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Thursday, October 19, 2017

PGN: Natural Gas Price in Medan Drops Since February 1, 2017

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara confirmed that natural gas price in Medan, North Sumatera has decreased since February 2017 from US $ 12.22 per MMBTU to US $ 9.95 per MMBTU.

"We need to say again that the price of natural gas in Medan, especially in Medan Industrial Zone has been declining," said PGN Commercial Director Danny Praditya,
Tuesday (17/10),

Danny said, information on the decline of this price need to continue, because there are still parties who do not know that the price of gas in Medan has fallen.

"To avoid slander and misunderstanding, we need to say that gas prices in Medan have fallen." Danny said firmly.

The price reduction policy is a follow up of President Joko Widodo's direction. After discussing with all parties starting from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the Ministry of Industry, Pertamina, PGN to the industry in Medan, the gas price decreased from US $ 12.22 per MMBTU to US $ 9.95 per MMBTU.

"All parties are sacrificing to reduce their tariffs in order to boost the competitiveness of domestic industries," said Danny.

Danny asserted, the price of natural gas for industry is not determined by PGN alone. Many variables forming the price of natural gas, especially for the Medan region where the source of natural gas supply comes from liquefied natural gas (LNG) that costs higher than gas pipelines.

Although PGN builds and manages 600 km of natural gas pipelines that deliver gas to 45 industrial customers, 495 commercial and SME businesses, and 19,830 households, gas allocation is not from PGN.

"Various variables forming gas prices in Medan, ranging from gas sources to LNG and gas wells, then through transmission pipelines, gas traders and other new to PGN. Even of the 600 km of pipes we build and operate, PGN only charge US $ 0.9 per MMBTU, very little margin that we can,"Danny Said.


PGN: Harga Gas Bumi di Medan Turun Sejak 1 Februari 2017

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara memastikan harga gas bumi di wilayah Medan, Sumatera Utara sudah turun sejak Februari 2017 dari sebelumnya US$ 12,22 per MMBTU menjadi US$ 9,95 per MMBTU.

"Kami perlu sampaikan kembali, bahwa harga gas bumi di Medan, terutama di Kawasan Industri Medan telah turun. Kebijakan penurunan harga keluar Maret namun berlaku surut per 1 Februari 2017," tegas Direktur Komersial PGN, Danny Praditya, Selasa (17/10),

Danny mengungkapkan, informasi penurunan harga ini perlu terus dilakukan, karena masih ada pihak yang belum mengetahui bahwa harga gas di Medan telah turun.

"Untuk menghindarkan fitnah dan salah paham, kami perlu sampaikan bahwa harga gas di Medan telah turun." tegas Danny.

Kebijakan penurunan harga tersebut merupakan lanjutan dari arahan Presiden Joko Widodo. Setelah melakukan pembahasan dengan seluruh pihak mulai dari Kementerian ESDM, Kementerian Perindustrian, Pertamina, PGN hingga industri di Medan, maka di putuskan harga gas turun dari US$ 12,22 per MMBTU menjadi US$ 9,95 per MMBTU.

"Semua pihak berkorban mengurangi tarifnya agar dapat mendorong daya saing industri dalam negeri," ujar Danny.

Danny menegaskan, harga gas bumi untuk industri tidak ditentukan oleh PGN semata. Banyak variabel pembentuk harga gas bumi, apalagi untuk wilayah Medan di mana sumber pasokan gas bumi berasal dari gas alam cair (LNG) yang harganya lebih tinggi dibanding gas pipa.

Walau PGN membangun dan mengelola 600 km pipa gas bumi yang mengalirkan gas ke 45 pelanggan industri, 495 usaha komersil dan UKM, serta 19.830 rumah tangga, alokasi gas bukan berasal dari PGN.

"Banyak variabel pembentuk harga gas di Medan, mulai dari sumber gasnya berasal dari LNG dan sumur gas, kemudian melalui pipa transmisi, trader gas dan lainnya baru ke PGN. Bahkan dari 600 km pipa yang kami bangun dan operasikan, PGN hanya mengenakan biaya US$ 0,9 per MMBTU, sangat kecil margin yang kami dapat,” kata Danny.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Wednesday, October 18, 2017

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