduled to open in October. The PLTP Sarulla Unit I with a capacity of 110 MW has been operating since March

"Plans for growth and expansion in power and mining will continue," Roberto said.

Production target

In the exposure of performance sementer I-2017 of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) some time ago, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Ignatius Jonan mentioned about the possibility of oil production target (lifting) this year is not achieved. In the State Budget of Income and Expenditure of 2017, oil targets are set at 815,000 barrels per day. However, the realization is 802,000 barrels per day.

"However, gas lifting is estimated at 10 or 15 percent exceeding the target set this year. In terms of oil and gas revenues, there is also an opportunity to exceed the target, "said Jonan.

In terms of exploration and exploitation, based on the record of the Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Executives (SKK Migas), there are currently 270 contractor cooperation contracts (KKKS). Of these, 87 KKKS carry out exploitation activities. As for the rest, as many as 183 KKKS carry out exploration activities.

"The government is striving for exploration activities to increase or discover new oil and gas reserves by revising a number of rules," said Deputy Head of SKK Migas Sukandar.

Since the fall of oil prices in 2014, exploration well drilling activities have been reduced, from 64 wells in 2014 to 33 by 2015 and 34 by 2016. As of September this year, the exploration well drilling has been drilled by 40 wells from the 138 target.


Produksi Migas Medco Energi Meningkat

Produksi minyak dan gas bumi PT Medco Energi lnternasional Tbk pada semester I-2017 naik 40 persen dibandingkan dengan periode yang sama tahun lalu, menjadi 89.800 barrel setara minyak per hari. Perusahaan juga berhasil mempertahankan ongkos produksi di bawah 10 dollar AS per barrel setara minyak dan membukukan laba bersih sekitar Rp 1 triliun.

Dalam siaran pers yang diterbitkan Selasa (3/10), produksi minyak Medco Energi mencapai 35,500 barrel per hari dan produksi gas bumi sebanyak 290,6 juta standar kaki kubik per hari. Pada semester I-2016, produksi minyak sebanyak 30.200 barrel per hari dan produksi gas bumi sebanyak 1928 juta standar kaki kubik per hari.

”Perseroan juga berhasil menambah dan memberi sertifikasi sebanyak 30 juta barrel setara minyak sebagai cadangan terbukti di Blok A, Aceh. Dijadwalkan gas perdana akan mengalir pada triwulan I-2018 dari blok tersebut,” ujar CEO Medco Energi Internasional Roberto Lorato.

Medco Energi berhasil merealisasikan ongkos produksi di bawah 10 dollar AS per barrel setara minyak. Sepanjang semester I-2012 biaya produksi sebesar 8,97 dollar AS per barrel. Seluruh pencapaian itu menghasilkan laba bersih sebesar 80,7 juta dollar AS atau sekitar Rp 1 triliun. Jumlah ini meningkat dibandingkan dengan semester I-2016 yang sebesar 11,3 juta dollar AS atau sekitar Rp 150 miliar.

Dari sisi pembangkit tenaga listrik, Medco Energi telah mengoperasikan kapasitas terpasang sebesar 520 megawatt (MW) yang terdiri dari pembangkit listrik tenaga panas bumi, mikrohidro, dan gas. Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Panas Bumi (PLTP) Sarulla Unit II berkapasitas 110 MW dijadwalkan dapat beroperasi pada Oktober ini. Adapun PLTP Sarulla Unit I yang berkapasitas 110 MW telah beroperasi sejak Maret

”Rencana pertumbuhan dan ekspansi di bidang pembangkit listrik dan pertambangan akan terus dilanjutkan,” ujar Roberto. 

Target produksi 

Dalam paparan kinerja sementer I-2017 Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Mineral (ESDM) beberapa Waktu lalu, Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan menyebutkan mengenai kemungkinan target produksi siap jual (lifting) minyak tahun ini tidak tercapai. Dalam Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara Perubahan 2017 target Iifting minyak ditetapkan sebanyak 815.000 barrel per hari. Namun, realisasinya 802.000 barrel per hari.

”Akan tetapi, lifting gas diperkirakan 10 atau 15 persen melebihi target yang ditetapkan tahun ini. Dari sisi penerimaan migas, juga ada peluang akan melampaui target,” kata Jonan. 

Dari sisi eksplorasi dan eksploitasi, berdasarkan catatan Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas), saat ini terdapat 270 kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS). Dari jumlah tersebut, 87 KKKS melaksanakan kegiatan eksploitasi. Adapun sisanya, sebanyak 183 KKKS melaksanakan kegiatan eksplorasi.

”Pemerintah berusaha keras agar kegiatan eksplorasi meningkat ntuk menambah atau menemukan cadangan migas yang baru dengan merevisi sejumlah aturan,” kata Wakil Kepala SKK Migas Sukandar.

Sejak kejatuhan harga minyak pada 2014, kegiatan pengeboran sumur eksplorasi berkurang, dari 64 sumur pada 2014 menjadi 33 pada 2015 dan 34 pada 2016. Adapun sampai dengan September tahun ini, realisasi pengeboran sumur eksplorasi sebanyak 40 sumur dari target 138.

Kompas, Page-18, Wednesday, October 4, 2017

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