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Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Related Losses, Pertagas Send Letters to CPC

PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas) sends an answer letter to the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK). The letter is an answer to the loss report related to Pertagas and its subsidiaries' business and gas transportation activities in 2014, 2015, the first half of 2016.

Referring to the Summary of Semester 1 2017 Examination results, Pertagas gas commercial activities bear the loss of revenue of US $ 16.57 million and the incidence of bad debts US35 11.86 million. The reason is the preparation of nominees, commercial schemes and operation of gas utilization of Pondok Tengah which do not consider the operating conditions, as well as the transfer of gas allocation for compressed natural gas (CNG) needs to PT Mutiara Energy (PTME)

Pertagas President Director Suko Hartono said Pertagas had sent an answer letter to BPK and followed up the recommendation issued by the examining agency.

"This is evidence we always uphold the commitment of good corporate governance (GCG)," he said.

In accordance with BPK's recommendation, Pertagas has drafted the Organizational Structure (TKO) on shipper stock arrangement. About PT Mutiara Energi bad debts which became one of BPK's highlights, it is very serious to follow up the recommendations of BPK.

"Pertagas continues to make maximum efforts to collect the debt," Suko explained.

Pertagas has filed two summons papers to Pearl Energy. Started the first warning in August 2016, the second warning was sent in September 2016.

"We are optimistic that the issue of receivables with Pearl Energy will be completed in the near future according to the prevailing regulations, which is no later than the end of 2017," he said.


Terkait Kerugian, Pertagas Mengirim Surat ke BPK

PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas) mengirimkan surat jawaban kepada Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK). Selembar surat itu merupakan jawaban atas laporan kerugian berkaitan dengan kinerja kegiatan niaga dan transportasi gas Pertagas dan anak perusahaan tahun 2014, 2015, semester I-2016.

Mengacu ikhtisar Hasil Pemeriksaan Semester 1 2017, kegiatan niaga gas Pertagas menanggung kehilangan pendapatan sebesar US$ 16,57 juta dan timbulnya piutang macet US35 11,86 juta. Penyebabnya adalah penyusunan nominasi, skema niaga dan operasi pemanfaatan gas Pondok tengah yang tidak mempertimbangkan kondisi operasi, serta pengalihan alokasi gas untuk kebutuhan compressed natural gas (CNG) kepada PT Mutiara Energy (PTME)

Presiden Direktur Pertagas Suko Hartono mengatakan Pertagas telah mengirimkan Surat jawaban kepada BPK dan menindaklanjuti rekomendasi yang dikeluarkan lembaga pemeriksa tersebut. 

"Ini bukti kami selalu menjunjung tinggi komitmen good corporate governance (GCG)," ujarnya.

Sesuai rekomendasi BPK, Pertagas telah menyusun draf Tata Kerja Organisasi (TKO) mengenai pengaturan shipper stock. Perihal piutang macet PT Mutiara Energi yang menjadi salah satu sorotan BPK, pihaknya sangat serius menindaklanjuti rekomendasi BPK. 

"Pertagas terus melakukan upaya maksimal melakukan penagihan utang," jelas Suko.

Pertagas telah mengajukan dua surat somasi kepada Mutiara Energi. Mulai peringatan pertama di Agustus 2016, berlanjut peringatan kedua yang dikirim pada September 2016. 

"Kami optimistis persoalan piutang dengan Mutiara Energi selesai dalam waktu dekat sesuai peraturan yang berlaku, yakni paling lambat akhir tahun 2017," katanya.

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, October 11, 2017

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