PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) again committed to expanding the natural gas network in various regions. One of them is natural gas distribution pipeline project in Dumai, Riau Province along 56 kilometers. The project is targeted to complete and deliver gas by the end of 2018.
"The gas distribution pipeline project in Dumai has already begun, and its progress has now reached 40 percent," said PGN Infrastructure and Technology Director Dilo Seno Widagdo, in Jakarta, Wednesday (25/10).
Dilo said the development of natural gas distribution pipeline in Dumai aims to serve the needs of natural gas in Dumai City Region. The customers are both from the industrial, commercial, and household sectors.
PGN is targeting a number of potential customers in the Dumai region, such as Pelintung Industrial Estate, Pelindo, and Lubuk Gaung Industrial Estate.
"Also a number of industries in the field of oleochemicals," said Dilo.
Dilo said the pipeline development process has started several months ago. "The gas distribution pipeline project in Dumai has already started its construction. Because we have completed with permission, "added Dilo.
According Dilo, because the construction of the distribution pipeline has begun, the possibility of the project can be completed on time. For Lubuk Gaung section is targeted to be completed by the end of December 2017. Meanwhile, section of Simpang Belitung is completed in mid 2018.
"So we expect to be on target along with the completion of Duri-Dumai gas transmission pipeline project along 67 km in October 2018," he said.
Not only in Dumai, PGN is also currently developing West Natuna Transmission System (WNTS) transmission pipeline infrastructure to Pemping Island, Riau Islands Province. PGN also develops natural gas pipeline in Muara Karang-Muara Bekasi along 42 km. PGN is also still in the process of building a natural gas distribution pipeline network in Pasuruan, Mojokerto.
Currently, PGN has built and operated a natural gas pipeline infrastructure of 7,270 km or 80 percent of Indonesia's downstream gas pipeline. Despite continuing to build an infrastructure project for natural gas network, PGN does not burden the State Budget (APBN).
Of the infrastructure, PGN is delivering gas to 1,652 industrial customers and power plants, 1,929 commercial or hotel customers, restaurants, and restaurants, small businesses. PGN also supplies gas to 204,000 household customers. This PGN customer is spread over 19 cities in 12 provinces.
Proyek Pipa Distribusi Gas Bumi PGN di Dumai Capai 40%
PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) kembali berkomitmen memperluas jaringan gas bumi di berbagai daerah. Salah satunya proyek pipa distribusi gas bumi di Dumai, Provinsi Riau sepanjang 56 kilometer. Proyek ini ditargetkan selesai dan mengalirkan gas pada akhir 2018.
“Proyek pipa distribusi gas bumi di Dumai sudah dimulai, bahkan progresnya saat ini sudah mencapai 40%,” kata Direktur Infrastruktur dan Teknologi PGN Dilo Seno Widagdo, di Jakarta, Rabu (25/10).
Dilo mengatakan, pembangunan pipa distribusi gas bumi di Dumai ini bertujuan untuk melayani kebutuhan gas bumi di Wilayah Kota Dumai. Para pelanggan tersebut baik dari sektor industri, komersial, maupun rumah tangga.
PGN membidik sejumlah potensi calon pelanggan di wilayah Dumai, seperti Kawasan Industri Pelintung, Pelindo, dan Kawasan Industri Lubuk Gaung.
“juga sejumlah industri di bidang oleochemical,” ujar Dilo.
Dilo mengatakan, proses pembangunan pipa distribusi ini sudah dimulai beberapa bulan lalu. “Proyek pipa distribusi gas di Dumai sudah dimulai konstruksinya. Karena kami sudah melengkapi dengan izin,” tambah Dilo.
Menurut Dilo, karena pembangunan pipa distribusi sudah dimulai, kemungkinan proyek bisa selesai tepat waktu. Untuk seksi Lubuk Gaung ditargetkan selesai pada akhir Desember 2017. Sementara itu, seksi Simpang Belitung selesai pada pertengahan 2018.
“Jadi kami harapkan bisa on target bersamaan dengan selesainya proyek pipa transmisi gas bumi Duri-Dumai sepanjang 67 km pada Oktober 2018,” ujarnya.
Tidak hanya di Dumai, saat ini PGN juga sedang mengembangkan infrastruktur pipa transmisi gas bumi West Natuna Transmission System (WNTS) ke Pulau Pemping, Provinsi Kepulauan Riau. PGN juga mengembangkan pipa gas bumi di Muara Karang-Muara Bekasi sepanjang 42 km. PGN juga masih dalam proses membangun jaringan pipa distribusi gas bumi di Pasuruan, Mojokerto.
Saat ini, PGN telah membangun dan mengoperasikan infrastruktur pipa-gas bumi sepanjang 7.270 km atau setara 80 persen pipa gas bumi hilir seluruh Indonesia. Meski terus membangun proyek infrastruktur jaringan gas bumi, PGN tidak membebani Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN).
Dari infrastruktur tersebut, PGN mengalirkan gas ke 1.652 pelanggan industri dan pembangkit listrik, 1.929 pelanggan komersial atau hotel, restoran, dan rumah makan, usaha kecil. PGN juga mengalirkan gas ke 204.000 pelanggan rumah tangga. Pelanggan PGN ini tersebar di 19 kota di 12 provinsi.
Investor Daily, Page-9, Thursday, October 26, 2017
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