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Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Pacific Oil and Gas Investment in Electricity Business

Independent energy company Pacific Oil & Gas is exploring new investment in the energy sector in Indonesia. The addition is particularly in the upstream oil and gas and electricity industry sectors.

PO & G Indonesia President Director Kusnan Rahmin said PO & G's main goal is to work with PT Pertamina to develop new oil and gas blocks. Also build and operate power plant projects.

The ultimate goal, to help the government meet the growing demand for energy.

"Initially, our business started in Indonesia and so far we have invested in three oil and gas blocks in Sumatara", he said.

PO & G controls 25% non-operator interest in Jambi Merang Block, South Sumatra, has 55% interest in Kisaran Block in North Sumatra and owns 55% of Non-Conventional Oil Range Blocks. Overseas, PO & G builds and operates Xiamen's Combined Cycle Gas Turbine power plant up to 780 MW in Fujian, China. This Xiamen PLTGU is 100% owned by PO & G.

As we know, the government launched the 35,000 Megavvatt (MW) development acceleration program until 2019. Of the 35,000 MW or 35 GW, about 7 GW of them are Gas Power.

"Therefore, PO & G is very ready to help the government achieve the development targets, especially new units of PLTG, because we mastered the technology and experienced for it," he explained.


Pacific Oil and Gas 5 Investasi di Bisnis Ketenagalistrikan

Perusahaan energi independen Pacific Oil & Gas sedang menjajaki penambahan investasi baru di sektor energi di Indonesia. Penambahan itu khususnya di sektor industri hulu migas dan ketenagalistrikan.

Presiden Direktur PO&G Indonesia Kusnan Rahmin mengatakan, tujuan utama PO&G adalah menjalin kerjasama dengan PT Pertamina untuk mengembangkan blok-blok migas baru. Juga membangun serta mengoperasikan proyek-proyek pembangkit listrik.

Tujuan akhirnya, membantu pemerintah memenuhi pertumbuhan permintaan energi yang terus meningkat. 

"Awalnya, bisnis kami bermula di Indonesia dan sejauh ini kami telah berinvestasi di tiga blok migas di Sumatara”, ujarnya.

PO&G menguasai 25% non-operator interest di Blok Jambi Merang, Sumatra Selatan, memiliki 55% interest Blok Kisaran di Sumatra Utara dan memiliki 55% interest Blok Migas Non Konvensional Kisaran. Di luar negeri, PO&G membangun dan mengoperasikan pembangkit listrik Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Xiamen hingga 780 MW di Fujian, China. PLTGU Xiamen ini 100% milik PO&G.

Seperti yang kita tahu, pemerintah mencanangkan program percepatan pembangunan 35.000 Megavvatt (MW) hingga tahun 2019. Dari 35.000 MW atau 35 GW tersebut, sekitar 7 GW di antaranya adalah Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Gas. 

“Karena itu, PO&G sangat siap membantu pemerintah mencapai target pembangunan tersebut, terutama unit-unit baru PLTG, sebab kami menguasai teknologi dan berpengalaman untuk itu," terangnya.

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, October 17, 2017

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