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Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Regulation of Minister of Gas Prices Downstream in Finalization Phase

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Regulation concerning the selling price of natural gas at downstream oil and gas business will be issued in the near future. This was conveyed by Director of Oil and Gas Downstream Development of ESDM Ministry Harya Adityawarman, Sunday (1/10).

"In a moment, maybe this is finalization," he said.

Harya said the minister's regulatory purpose is to set the price of gas in the midstream and downstream levels of oil and gas to be more fair for business entities that have the infrastructure and consumers. That way, the profit earned will be in a reasonable stage. 

      The regulation covers a maximum return on investment (IRR) of 11 percent to a gas commercial entrepreneur. Margin for commercial gas entrepreneurs max 7 percent, considering the intermediary or trader took more margin so that the selling price in the end buyer is high enough. Not only that, the rules related to infrastructure to encourage efficiency are also included in the Ministerial Regulation.

"There will be rules of infrastructure issues," he said.

He explains, it is on the third point, namely the extension of the depreciation of the pipe to 15 years. Previously, Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) encouraged the government to prepare an integrated national gas masterplan. Head of Marketing PGN Adi Munandir said the master plan is important so that the government has clear guidance in integrating national gas energy planning and utilization.

"Until today Indonesia does not have a gas masterplan, whereas countries like Ghana and Mozambique just have," he said in a discussion with the Industry Journalists Forum (Forwin), some time ago.

Adi further explained, this masterplan serves to integrate gas industry development planning as well as natural gas production planning and infrastructure development. Not only that, large maps can also synchronize the timing of the execution of those plans.

"So, if there is a gas well that has been production, has been plotted to be used for which industrial zone and what infrastructure should be built first," said Adi.

What happens now, according to him, every ministry and institution has their own planning. The gas industry development roadmap is in the Ministry of Industry, gas infrastructure development plan is in the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, and gas production planning is in SKK Migas.

Adi said all such plans should ideally be integrated so that the development of the gas industry and the utilization of natural gas becomes more effective and efficient.

"Investors also so know when the infrastructure is complete.


Peraturan Menteri Harga Gas Hilir di Tahap Finalisasi

Peraturan menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) tentang harga jual gas bumi pada usaha hilir minyak dan gas bumi akan dikeluarkan dalam waktu dekat. Hal tersebut disampaikan Direktur Pembinaan Hilir Migas Kementerian ESDM Harya Adityawarman, Ahad (1/10).

"Sebentar lagi, mungkin ini finalisasi," katanya. 

Harya mengatakan, tujuan peraturan menteri tersebut adalah untuk menata harga gas bumi di tingkat midstream dan hilir migas agar lebih adil bagi badan usaha yang memiliki infrastruktur dan konsumen. Dengan begitu, keuntungan yang didapatkan akan dalam tahap wajar. 

      Aturan tersebut meliputi tingkat pengembalian investasi (IRR) maksimal 11 persen kepada pengusaha niaga gas. Margin bagi pengusaha niaga gas maksimal 7 persen, mengingat pihak perantara atau trader mengambil margin lebih banyak sehingga harga jual di pembeli akhir cukup tinggi. Tidak hanya itu, aturan terkait infrastruktur untuk mendorong efisiensi juga turut ada pada Peraturan Menteri tersebut.

"Nanti ada aturan-aturan masalah infrastruktur," ujarnya.

Ia menjelaskan, hal tersebut ada pada poin ketiga, yakni perpanjangan masa depresiasi pipa menjadi 15 tahun. Sebelumnya, Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) mendorong pemerintah menyusun masterplan gas nasional yang terintegrasi. Head of Marketing PGN Adi Munandir mengatakan, masterplan ini panting agar pemerintah memiliki panduan yang jelas dalam mengintegrasikan perencanaan dan pemanfaatan energi gas nasional.

"Sampai hari ini Indonesia belum punya masterplan gas, padahal negara seperti Ghana dan Mozambik saja punya," ujarnya dalam diskusi dengan Forum Wartawan Industri (Forwin), beberapa waktu lalu.

Lebih lanjut Adi menjelaskan, masterplan ini berfungsi untuk mengintegrasikan perencanaan pengembangan industri gas sekaligus perencanaan produksi gas bumi dan pengembangan infrastrukturnya. Tidak hanya itu, peta besar juga dapat menyinkronkan waktu pelaksanaan rencana-rencana tersebut.

"Sehingga, kalau ada sumur gas yang sudah produksi, sudah diplot akan dipakai untuk kawasan industri yang mana dan infrastruktur apa yang harus dibangun lebih dulu," ucap Adi.

Yang terjadi saat ini, menurut dia, setiap kementerian dan lembaga memiliki perencanaan masing-masing. Roadmap pengembangan industri gas ada di Kementerian Perindustrian, rencana pembangunan infrastruktur gas ada di Kementerian ESDM, dan perencanaan produksi gas ada di SKK Migas.

Adi mengatakan, semua perencanaan tersebut idealnya diintegrasikan sehingga pengembangan industri gas dan pemanfaatan gas bumi menjadi lebih efektif dan efisien. 

"Investor juga jadi tahu kapan infrastrukturnya selesai.

Republika, Page-14, Monday, October 2, 2017

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