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Friday, October 13, 2017

Pertamina Wins World Award

PT Pertamina through Pertamina Refinery Unit (RU) VI Balongan won the World Safety Organization (WSO) award for WSO Concern Company category. The first award of this Indonesian representative was received by Vice President of Health Safety Environment Refinery, Mahendrata at the annual WSO congress which was held at the Tuscany Casino Hotel, Las Vegas, USA.

Vice President Corporate Cormmunication Pertamina explains, there are different in this World Safety Organization (WSO) congress, because for the first time Indonesia sent a nomination in the arena of awards the world's safety organizations. As a result, two Indonesian representatives won the award.

"At the time of the company's efforts to improve the performance of HSSE, one of Pertamina's business units received recognition from the WSO congress. It will be the motivation for the company to implement safety and security principles in every sphere company work "he said.

The congress was attended by representatives from various countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, Middle East, and Canada. Congress which was opened by WSO Director, Mr. Lon S. McDanie discusses various safety issues, including transportation safety, in construction safety, oil and gas safety, chemical safety, public safety and others.

Representative of Indonesia Soehatman Ramli as National Office Indonesia said that Pertamina Refinery Unit (RU) VI Balongan won prestigious award in WSO because of various achievements that have been achieved for the category of company, while for other Indonesian representatives, Dr. Waluyo Marto Wiyoto received awards for WSO Citizen category Awards.

"Pertamina RU VI Balongan is deemed to be eligible for awards due to various achievements achieved during the operation, such as safe working hours has reached 98 million more without accidents, the Company predicate Gold Proper, ISRS level 8, and many more achievements that have been achieved," said Soehatman Ramli.


Pertamina Raih Penghargaan Tingkat Dunia

PT Pertamina melalui Pertamina Refinery Unit (RU) VI Balongan meraih penghargaan World Safety Organization (WSO) untuk kategori WSO Concern Company. Perhargaan pertama kali dari perwakilan Indonesia ini diterima oleh Vice President Health Safety Environment Refinery, Mahendrata dalam kongres tahunan WSO yang kali ini digelar di Hotel Tuscany Casino, Las Vegas, Amerika Serikat.

Vice President Corporate Cormmunication Pertamina menjelaskan, ada yang berbeda dalam kongres World Safety Organization (WSO) ini, karena untuk pertama kalinya Indonesia mengirimkan nominasi dalam arena penghargaan organisasi keselamatan dunia tersebut.  Hasilnya dua perwakilan Indonesia meraih penghargaan.

“Di saat upaya perusahaan untuk meningkatkan kinerja HSSE, salah satu unit bisnis Pertamina mendapatkan pengakuan dari kongres WSO. Ini akan menjadi motivasi bagi perusahaan untuk mengimplentasikan prinsip-prinsip keamanan dan keselamatan di setiap lingkup kerja perusahaan" katanya.

Kongres tersebut dihadiri oleh perwakilan dari berbagai negara di Eropa, Asia, Afrika, Timur Tengah, dan Kanada. Kongres yang dibuka oleh Director WSO, Mr. Lon S. McDanie ini membahas berbagai isu keselamatan, di antaranya transportation safety, in construction safety, oil and gas safety, chemical safety, public safety dan lainnya.

Perwakilan Indonesia Soehatman Ramli selaku National Office Indonesia mengatakan, Pertamina Refinery Unit (RU) VI Balongan meraih penghargaan bergengsi di WSO karena berbagai prestasi yang selama ini dicapainya untuk kategori perusahaan, sementara untuk perwakilan Indonesia lainnya, Dr Waluyo Marto Wiyoto menerima penghargaan untuk kategori WSO Citizen Awards.

“Pertamina RU VI Balongan dinilai berhak memperoleh penghargaan karena berbagai prestasi yang dicapai selama beroperasi, seperti jam kerja aman sudah mencapai 98 juta lebih tanpa kecelakaan, Perusahaan berpredikat Proper Emas, ISRS level 8, dan masih banyak lagi prestasiprestasi yang sudah diraih,” kata Soehatman Ramli.

Investor Daily, Page-5, Thursday, October 12, 2017

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