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Monday, October 16, 2017

Pertamina Adds Refinery Capacity

The national fuel supply (BBM) will increase. That is in line with the addition of refinery capacity ready to operate next year. Marketing Director of PT Pertamina Muchamad Lskandar said, currently stock average level reached 26 days. If possible, next year the company is ready to increase stock levels up to 30 days.

"But we also follow the demand, if the demand has not been growing fast, the stock level will not rise until 30 days," he said yesterday (15/10).

Currently, Pertamina's total refinery capacity reaches 1.046 million barrels. The figure is from six refineries. Yalkni, UPH Dumai, UP III Plaju, UP IV Cilacap, UP V Balikpapan, UP VI Balongan, and UP VII Kasim. Pertamina gasoline sales per day reached 80 thousand kiloliters.

Sales of diesel reached 60 thousand kilo liters. The details, solar PSO (public service obligation) reached 40 thousand kiloliters and non-PSO diesel 20 thousand kiloliters. New grassroots refinery (NGRR) development, among others, is in Tuban and Bontang. NGRR Tuban, which operates next year with a capacity of 100 thousand kiloliters per day.

Then, there is a Tanjung Uban refinery in Riau with a capacity of twice 20 thousand kiloliters (40 thousand kiloliters). The refinery in Wayame, Maluku, has a capacity of about 10 thousand kiloliters per day and a refinery in Bali of 5 thousand kiloliters per day.

"In addition, there are still some refineries in the area that will operate, some are small and some are big," he said.

Actually, Pertamina has plans to export diesel fuel. However, increased activity in the mining sector has caused increased demand for diesel export plans.


Pertamina Tambah Kapasitas Kilang

Pasokan Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) nasional akan bertambah. Itu seiring dengan tambahan kapasitas kilang yang siap beroperasi tahun depan. Direktur Pemasaran PT Pertamina Muchamad lskandar mengatakan, saat ini level stok rata-rata mencapai 26 hari. Jika memungkinkan, tahun depan perseroan siap meningkatkan level stok hingga 30 hari. 

"Tetapi, kami juga mengikuti permintaan. Jika permintaannya belum tumbuh cepat, level stoknya belum sampai akan naik hingga 30 hari. Hanya, secara fasilitas, kami siap,” katanya kemarin (15/10).

Saat ini kapasitas total kilang Pertamina mencapai 1,046 juta barel. Angka tersebut berasal dari enam kilang. Yalkni, UPH Dumai, UP III Plaju, UP IV Cilacap, UP V Balikpapan, UP VI Balongan, dan UP VII Kasim. Penjualan gasoline Pertamina per hari mencapai 80 ribu kiloliter.

Penjualan solar mencapai 60 ribu kilo liter. Perinciannya, solar PSO (public service obligation) mencapai 40 ribu kiloliter dan solar non PSO 20 ribu kiloliter. Pembangunan kilang minyak baru (new grassroots refinery/NGRR), antara lain, ada di Tuban dan Bontang. NGRR Tuban yang beroperasi tahun depan berkapasitas 100 ribu kiloliter per hari.

Lalu, ada kilang Tanjung Uban di Riau dengan kapasitas dua kali 20 ribu kiloliter (40 ribu kiloliter). Kilang di Wayame, Maluku, memiliki kapasitas sekitar 10 ribu kiloliter per hari dan kilang di Bali 5 ribu kiloliter per hari.

"Selain itu, masih ada beberapa kilang di daerah yang akan beroperasi. Ada yang kecil dan ada yang besar," ujarnya.

Sebenarnya Pertamina memiliki rencana untuk mengekspor solar. Namun, meningkatnya aktivitas di sektor pertambangan membuat permintaan solar meningkat Rencana ekspor pun batal.

Jawa Pos, Page-7, Monday, October 16, 2017

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