PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 Cepu Field, a subsidiary of PT Pertamina operating in the provinces of Central Java and East Java continues to increase oil and gas production. One of his efforts is to increase the field production of PT Geo Cepu Indonesia's former joint operation contract which is currently in bankruptcy.
After PT Geo Cepu Indonesia went bankrupt, the former KSO field was abandoned since last August. That is why PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 Cepu Field takes over management in September 2017.
"Since the abandonment of KSO Geo Cepu Indonesia in August 2017, the production of only 200 barrels per day and alhamdulillah in the period of October 2017 we have reached above 700 barrels per day," said Heru Irianto, Manager of PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 Cepu Field, Thursday (26/10).
To increase production in the field, Pertamina perform several stages. Scale priority on the largest potential gain of production for treatment, then by turning on the wells that died. In addition, Pertamina cooperates with mining communities to restore wells or state assets previously managed by the population. The year-end target of this field production is 1,080 barrels per day.
"We hope, the result is greater than the target," he said.
Starting from October 24, 2017, Cepu Field's total production realization is above 2,200 barrels per day or about 115% of the average Cepu Field oil production target of 1,862 bph. Gas production, meanwhile, reached 68.7 million cubic feet of gas per day (mmscfd) with a gas sales rate of 42.5 mmscfd.
Pertamina Ambil Lapangan Geo Cepu Indonesia
PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 Cepu Field, anak usaha PT Pertamina yang beroperasi di Provinsi Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur terus meningkatkan produksi migas. Salah satu upayanya adalah meningkatkan produksi lapangan eks kerjasama operasi (KSO) PT Geo Cepu Indonesia yang saat ini dalam pailit.
Setelah PT Geo Cepu Indonesia pailit, lapangan eks KSO itu terbengkalai sejak Agustus lalu. Itu sebabnya PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 Cepu Field mengambilalih pengelolaan pada September 2017.
"Sejak ditinggalkan KSO Geo Cepu Indonesia di bulan Agustus 2017, produksi eksisting hanya 200 barel per hari dan alhamdulillah pada periode bulan Oktober 2017 kita sudah mencapai di atas 700 barel per hari," ujar Heru Irianto, Manajer PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 Cepu Field, Kamis (26/10).
Untuk meningkatkan produksi di lapangan tersebut, Pertamina melakukan beberapa tahapan. Skala prioritas pada potensi terbesar gain produksi untuk perawatan, kemudian dengan menghidupkan sumur-sumur yang mati. Selain itu Pertamina bekerjasama dengan masyarakat penambang untuk mengembalikan sumur-sumur atau aset-aset negara yang sebelumnya dikelola penduduk. Target akhir tahun produksi lapangan ini sebesar 1.080 barel per hari.
"Kami berharap, hasilnya lebih besar dari target tersebut," katanya.
Terhitung sejak 24 Oktober 2017, total realisasi produksi Cepu Field di atas 2.200 barel per hari atau sekitar 115% dari target rata-rata produksi minyak Cepu Field setahun sebesar 1.862 bph. Sementara produksi gas, mencapai 68,7 juta kaki kubik gas per hari (mmscfd) dengan tingkat penjualan gas terserap 42,5 mmscfd.
Kontan, Page-14, Friday, October 27, 2017
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