, pub-9591068673925608, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 The Duri-Dumai Gas Transmission Pipe is immediately realized - MEDIA MONITORING OIL AND GAS -->

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Thursday, October 26, 2017

The Duri-Dumai Gas Transmission Pipe is immediately realized

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) will soon realize the construction of the Duri-Dumai gas transmission pipeline project in Riau Province along 67 kilometers. As a commitment to the timely delivery of gas to users in the Dumai region, the groundbreaking process will start next month.

"Beginning in November PGN commenced construction of a gas transmission pipeline project from Duri to Dumai along 67 km. Construction of this project is estimated to take 12 months. Our target is, October 1, 2018, natural gas is flowing to PGN customers in Dumai, "said PGN Commercial Director Danny Praditya in Jakarta.

According to Danny, construction of this transmission pipe can be implemented immediately because the land acquisition process is almost complete. Moreover, the construction of the Duri-Dumai pipeline will use the Pekanbaru-Dumai toll road area.

"We are in synergy with PT Hutama Karya as the builder of the toll road," said Danny.

Danny said, other than that the licensing business was no problem. According to him, PGN has obtained all necessary permits.

"We have obtained the principle permit from the regional government and environmental permits and other licenses" he said.

The Duri-Dumai transmission gas transmission pipeline project is a BUMN cooperation between PGN and PT Pertamina through its subsidiary PT Pertamina Gas. This cooperation refers to Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Decree No. 4975 K / 12 / MEM / 2016. In June, both SOEs have signed Head of Agreement (HOA).

The plan PGN and Pertamina will build a transmission pipeline along the 67 kilometers. Investment that will disbursed reached USD 76 million or equivalent to Rp 1.02 trillion (exchange rate Rp 13,500).

The pipeline development fund is sourced from internal cash of each company. Under the ownership portion, PGN will receive a 40% share in the project, while Pertamina gets 60%. The gas to be piped to this pipeline comes from the ConocoPhilips Corridor Block in South Sumatra.

"Construction of this project is estimated to take 12 months. Target Rami, October 1, 2018, natural gas is flowing to PGN customers in Dumai. "


PGN Commercial Director In addition, there will be additional gas from Bentu Block operated by Energi Mega Persada (EMP). The total gas supply that will flow into the transmission pipeline is about 200 million cubic feet per day (mmscfd). The gas will be channeled to meet the needs of industries in Riau, port requirements, petrochemical industry, and operational needs of Pertamina's Dumai refinery.

"In principle, on the PGN side is ready, just waiting for the readiness of the partners," said Danny.

Not only in Dumai, PGN is also currently developing West Natuna Transmission System (WNTS) transmission pipeline infrastructure to Pemping Island, Riau Islands Province. PGN also develops natural gas pipeline in Muara Karang-Muara Bekasi along 42 km. PGN is also still in the process of building a natural gas distribution pipeline network in Pasuruan, Mojokerto.

Currently, PGN has built and operated a natural gas pipeline infrastructure of 7,270 km or 80 percent of the downstream gas pipeline throughout Indonesia. Despite continuing to build an infrastructure project for natural gas network, PGN does not burden the state budget of revenues and expenditures (APBN).

Of the infrastructure, PGN is delivering gas to 1,652 industrial customers and power plants, 1,929 commercial or hotel customers, restaurants and restaurants, as well as small businesses. PGN also supplies gas to 204,000 household customers. This PGN customer is spread over 19 cities in 12 provinces.

Director of Planning and Development of Oil and Gas Infrastructure at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Alimuddin Baso said he had discussed the project.

The Duri-Dumai transmission pipeline project was led by EMR Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources and attended by Pertamina Gas Director Yenny Andayani, Director of PGN Gas Infrastructure Dilo Seno Widagdo, and Director General of Oil and Gas Ego Syahrial.

In the meeting, Pertamina and PGN have agreed to cooperate with the operation. "Hopefully this October could soon groundbreaking," he said.


Pipa Transmisi Gas Duri-Dumai Segera Terwujud

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) segera mewujudkan pembangunan proyek pipa transmisi gas bumi Duri-Dumai di Provinsi Riau sepanjang 67 kilometer.

Sebagai komitmen ketepatan waktu penyaluran gas ke pengguna di wilayah Dumai, rencananya proses peletakan batu pertama (groundbreaking) akan dimulai bulan depan.

“Awal November PGN memulai pengerjaan proyek pipa transmisi gas bumi dari Duri sampai dengan Dumai sepanjang 67 km. Pembangunan proyek ini diperkirakan membutuhkan waktu 12 bulan. Target kami, 1 Oktober 2018, gas bumi sudah mengalir kepada pelanggan PGN di Dumai," kata Direktur Komersial PGN Danny Praditya di Jakarta.

Menurut Danny, pembangunan pipa transmisi ini bisa segera dilaksanakan karena proses pembebasan lahan sudah hampir selesai. Apalagi, pembangunan ruas pipa Duri-Dumai ini akan menggunakan lahan jalur Tol Pekanbaru-Dumai. 

“Kami bersinergi dengan PT Hutama Karya sebagai pihak yang membangun tol tersebut," kata Danny.

Danny mengatakan, selain itu urusan perizinan pun sudah tidak ada masalah. Menurut dia, PGN sudah mendapatkan seluruh izin yang diperlukan.

“Kami sudah mendapatkan izin prinsip dari pemerintah wilayah dan izin lingkungan dan perizinan lainnya" ujarnya.

Proyek pembangunan pipa gas transmisi Duri-Dumai merupakan kerja sama BUMN antara PGN dengan PT Pertamina melalui anak usahanya PT Pertamina Gas. Kerja sama ini merujuk pada Keputusan Menteri ESDM Nomor 4975 K/12/MEM/2016. Pada Juni lalu, kedua BUMN ini telah menandatangani Head of Agreement (HOA).

Rencananya PGN dan Pertamina akan membangun pipa transmisi sepanjang 67 kilometer. Investasi yang bakal dikucurkan mencapai USD 76 juta atau setara Rp 1,02 triliun (kurs Rp 13.500).

Dana pembangunan pipa bersumber dari kas internal masing-masing perusahaan. Sesuai porsi kepemilikan, PGN akan mendapat porsi 40% pada proyek tersebut, sementara Pertamina mendapat 60%. Gas yang akan dialirkan ke pipa ini berasal dari Blok Corridor yang dikelola ConocoPhilips di Sumatera Selatan.

“Pembangunan proyek ini diperkirakan membutuhkan waktu 12 bulan. Target Rami, 1 Oktober 2018, gas bumi sudah mengalir kepada pelanggan PGN di Dumai.”


Direktur Komersial PGN Selain itu, akan ada tambahan gas dari Blok Bentu yang dioperasikan Energi Mega Persada (EMP).
Total pasokan gas yang akan mengalir ke jaringan pipa transmisi tersebut sekitar 200 juta kaki kubik per hari (mmscfd). Gas tersebut akan dialirkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan industri di Riau, kebutuhan pelabuhan, industri petrokimia, dan kebutuhan operasional kilang Dumai Pertamina. 

“Pada prinsipnya, di sisi PGN sudah siap, hanya menunggu kesiapan dari mitra,” ujar Danny.

Tidak hanya di Dumai, saat ini PGN juga sedang mengembangkan infrastruktur pipa transmisi gas bumi West Natuna Transmission System (WNTS) ke Pulau Pemping, Provinsi Kepulauan Riau. PGN juga mengembangkan pipa gas bumi di Muara Karang-Muara Bekasi sepanjang 42 km. PGN juga masih dalam proses membangun jaringan pipa distribusi gas bumi di Pasuruan, Mojokerto.

Saat ini PGN telah membangun dan mengoperasikan infrastruktur pipa gas bumi sepanjang 7.270 km atau setara 80 persen pipa gas bumi hilir seluruh Indonesia. Meski terus membangun proyek infrastruktur jaringan gas bumi, PGN tidak membebani anggaran pendapatan dan belanja negara (APBN).

Dari infrastruktur tersebut, PGN mengalirkan gas kepada 1.652 pelanggan industri dan pembangkit listrik, 1.929 pelanggan komersial atau hotel, restoran, dan rumah makan, serta usaha kecil. PGN juga mengalirkan gas kepada 204.000 pelanggan rumah tangga. Pelanggan PGN ini tersebar di 19 kota di 12 provinsi.

Direktur Perencanaan dan Pembangunan Infrastruktur Migas Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Alimuddin Baso mengatakan telah membahas proyek tersebut.

Untuk pembahasan proyek pipa transmisi Duri-Dumai dipimpin oleh Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar dan dihadiri Direktur Gas Pertamina Yenny Andayani, Direktur Infrastruktur Gas PGN Dilo Seno Widagdo, serta Direktur Jenderal Migas Ego Syahrial.

Adapun di dalam pertemuan tersebut, Pertamina dan PGN sudah sepakat untuk kerja sama operasi. “Mudah-mudahan Oktober ini bisa segera groundbreaking,” katanya.

Koran Sindo, Page-18, Wednesday, October 25, 2017

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