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Thursday, October 19, 2017

The decline in Industrial Gas Price is constrained by Contract

Coordinating Minister for Marine Affairs, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan admitted, it is not easy for the government to lower the price of industrial gas. One of the main causes is contract problems. Luhut said that currently many contracts on gas production refer to the old contracts referring to the reference price of production in accordance with economic conditions when the contract is made. Thus, currently there are only three of 11 industry sectors that feel the benefits of the decline in gas prices.

"The gas price is a constraint because the contracts have been made for a long time," said Luhut when met at the Presidential Staff Office, Jakarta, Wednesday (18/10).

Luhut did not dismiss many industry chokes due to the price of gas that still ranged between 9-10 US dollars per mmbtu. Nevertheless, he and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs continue to seek a way out of this problem.

"I continue to talk Pak Darmin (Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs) and Mr. Jonan (Minister of EMR) to discuss this matter," said Luhut. The high price of industrial gas makes the Masela Block downstream plan hampered. Masala Block which has a large reserve and plans to be operated by Inpex has not been continued until now.

Inpex is reluctant to exploit if there is no certainty who the buyers of their production gas. The Ministry of Industry is seeking the ceramics and glass industry to be the next priority to enjoy the decline in industrial gas prices.

Director of Upstream Chemical Industry Ministry of Industry Muhammad Khayam said the decline in industrial gas prices should be utilized in the steel, fertilizer and petrochemical industries.

"There are eight companies that are already utilizing the industrial gas price decline," Khayam said.

The Ministry of Industry proposes ten industry sectors plus existing industries within industrial zones to get a fall in gas prices to boost industrial competitiveness. However, Khayam said that it will be done after there is clarity related to the decline in gas prices for 78 companies engaged in the fertilizer, petrochemical and steel industries.

"We focus first on these 78 companies.The next two industries will be re-submitted after the 78th there is clarity," said Khayam.

The 10 industry sectors proposed by the Ministry of Industry to obtain the decline in gas prices, namely fertilizer industry, petrochemical industry, steel industry, ceramics industry, glass industry, pulp and paper industry, food and beverage industry, textile and footwear industry, hand rubber and oleochemical industries.


Penurunan Harga Gas Industri terkendala Kontrak

Menteri Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan mengakui, tidak mudah bagi pemerintah menurunkan harga gas industri. Salah satu penyebab utamanya karena permasalahan kontrak. Luhut mengatakan, saat ini banyak kontrak atas produksi gas mengacu pada kontrak lama yang mengacu pada acuan harga produksi sesuai kondisi ekonomi saat kontrak tersebut dibuat. Sehingga, saat ini baru ada tiga dari 11 sektor industri yang merasakan manfaat penurunan harga gas.

"Harga gas itu kendalanya karena kontrak yang dibuat itu sudah lama. Ketentuannya memakai perhitungan saat itu," ujar Luhut saat ditemui di Kantor Staf Kepresidenan, Jakarta, Rabu (18/10).

Luhut tidak menampik banyak industri tercekik akibat karena harga gas yang masih berkisar antara 9-10 dolar AS per mmbtu. Meski begitu, dirinya bersama Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral dan Kementerian koordinator Bidang Perekenomian terus mencari jalan keluar atas permasalahan ini.

"Saya terus berbicara Pak Darmin (Menko Bidang Perekonomian) dan Pak Jonan (Menteri ESDM) untuk membahas soal ini," ujar Luhut. Masih tingginya harga gas industri membuat rencana hilirisasi Blok Masela tersendat. Blok Masala yang memiliki cadangan cukup besar dan berencana dioperasikan oleh Inpex ini belum ada kelanjutannya hingga saat ini.

Inpex enggan melakukan eksploitasi jika belum ada kepastian siapa pembeli gas produksi mereka. Kementerian Perindustrian mengupayakan industri keramik dan kaca menjadi prioritas selanjutnya untuk bisa menikmati penurunan harga gas industri.

Direktur Industri Kimia Hulu Kementerian Perindustrian Muhammad Khayam mengatakan, penurunan harga gas industri harus dimanfaatkan itu industri baja, pupuk, dan petrokimia.

"Ada delapan perusahaan yang sudah memanfaatkan penurunan harga gas industri," kata Khayam.

Kementerian perindusterian mengajukan sepuluh sektor industri ditambah industri yang ada di dalam kawasan industri untuk mendapat penurunan harga gas untuk mendongkrak daya saing industri. Namun, Khayam menyampaikan bahwa hal tersebut akan dilakukan setelah ada kejelasan terkait penurunan harga gas untuk 78 perusahaan yang bergerak di sektor industri pupuk, petrokimia, dan baja.

"Kami fokus dulu untuk 78 perusahaan ini. Dua industri selanjutnya akan diajukan kembali setelah yang 78 ini ada kejelasan," ungkap Khayam.

Adapun 10 sektor industri yang diajukan Kementerian perindusterian untuk mendapatkan penurunan harga gas, yakni industri pupuk, industri petrokimia, industri baja, industri keramik, industri kaca, industri pulp dan kertas, industri makanan dan minuman, industri tekstil dan alas kaki, industri ban dan sarung tangan karet dan industri oleokimia.

Republika, Page-16, Thursday, October 19, 2017

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