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Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Pertamina Committed to Completing Refinery Project

PT Pertamina finally declared the progress of the refinery project. Pertamina is committed to continue two new refinery projects in the grass root refinery (GRR) project and four refinery development projects in the Masterplan refinery development project (RDMP).

Pertamina Director of Pertamina Processing and Petrochemical Processing Center, Ardhy N. Mokobombang, said that in general all RDMP & GRR refinery development projects are progressing. Like the Balikpapan RDMP project which is expected to be included in the construction process next year.

"The Balikpapan project is expected next year to establish the contractor and start construction activities (EPC)," said Ardhy

Meanwhile, related to RDMP Cilacap project, RDMP Balongan and GRR Tuban expected next year have started the preparation of engineering package (BED / feed) after this year have been able to finish feasibility study alias feasibility study (FS)

Ardhy further said for the formation of a joint venture or joint venture project Tuban refinery with Rosneft will be done at the end of this year as well.

"A joint venture with Rosneft will soon be established before the engineering package," he added.

But unlike the smooth cooperation with Rosneft, the establishment of a joint venture for the Cilacap refinery project with Saudi Aramco can not be determined yet. Both Pertamina and Aramco still have to wait for the engineering package to be completed next year.

In addition, the establishment of a joint venture will also be decided after a positive FIA ​​investment result (FID). The positive FID result is an indicator of the Cilacap refinery project still feasible to be forwarded to the construction phase.

"A joint venture will be established if it is feasible to be forwarded to construction (EPC)," explained Ardhy. "

Even so, Ardhy asserted Pertamina keep trying to speed up the entire refinery project. "All RDMP & GRR projects will accelerate our implementation," he added.

Head of Bureau of Communications, Public Information Service and Cooperation of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Dadan Kusdiana said the Indonesian Government will encourage the acceleration of completion of the Cilacap RDMP Project.

The Saudi Arabian government is expected to provide lower crude import prices (Arab Light) from Saudi Aramco to Pertamina. In addition, the Saudi Arabian government is requested to assist LPG direct purchase from Saudi Aramco for Pertamina, ie LPG requirement of 6 million tons / year (LPG portion from Saudi Aramco 13%).


Pertamina Berkomitmen Merampungkan Proyek Kilang

PT Pertamina akhirnya menyatakan kemajuan proyek kilang. Pertamina menyatakan terus berkomitmen melanjutkan dua proyek kilang baru dalam proyek grass root refinery (GRR) dan empat proyek pengembangan kilang eksisiting dalam proyek refinery development Masterplan (RDMP).

Direktur Megaproyek Pengolahan dan Petrokimia Pertamina Ardhy N. Mokobombang mengatakan, secara umum semua proyek pengembangan kilang RDMP & GRR berproses maju. Seperti proyek RDMP Balikpapan yang diharapkan sudah bisa masuk dalam proses konstruksi tahun depan. 

"Proyek Balikpapan diharapkan tahun depan sudah menetapkan kontraktor pelaksana dan memulai kegiatan konstruksi (EPC)," ujar Ardhy

Sementara itu, terkait proyek RDMP Cilacap, RDMP Balongan dan GRR Tuban diharapkan tahun depan sudah memulai penyusunan engineering package (BED/feed) setelah tahun ini sudah dapat menyelesaikan Studi kelayakan alias feasibility study (FS)

Lebih lanjut Ardhy bilang untuk pembentukan perusahaan patungan atau joint venture proyek kilang Tuban dengan Rosneft akan dilakukan pada akhir tahun ini juga. 

"Joint venture dengan Rosneft akan segera kami establish sebelum penyusunan engineering package," imbuhnya.

Namun berbeda dengan kerja sama yang mulus dengan Rosneft, pembentukan joint venture untuk proyek Kilang Cilacap dengan Saudi Aramco belum bisa ditentukan. Baik Pertamina maupun Aramco masih harus menunggu selesainya engineering package pada tahun depan.

Selain itu, pembentukan joint venture juga akan diputuskan setelah hasil final investment decision (FID) yang positif. Hasil FID yang positif merupakan indikator proyek Kilang Cilacap masih layak untuk diteruskan ke tahap konstruksi. 

" Joint venture akan dibentuk kalau layak diteruskan ke konstruksi (EPC)," jelas Ardhy. ”

Biarpun begitu, Ardhy menegaskan Pertamina tetap berusaha mempercepat seluruh proyek kilang. "Semua proyek RDMP & GRR akan kami percepat implementasinya, " imbuhnya.

Kepala Biro Komunikasi, Layanan Informasi Publik, dan Kerja Sama Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), Dadan Kusdiana bilang Pemerintah Indonesia akan mendorong percepatan penyelesaian proyek RDMP Kilang Cilacap.

Pemerintah Arab Saudi diharapkan dapat memberikan harga impor minyak mentah (Arab Light) lebih rendah dari Saudi Aramco ke Pertamina. Selain itu, pemerintah Arab Saudi diminta dapat membantu pembelian langsung LPG dari Saudi Aramco untuk Pertamina, yakni kebutuhan LPG sebesar 6 juta ton/tahun (porsi LPG dari Saudi Aramco sebesar 13%).

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, October 31, 2017

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