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Friday, October 13, 2017

Premier Oil Natuna Develops Three Fields

Premier Oil Nauma Sea BV began developing three gas fields, namely Bison Field, Iguana, and Elephant Princess (BIGP) in Natuna Sea, Anambas Islands. This project is a continuation of gas development in Natuna Sea Block A. Working Area

The beginning of this development project is marked by the signing of an engineering construction services procurement construction and installation contract between Premier and PT Timas Suplindo's contractor on October 10, 2017.

"This is an important progress for the project, as well as showing Indonesia's oil and gas industry is still stretched even though the world oil price has not fully recovered," said Head of Program and Communication Division of SKK Migas Wisnu Prabawa Taher in a release on Thursday (12/10).

The project includes the development of three subsea wells in Bison, Iguana and Elephant Princess fields, at a depth of approximately 80 m above sea level.

Production from Bison and Iguana Fields will be flown through pipes of 8 km and 6 km to the Pelikan Pavilion before being forwarded to the New Elephant CPP facility for processing. While the production from Gajah Puteri Field will be streamed through the pipeline as far as 42 km to the AGX platform with a control system of the Dragon's platform. The BIGP gas development project will add about 80 bcf of gas reserves. With a maximum production of 60 mmscfd and condensate production of about 1,100 bopd.


Premier Oil Natuna Kembangkan Tiga Lapangan

Premier Oil Nauma Sea BV mulai mengembangkan tiga lapangan gas, yakni Lapangan Bison, Iguana, dan Gajah Puteri (BIGP) di Laut Natuna, Kepulauan Anambas. Proyek ini merupakan kelanjutan pengembangan gas di Wilayah Kerja Natuna Sea Block A.

Mulainya proyek pengembangan ini ditandai dengan ditandatanganinya kontrak jasa pembangunan engineering procurement construction and installation antara Premier dengan kontraktor pelaksana PT Timas Suplindo pada tanggal 10 Oktober 2017.

"Ini merupakan progres penting bagi proyek, sekaligus menunjukkan industri migas Indonesia masih menggeliat meskipun harga minyak dunia belum sepenuhnya pulih," ujar Kepala Divisi Program dan Komunikasi SKK Migas Wisnu Prabawa Taher dalam rilis, Kamis (12/10).

Proyek tersebut meliputi pengembangan tiga sumur subsea masing-masing di Lapangan Bison, Iguana dan Gajah Puteri, pada kedalaman sekitar 80 m dari permukaan laut. 

Produksi dari Lapangan Bison dan Iguana akan dialirkan melalui pipa masing-masing sejauh 8 km dan 6 km ke menuju Anjungan Pelikan sebelum diteruskan ke fasilitas Gajah Baru CPP untuk diproses. Sedangkan produksi dari Lapangan Gajah Puteri akan dialirkan melaui pipa sejauh 42 km ke anjungan AGX dengan sistem kontrol dari anjungan Naga. Proyek pengembangan gas BIGP ini akan menambah cadangan gas sekitar 80 bcf. Dengan produksi maksimum sebesar 60 mmscfd dan produksi kondensat sekitar 1.100 bopd.

Kontan, Page-12, Friday, October 13, 2017

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